The whole mountain is my hunting ground

Chapter 978: Forest and field protection, production pacesetter

When Zhao Youcai came back last night, it was already dark. When he entered the yard from the outside, several dogs barked to welcome him, and no one seemed to be in trouble.

But this morning, Zhao Youcai was busy cooking, and it was Zhao Jun who fed the dog. Later, when Zhao Youcai went to the hut, he took a look and saw that none of the dogs had any leftover food. They were all eating and drinking, so Zhao Youcai didn't pay much attention.

But after being reminded by Zhao Jun just now, Zhao Youcai took a closer look and immediately discovered something was wrong.

From the looks of Erhei, there was nothing wrong with his body, but his eyes were wrong.

There is a saying: Eyes are the windows to the soul.

The same applies to dogs.

A dog cannot speak, but its eyes can express its emotions.

At this time, Erhei seemed to have a frown on his face. When Zhao Youcai touched his neck, Erhei broke away from Zhao Youcai's hand, lowered his head and hit Zhao Youcai's legs.

This dog is very abnormal. Normally Erhei would not refuse Zhao Youcai's touch, nor would he behave so irritably.

Zhao Youcai looked back at Bai Long, who also seemed to be frowning.

Some people say that there are dogs without eyebrows, while others say that dogs have eyebrows but they can’t be seen.

But when the dog changes its expression, the person looking at it can see the dog's eyebrows.

Zhao Youcai stretched out his hand to touch Bai Long. Bai Long twisted his neck to avoid Zhao Youcai's hand, and bit back Zhao Youcai's hand.

Bailong bit Zhao Youcai's hand, but he didn't exert any force, but he chewed it twice more.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Youcai left Erhei and Bailong and walked towards Zhao Jun who was appeasing Qinglong and Heilong.

The green dragon and the black dragon have very complementary personalities. The black dragon is docile, and although the green dragon is young, it has already shown the domineering side of its character.

Qinglong, who was being affectionate with Zhao Jun, noticed Zhao Youcai approaching, and immediately bared his teeth and made a protest sound.

But this is the limit of what Qinglong can do, and it will not bite Zhao Youcai.

Zhao Youcai was not frightened by Qinglong. He walked over and bent down to take a look at Qinglong. He found that Qinglong and Heilong, like Erhei and Bailong, had unusual eyes.

Zhao Youcai walked towards Huanglong again. The dog had been home for some time and gradually learned to be close to people.

After all, dogs are animals born this way. It understands human nature and friendship. Whoever feeds it, it becomes friendly with. It stays close to whomever it sees every day.

It is better for a half-born dog like Huang Long to be raised from an early age, but as time goes by, it becomes close to the Zhao family.

Seeing Zhao Youcai coming, Huang Long wagged his tail and put his mouth in front of Zhao Youcai.

Zhao Youcai stretched out his hand to lift Huang Long's chin, but saw that Huang Long's eyes were not like those of Erhei and Qinglong.

As for the flower dragon, it is the same as the yellow dragon.

Zhao Youcai frowned and said to Zhao Jun: "The posture of Erhei and the others makes it look like they are going to fight?"

As he said that, Zhao Youcai pointed to the Li family courtyard next door and said, "Could it be with those three dogs?"

"No!" Zhao Jun shook his head and said, "Not with them."

"Why not?" Zhao Youcai insisted on his judgment and climbed over the wall to the west courtyard.

As soon as he came over, he landed in the middle of Xiaohua and Hei Niu's kennel. The moment he saw the black girl, Zhao Youcai smiled.

When he first partnered with Wang Dalong, Zhao Youcai felt that this black girl was talented and could stand out, so he always looked up to her. Later, the dog was blackmailed by Li Mingxiang, and Zhao Youcai still felt sorry for Hei Niu.

Zhao Youcai touched the black girl and felt that the dog was in good condition and did not feel any discomfort due to the new arrival.

This is the characteristic of Lingnan wei dogs. There are many people in Lingnan, and a family has eight dogs, so these dogs can easily adapt to new owners and new environments.

But Zhao Youcai turned around and looked at Xiaohua, only to find that something was wrong. The dog's eyes were the same as Erhei's.

"Brother!" At this time, Li Dayong came out of the house, walked quickly towards Zhao Youcai, and said with a smile: "The dog is here?"

"Yeah!" Zhao Youcai called to Li Dayong and said, "Dayong, look at this dog!"

"Woof! Woof!" As soon as Zhao Youcai finished speaking, he was startled by two dog barks that suddenly sounded next to him.

Zhao Youcai turned around hurriedly, only to see Xiaohua pulling the chain and rushing towards the kennel of the two spotted dogs. But the little flower chain was not long enough and could not bite the two flower dogs, so it only barked at them fiercely.

Look at the two flowered dogs, sitting side by side in front of the nest, both looking away, as if they can't see the little flower, so they don't know it is biting them.

"Look, I'll just say it." Zhao Youcai said, "This dog looks like it's about to fight."

"What's wrong, Xiaohua?" Li Dayong came over and touched Xiaohua, comforted her, and said with a smile, "Why are you still biting me?"

