The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 967: A good dog never dies at home (November monthly ticket plus update 321)


The small copper pot was steaming, and the pot was bubbling.

Zhao Jun stretched out his chopsticks and lifted them up. There were sauerkraut, vermicelli and beef slices between the two chopsticks.

Zhao Jun took the bowl with his left hand and caught the dish, brought it back to him, picked up the dish again, blew on it twice, and then put the dish into his open mouth.

When the food in your mouth is almost chewed, use your chopsticks to pick up a little more chive flowers and stuff it into your mouth, and then take two more mouthfuls of rice into your mouth.

The vegetables were covered just now, and the vegetable soup sank into the rice. The soaked rice was warm and flavorful.

While Zhao Jun was eating, Zhao Youcai, who was far away in Lin Class 42, was also eating. What he also ate was braised pork with pickled cabbage and vermicelli, but what they had in their pot was wild boar meat.

The only drawback was that there was too little meat. Even among six people, each person couldn't get five slices.

The reason for the six people was that Jiang Ershuan was also there. This dish was considered good in Lengchang, so there was no reason for him not to eat it.

The six of them were eating, drinking and chatting. Jiang Ershuan tentatively asked the five of them when Lengchang would resume work.

Although Jiang Ershuan didn't have to pay wages to the tenants, he still had to provide food for them. Lengchang didn't make any money every day, so he spent money in vain.

Mentioning this, Li Chunming and the other four frowned. They were here to take on a mission. Today was the fourth day and they hadn't been knocked down by the tiger yet, which made them a little anxious.

Also anxious is Zhao Youcai. He came out secretly. Although he thinks he is doing well, there is a possibility of being exposed every day.

What Zhao Youcai didn't know was that his panic had been exposed. Only after Li Dayong returned home in fear did he realize that such a big thing had happened at home.

The cats and wolves died, which made Li Dayong feel very sad. Fortunately, Wang Meilan didn't mention that he helped Zhao Youcai lie yesterday, which made Li Dayong secretly relieved.

But when he returned to his home after dinner, Li Dayong was severely scolded by Jin Xiaomei.

Listening to his father being scolded, Li Xiaoqiao, who was rubbing rhubarb in the west room, said to Li Baoyu: "Brother, why doesn't rhubarb eat?"

"It has inflammation in its body." Li Baoyu's answer shocked Li Xiaoqiao, and the little girl hurriedly asked: "How about treating it?"

"It's okay." Li Baoyu comforted her sister and said, "It'll be fine after a few days of injection."

Li Xiaoqiao felt relieved after hearing what Li Baoyu said.

But when it was late at night, the four members of the Li family had been asleep for a long time, and the big clock on the wall of the east room had passed twelve o'clock.

Dahuang, who was lying next to Li Baoyu, suddenly raised his neck and looked at the snoring Li Baoyu quietly.

After looking at it for a long time, Dahuang slowly moved forward, put his mouth on Li Baoyu's pillow, and gently twitched his nose to sniff.

Then, Dahuang slowly stood up and jumped off the bed.

When he landed, Dahuang's butt sank and he almost sat on the ground. If this were normal, the first thing the rhubarb would do after it landed was fluttering and shaking its hair.

But at this time, it just got up with difficulty and walked towards the door of the house.

When he arrived at the door, Dahuang turned his head and glanced at the sleeping Li Baoyu, then lowered his head and knocked the door open.

It was late at night, the fire in the stove pit had long been extinguished, and it was a little cold in the outhouse. Dahuang trembled slightly, stepped behind the door, scratched it several times, and closed the door for Li Baoyu.

Then Dahuang approached the door of the east room, lowered his head and sniffed under the door, and finally turned and walked outside.

The door of Li's house is just a door panel. There is a lock on the outside but not on the inside. Just a piece of rubber is nailed to the closing area of ​​the door panel so that it is tight after closing and cannot be pushed open without pushing hard from the inside.

Dahuang banged his head for a long time, and finally pushed the door open. When he came out of the house, Xiaohua, who was huddled in the doghouse, suddenly woke up.

Xiaohua smelled it was Rhubarb, so she didn't bark, but she jumped out of the kennel and wagged her tail towards Rhubarb.

Dahuang tried to close the door, but because there was a piece of rubber at the door, the door wouldn't close tightly without any effort.

Dahuang had no choice but to close the door ajar, and then walked towards the courtyard entrance in the vast darkness.

At this time, several dogs from the Zhao family in the east courtyard noticed it. They got up and came out of the kennel, and all looked in the direction of the Li family.

When Dahuang arrived in front of the courtyard gate, the tents in front of the Zhao and Li families were surrounded by wickers, as was the tent door.

The gate of the courtyard is fastened with a wooden stick. This can only protect against gentlemen, but not villains.

Dahuang knocked three times in a row before knocking the tent door open.

At this time, Dahuang seemed to have exhausted all his strength. After he came out of the door, he turned sideways and landed directly in front of the door.

The next morning, when Jin Xiaomei came out of the east room, she couldn't help but frown and muttered: "Why is it so cold today?"

After saying that, Jin Xiaomei saw the door of the room open a crack.

"Ouch!" Jin Xiaomei hurriedly pulled the door tightly, then went to the stove pit, took the firewood next to it and added it. After a while, Li Dayong and Li Baoyu woke up. Jin Xiaomei was afraid that they would get cold.

After the stove pit was burning, Jin Xiaomei went to the water tank, opened the lid and took a look, and said with a "tsk": "It's all frozen!"

In the water tank, a thin layer of ice formed on the water surface.

Jin Xiaomei used a gourd gourd to break the ice and poured a few gourds of water into the pot. She gasped for breath and muttered: "We won't be eating potatoes today. Give us rhubarb and boil corn noodles to eat."

After saying that, Jin Xiaomei covered the pot and while preparing to wait for the water to boil, she pushed the door open and walked outside with a flashlight.

This morning, she wasn't going to make anything too complicated. She wanted to make radish soup and put some freeze-dried food on it.

When Jin Xiaomei came out of her home and walked to the door of the warehouse, she accidentally swiped the flashlight and saw that the door of her yard was open.

Jin Xiaomei's heart skipped a beat, wondering if someone was coming? But then I thought about it, if there is a dog in the house, outsiders will never be allowed in.

But after she took two steps toward the door, Jin Xiaomei paused and looked outside the courtyard door with wide eyes.

"Dahuang!" Jin Xiaomei shouted and ran quickly to the courtyard gate.

When Jin Xiaomei shouted, the Zhao family's dog and the Li family's little flower all raised their heads and howled toward the sky.

The sound of dogs barking broke the silence of the mountain village.

In the west room of the Li family, Li Baoyu is dreaming.

He dreamed that he and Zhao Jun were taking Hua Xiaoer and Dahuang up the mountain to fight the black blind man.

Hua Xiao'er is the first dog. He disappears as soon as he enters the mountain, but Dahuang always follows him.

Suddenly, a burst of dog barking came to Li Baoyu's ears, and it was Hua Xiao blooming.

At this time, Dahuang jumped forward and galloped forward. Just as Li Baoyu was about to start chasing him, the dog barking in the dream and the dog barking in reality came together, instantly waking up Li Baoyu.

"What time is it?" Li Baoyu subconsciously raised his head and looked at the window, only to see the darkness outside the window. He muttered something in his mouth, and then casually touched his side.

This touch was empty.

Li Baoyu sat up suddenly, hurriedly grabbed the flashlight next to him, and saw that there was no rhubarb on the mattress next to him.

"Rhubarb!" Li Baoyu didn't even wear a cotton jacket or trousers. He jumped out of bed and ran out, pulling on his shoes.

There was no rhubarb in the outer room. At this time, Li Baoyu vaguely heard Jin Xiaomei crying outside the house. He opened the door and ran outside.

In the two courtyards, dogs barked one after another, waking up Zhao Jun, Wang Meilan, and Zhao Chun.