Hearing Li Dayong speak, the two flower dogs glanced this way, but when they met Xiao Hua's fierce eyes, they quickly turned their heads back.

Li Dayong stroked the little flower's neck, comforted it, and asked Zhao Youcai, "Are you bullying students?"

In animal groups, bullying is normal, and it is difficult for a fixed group to accept a newcomer.

But it’s rare to see someone like Xiaohua pick two. Moreover, the two spotted dogs are both male dogs. Although they are not as big as the spotted cats and spotted wolves of the past, they are much larger than Xiaohua.

"It doesn't look like that either!" Zhao Youcai shook his head and said hesitantly, "How should I put it? He seems to be irritable? He's not like me either."

As soon as Zhao Youcai finished speaking, Li Baoyu came out of the house. Hearing that something was wrong with Xiao Hua, Li Baoyu was very anxious.

"Brother!" Seeing Zhao Jun leaning over the wall, Li Baoyu hurriedly asked him, "My uncle said there is something wrong with Erhei and the others. What's wrong with these dogs?"

"I want to smack my big paw!" Zhao Jun gave a shocking answer.

Zhao Jun brought yellow dragons and flower dragons in his previous life. The yellow dragon was fierce, and the flower dragon had a touch of tiger.

Although today's Hualong has not grown up, Huanglong grew up in the mountains and can be said to be full of wildness.

But when they smelled the Siberian tiger, the two dogs turned around and ran back until they met Zhao Jun.

We can’t say that these two dogs are cowardly. Normal dogs will be cowardly when they smell the smell of a Siberian tiger.

But this was not the case for the other dogs in the dog gang. Zhao Jun was not able to see how Big Fatty and the others fought that day, but he saw with his own eyes Erhei and Bailong pulling the Siberian tiger and biting it.

When they came back from the mountains that day, the five dogs were a little tired. Until they smelled the tiger tail that Zhao Youcai brought back yesterday, the dogs became irritable.

Knocking big paws is not possible for the time being, but Zhao Jun decided to take them into the mountains to bully the wild boars.

After putting on his clothes and leggings, Zhao Jun fiddled with his gun at home while waiting for Jie Chen to come over.

Li Baoyu had to go to work today, and Zhang Yuanmin and Xie Zhong also had to go back to Lengchang. But Zhang Yuanmin had a sledge and went up with Jie Zhong without Jie Chen sending him there.

But between the two of them, Zhao Jun still felt a little weak, so he called Wang Qiang.

There were three people, so Zhao Jun took Hualong and Huanglong with him. Just like that, the three of them took the seven dogs into the mountain and headed straight to the place where Gu Yang saw the Wild Boar Gang yesterday.

Early in the morning, the Forestry Bureau organized a meeting for cadres.

In the past five years, the harvest in the mountains has been good, and the number of mountain livestock has increased.

There are more roe deer, pigs and deer, and Siberian tigers, Amur leopards, and lynxes are also happy.

It was said before that lynxes are rare, but the Amur leopard, which has always been elusive, has also appeared several times this year.

There are also Siberian tigers.

Recently, not only have tigers crossed the border in Yong'an, but also Siberian tigers have appeared in the Yuejin Forest Farm under the Forestry Bureau and within the forest area.

The Forestry Administration attaches great importance to this.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t pay attention to it. How many days has that tiger in Yongan been causing trouble? Originally, the production tasks this year were tight, but Chu Anmin finally managed to coordinate and distribute the production tasks well. The good situation cannot be ruined by the Siberian tiger.

Yesterday, Li Chunming and the others, like Chu Anmin last time, also came back by Mosga.

After getting off the car here, a special person and car took them and the dead tiger to the Forestry Bureau. Then, someone took a camera to take pictures of the Siberian tiger, which had to be archived and recorded.

After that, Chu Anmin took a "photograph" with the Siberian tiger again, and then he took the Siberian tiger to the city.

After delivering the dead tiger to the city, Chu Anmin returned overnight. After the meeting this morning, he called Li Chunming into his office.

After sitting down, Chu Anmin's secretary Zhao Ziyang poured water for the two of them, and Chu Anmin directly asked Li Chunming: "What did Zhao Jun say? Why don't you come?"

"He said that his family members are all in Yong'an, and his two sisters are still in school. There is still a lot of land left. His mother is not in good health and he can't leave." Li Chunming answered according to Zhao Jun's words, and Chu Anmin let out an "ouch" when he heard it. , sighed: "This is quite filial."

At this point, Chu Anmin smacked his lips and said, "But his ability is in vain if Yongan is left alone."

Li Chunming thought for a while and said to Chu Anmin: "Chu Bureau, that..."

"What's wrong?" Chu Anmin was slightly startled and asked, "What's the matter? Tell me."

Li Chunming said: "Let's go this time. We started with Zhao Jun and his father. The five of us gathered together to catch the big paw."

"Ah!" After hearing what Li Chunming said, Chu Anmin nodded and said, "Yes, I heard what you said."

After saying this, Chu Anmin pressed his body forward, put his elbows on the desk, took the tea jar sent by Zhao Ziyang, opened the lid and put it aside, and then said to Li Chunming: "You have to start from the beginning. Listen to me and go directly to Zhao Jun, have you been beaten down by that big claw long ago?"