Zhao Jun put on his cotton trousers, put on his cotton jacket and ran outside. When he came out of the outer room, he heard some movement in the east room and said, "Mom, don't worry, put your clothes on before you come out!"

After saying that, Zhao Jun opened the door and went outside.

It was still dark at this time, and there was a chaos of barking dogs in the yard. Zhao Jun pushed the flashlight and waved it into the yard. When he saw that it was not the situation at his own home, he immediately ran out of the yard.

When he came out, he saw Li Baoyu holding Dahuang and howling loudly in front of the Li Family Courtyard. Jin Xiaomei wiped her tears with one hand and grabbed Li Baoyu with the other, trying to pull him up.

When Zhao Jun saw that Li Baoyu was not wearing a cotton-padded jacket or trousers, he hurriedly ran towards him.

At this time, Li Dayong also came out. Based on his experience, he could tell at a glance that the rhubarb was frozen solid.

Li Dayong opened his mouth. Unable to calm down for a while, he shouted: "Why did Dahuang come out?"

Jin Xiaomei twitched and said, "It came out on its own."

At the last moment of his life, this old dog dragged his seriously injured body out of the house and out of the yard.

Li Dayong's cheeks trembled when he heard this, but he stepped forward and grabbed Li Baoyu's arm and said, "Get up and get dressed in the house!"

Zhao Jun also stepped forward and took Rhubarb from Li Baoyu's arms. At this time, the rhubarb was frozen and could no longer be carried into the house.

Li Baoyu was brought into the house by Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei, and Zhao Jun carried Rhubarb into the Li family's warehouse.

Looking at the rhubarb with red ice in the corners of his mouth and nostrils, Zhao Jun gritted his teeth and turned around and came out of the warehouse.

At this time, Wang Meilan also came out of the house. When she saw Zhao Jun, she shouted and asked, "Son, what's going on?"

Immediately afterwards, the door of Zhao's room opened again, and Zhao Chun came out.

Zhao Jun went to the partition wall and called Zhao Chun across the wall: "Sister, don't come out!"

"What's going on?" Zhao Chun asked.

"The rhubarb is gone." After Zhao Jun finished speaking, Wang Meilan sighed heavily.

Zhao Jun asked Wang Meilan and Zhao Chun to go home, while he stepped into Li's house.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Li Baoyu rushing out. Zhao Jun stopped him and hugged Li Baoyu, saying: "Okay, Baoyu, don't go out."

Zhao Jun knew that Li Baoyu had deep feelings for Rhubarb, but he was deeply saddened. He wanted to go out and see Rhubarb again, and it would be pointless to cry.

"Jun." Li Dayong stood at the window looking out and asked, "Where are you putting the rhubarb?"

"It's been put in the warehouse." Zhao Jun said, "I saw there was a tarpaulin in the warehouse. I put it there for Dahuang."

"Okay!" Li Dayong nodded slightly when he heard the words, then walked to the edge of the kang and sat down, reaching out and touching the mattress where Dahuang was lying on it.

"Xiaomei!" Li Dayong looked at Jin Xiaomei and said, "Go and find the money and ask Xiaojun to take it to your sister-in-law."

Yesterday, the two families agreed to pay for the tiger's life.

"Yeah!" Jin Xiaomei responded, turned around and walked out. At this time, Zhao Jun stopped Jin Xiaomei and said, "Auntie, don't take it (qiǔ)."

"Huh?" Jin Xiaomei was stunned. She thought Zhao Jun was asking the family to pay for it again. She was about to refute, but she heard Zhao Jun say: "I will avenge the hatred of our two dogs myself!"

"What?" Zhao Jun's words shocked Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei, but Li Baoyu next to him looked at Zhao Jun excitedly with tears in his eyes.

"You don't need anyone else!" When Zhao Jun spoke, he tried his best to suppress the sadness and anger in his heart and said, "I will fight him to death!"

"Brother!" Li Baoyu shouted, rushed over, hugged Zhao Jun and cried bitterly.

"Okay, okay." Zhao Jun patted Li Baoyu on the shoulder and said, "Let's see when the two of us go up the mountain today. Let's bury Dahuang in the mountain."

Although Rhubarb is walking around the house, it is a hound, so it is better to follow the rules of hounding people, and it is better to be an evergreen pine tree.

"Not first." What Zhao Jun didn't expect was that Li Baoyu actually rejected his proposal.

Just when Zhao Jun was stunned, Li Baoyu said: "We have to wait until Ruhai comes back. Dahuang saved his life, so we have to let him kowtow to Dahuang."

Zhao Jun: "..."

This is indeed the rule of siege. When Huang Gui broke a dog outside Yongsheng Tun, he kowtowed to the dogs that saved him one by one.

Li Ruhai, on the other hand, once sneaked into the mountains with Zhao Jun and Li Baoyu, and was almost picked on by a wild boar. Thanks to Rhubarb for sacrificing his life to protect his master, otherwise there would be no forest farm guard today?

"Well..." Zhao Jun clicked his eyes twice and said: "It turns out that when we asked Brother Zhang to pick up Ruhai, we were looking for someone to kowtow at Ruhai. Now we will kowtow at it ourselves and won't let Brother Zhang go up to pick up Ruhai. It’s the sea.”

Yesterday, the plan was to ask Zhang Yuanmin to pick up Li Ruhai, and then the two of them would be able to convince the tiger team.

But now, since Zhao Jun decided to deal with this tiger by himself, why would he pick up Li Ruhai?

It was one thing to torment Zhang Yuanmin, but the key was how to tell Li Ruhai when they arrived at the forest farm?

Do you want to tell the child to come back to Dahuang's funeral?

"Then I'll send you rhubarb tomorrow." Li Baoyu said, "Ruhai will be back in the evening."

"Okay then." Zhao Jun twitched the corner of his mouth, stood up and patted Li Baoyu on the shoulder and said: "Baoyu, I'll go back and prepare, prepare."

After Zhao Jun finished speaking, he said goodbye to Li Dayong and Jin Xiaomei, then went out and climbed over the wall back to his home.

Zhao Jun entered the house and went directly to his room. After he pushed the door open and entered the house, he saw Wang Meilan sitting on the edge of the kang, with her pocket containing money beside her.

"Son!" When Wang Meilan saw Zhao Jun coming back, she immediately grabbed the bag. But before she could say anything, Zhao Jun said, "Mom, don't take the money. I'll kill this tiger myself."

"Ah?" Wang Meilan was surprised when she heard this and asked, "Why did you change your mind again?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Jun was in a particularly bad mood, so he rarely explained to Wang Meilan. Instead, he sat next to his mother and sighed.

Seeing this, Wang Meilan knew that her son had made up his mind, so she said, "Son, how do you want to hit this big claw?"

"I'm thinking about asking my dad to come back." Zhao Jun said: "Uncle Zhang and his wife went back to their parents' house. Should they be back today? When he comes back, let my dad take a leave. After that, I will find my brother Zhou and my old man." Uncle, why did the four of us do it?"

After Zhao Jun came back yesterday, there were many people in the room. Wang Meilan didn't mention Zhao Youcai's lying and talking nonsense. After all, it was not a show of his face.

In addition, Zhao Jun was in a bad mood yesterday and had another tiring day. After everyone left, he lay down early.

Therefore, at this time, Zhao Jun did not know that Zhao Youcai had left with the Tiger Fighting Team.

"Cough!" After hearing Zhao Jun's words, Wang Meilan coughed lightly and said, "Son... your dad..."

"Huh?" Seeing Wang Meilan's hesitant look, Zhao Jun felt something was wrong and hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with my dad?"

Wang Meilan twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "Your dad is busy."

I continued to write. Yesterday I said that if I kill a tiger, I must kill one. Brothers, go to bed first. I don’t know what time I finished writing. I’ll read it in the morning.

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