Li Chunming: "..."

What he just said was not to criticize, but to take the opportunity to recommend Zhao Youcai.

At this time, Chu Anmin took out a cigarette from his pocket.

Seeing the Shi Linyan in his hand, Chu Anmin thought of Zhao Jun and immediately couldn't help but sigh: "How good that young man is!"

Chu Anmin first took out a cigarette and put it into his mouth, then took out two more and threw them towards the opposite side.

And just as he was throwing away the cigarette, he scolded Li Chunming and said, "Look, how many days of production this will delay!"

Li Chunming had nothing to say in reply. They chased him like tired fools for several days and slept in the mountains at night. Those days were simply not a human life.

As a result, someone simply set up a trap and was crushed to death by the big claws.

That's right, in Li Chunming's eyes, compared with their day and night trek, explosives and ground guns were simple.

Seeing that Li Chunming stopped talking, Chu Anmin glanced at him and said, "You don't need to examine yourself. It's not easy for you these days."

Listening to the director's comforting words, Li Chunming felt a little stuck in his heart. But when he thought of the benevolent and generous leader Zhao, Li Chunming adjusted his mentality and smiled at Chu Anmin: "Chu Bureau, what I want to say is... Zhao Jun's father is very good at shooting."

"Huh?" Chu Anmin was startled when he heard this, and then Li Chunming continued: "I'm thinking... maybe I can transfer him here."

"Zhao Jun's father..." Chu Anmin frowned and thought: "I heard what you said, but the problem is this. He works in their mountain farm, so what if he needs to change his place?"

When Chu Anmin asked this question, Li Chunming was stunned. At this time, Chu Anmin said again: "Okay, let's stay here until Zhao Jun comes. Yuejin called yesterday and said that the tiger has passed. There is no situation now, and there is no rush to transfer him."

When Chu Anmin said this, it was a done deal, and Li Chunming did not dare to persuade him any more. After he finished smoking the cigarette, he said goodbye and left.

When he left, Chu Anmin's secretary Zhao Ziyang followed him out. For example, the tiger hunting team went to Yong'an to hunt tigers, which was essentially a trip to the countryside, and there were additional subsidies.

Chu Anmin had approved the note just now, but Zhao Ziyang had to take it and put it into the personnel file, so that when the wages were paid next month, Li Chunming and the others would have money in their salary slip subsidy.

Coming out of Chu Anmin's office, Zhao Ziyang looked at Li Chunming and said with a smile: "Brother Li, I gave you such a wink to prevent you from talking, why are you still talking?"

Zhao Ziyang and Li Chunming are from the same hometown. When Zhao Ziyang was assigned to the Forestry Bureau, Li Chunming secretly helped.

"Oh!" Li Chunming sighed and said, "I think Mr. Zhao is a good person, as well as a good handler."

After saying this, Li Chunming looked at Zhao Ziyang and gestured: "I'm not playing for him, that person is really good."

"Hey! What's the use of that." Zhao Ziyang glanced left and right, and when he didn't see anyone, he leaned close to Li Chunming's ear and whispered: "This person Chu Bureau, he can also eat the bad ones, but as long as there are good ones, he I definitely won’t eat the bad ones.”

Li Chunming: "..."

While Zhao Ziyang was secretly discussing the leadership, Chu Anmin in the office called Zhou Chunming's office.

"Old Zhou!" Chu Anmin said: "Last time, we asked Zhao Jun to be evaluated as a production model, but he gave up, right?"

"Yes, yes." Zhou Chunming also didn't expect that Chu Anmin was calling for this, so he immediately said yes and said: "We have an old comrade who is retiring, and Zhao Jun said he would give it to him."

Zhou Chunming's head hurt when he mentioned this matter. Ever since Zhao Jun went to his house, he had sent Yu Quanjin out to investigate. It is said that Zhao Jun has not gone to work yet. If he doesn't go to work, can he convince the public by being a model of production?

When he thought about how yesterday in this room, Zhao Jun told Li Chunming that he had a busy day at work, Zhou Chunming became worried.

"This young man is so good!" Chu Anmin praised Zhao Jun, and then asked: "I said I would transfer him to the bureau, why didn't he do it?"

"Oh, who knew." When mentioning this matter, Zhou Chunming was still worried about Zhao Jun. But just as he sighed and before he said the next words, Chu Anmin said: "If he really doesn't want to come, just go ahead. This young man is just thinking about getting married. After two years after he gets married, He didn’t think so.”

Hearing Chu Anmin's words, Zhou Chunming's eyes clicked, and he suddenly felt that this was based on experience.

At this time, Chu Anmin said again: "If he doesn't want to be a production pacesetter, just don't want it. After that, the bureau will award him a forest ranger, production and defense pacesetter in two days."

"What?" Zhou Chunming didn't hear clearly. The key was that he had never heard of such a pacesetter before.

"A pacesetter in forest and field protection production and protection." Chu Anmin repeated it again and said: "Before the New Year, I will hold a commendation meeting at your place and let's commend him!"

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