Looking at the document in his hand, a sneer flashed at the corner of Su Zhe’s mouth.
It’s not that he despised anyone.
There are no domestic Internet companies that can really fight.
It’s also the Douyin of later generations who went abroad, but unfortunately, he also knelt down.
The development of these enterprises is due to the blessing of the country’s development.
The internationalization of Internet companies has always been a difficult problem.
This is not entirely to blame for the unsatisfactory performance of domestic Internet companies.
after all.
Every country protects its own businesses.
But it is precisely because of this that Su Zhe is even more eager to go abroad.
In later generations, there is a huge market gap between ba and the Internet companies in the beautiful country.
root cause.
It is because in addition to the local market, it also occupies a lot of international market share.
For the time being, Su Zhe didn’t want to.
there are many reasons.
Protection policy is one aspect, and then there is xenophobia.
Su Zhe doesn’t want to ask for trouble for the time being.
He is very confident.
But not blindly.
No matter how big the ambition is, it needs to be down-to-earth in order to realize it.
So start with the surrounding area first.
At least, in terms of culture, planting flowers has a natural advantage in the East.
Many countries have been deeply affected by planting flowers.
Su Zhe threw the document in his hand into the trash can.
After those companies jointly signed the letter.
The document was in his hands in a blink of an eye.
Su Zhe knew that the document was shown to him above, and there were many meanings in it.
On the one hand, it is for protection purposes.
Let him be prepared.
It’s unlikely that when the time comes, you will be caught off guard by the alliance of these companies.
Besides, let Su Zhe work harder.
Prove one’s own strength.
call taxi….
They were convinced.
To save that there is nothing to do in the future, I ran over to make trouble, just like a child who didn’t grow up.
But Su Zhe really has no interest in dealing with these companies.
Not at all challenging.
to be honest.
These Internet companies are more or less ignorant.
Indeed, on the surface it looks like they are both domestic companies like Huiyuexing.
But in fact.
Everyone knows what the shareholders behind it are.
While laying down to make money at home, most of the funds flow to foreign pockets.
That’s it, do you still count on the above to help them?
Not at all.
Su Zhe has no spare time to play with these companies in China.
Now that Huiyuexing has become a general trend, it is boring to be in the nest, so I still have to consider going abroad.
Let’s start with the phone.
This is currently Huiyuexing’s most technical product.
Of course, there is no need to think about the West side for the time being.
Crescent Technology is indeed ahead.
Things like protection barriers are not useful if you are technologically advanced.
Unless, the gap is really big enough to crush.
The first step in internationalization is to start with neighboring countries.
Under the couch, how can you allow others to sleep soundly?
Binding of interests is the most reliable relationship.
Su Zhe was going to tie the surrounding countries to the chariot first.
In this way, in the face of the turbulent situation in the future.
There can also be more confidence.
Naturally, the one that has the best relationship with planting flowers is the one with the greatest interest.
The first is the big brother of the ally.
As for other countries….
to be frank.
Su Zhe thought too.
Crescent technology has a high technical content.
However, due to trade barriers in Goryeo and Cherry Blossoms in a short period of time, it is difficult to really enter.
He thinks it’s better to start with the simple aspect first.
There is deep cooperation between the goose and the rabbit, whether it is military or economic.
Also, one of the countries that does not reject rabbits the most.
Su Zhe remembered.
Before he crossed over, the domestic mobile phone market occupied half of the goose’s country.
However, most of them are in the low-end market.
High-end market.
Still being controlled by Sang Xing and Apple.
In terms of low-end, Su Zhe is not very interested, after all, the profit is really low.
And in the future, the profits of these mid-to-low-end markets will be large.
In the hands of Crescent Technology.
In the future, the flexible screens and chips of these mobile phone manufacturers will definitely be provided by the new moon.
And another reason….
That is, in the low-end market, there is Xiaomi.
At the beginning, Su Zhe invested 500 million in Xiaomi, accounting for 49% of the shares.
Not more than half.
There are many reasons why Su Zhe did not consider direct acquisition.
Huiyuexing’s strength is very strong and huge.
All the markets are well eaten…  
When it comes to planting flowers, one family can be the only one, but not just one family.
That kind of situation is too dangerous and not allowed.
Unless it’s not a private enterprise.
after all.
Su Zhe represents him personally.
“Manman, book a flight for me, next Monday I’m going to Lay Goose Country ¨~.”
“Just order three.”
“It’s alright, you are busy with the fund, I can go by myself.”
Su Zhe and Rieman talked on the phone, and when they heard that she was busy, they chatted for a while and then hung up.
He arranged for Riemann to go to the Angel Fund as aPresident.
I didn’t find a secretary.
Su Zhe knew he couldn’t control himself, so in order to avoid trouble, he simply didn’t bother to look for it.
This time, he went to Goose Country for Crescent Export.
Su Zhe has no plan to take Rebs out this time.
In fact, the relationship between rabbits and geese, although good, is very complicated.
at this time.
For the purpose of protecting local industries, the mobile phone market there has not been fully opened up.
At least in the low-end market.
The opening time is expected to wait until two years later.
The high-end mobile phone market does not have this problem.
After all, the electronic product field of goose is really average and has no competitiveness in the high-end market.
At present, in the mobile phone market of Goose, the low-end and middle-end fields are dominated by local enterprises.
High-end market,
On the other hand, Sang Xing and Apple share the world.
From the perspective of product competitiveness, Crescent Moon is undoubtedly the strongest.
After all, Crescent Moon 2 has not been officially released yet, and word of mouth has not yet exploded.
So you still need to talk to yourself.
after all.
This new moon uses a self-developed shiny chip.
Although the mouth blows a lot of bullshit.
But it’s not a real cow.
Only users will know it after they experience it for themselves.
Just as Su Zhe was looking at the market research report of the goose, an itch came from his waist.
“Are you going to Goose Country?”
Wei Wei blinked her eyes curiously.
Su Zhe smiled and said, “Well, what’s wrong?”
“Who are you going with?”
Slightly her eyes flickered.
Before, Su Zhe and Gu Qingcheng caused a great sensation on the Internet.
Tony Ma deleted all the information in a thunderous manner.
But Wei Wei still heard some wind noises.
It’s just that she didn’t know that that woman was her sister.
When she heard that Su Zhe was going abroad, she had to consider whether her brother was hiding from her.
“Lin Cheng and Lin Wu, what’s wrong?”
“No… nothing.”
Hearing that it was the two bodyguards, he breathed a sigh of relief in secret.
Su Zhe has a great characteristic.
That is.
Never lie, or disdain to lie, even though it can save a lot of trouble.
So Wei Wei has no doubts.
Not bad~!
As long as you don’t leave yourself behind and go on a date with a wild woman.
After all, the woman who traveled abroad with Su Zhe.
only myself.
I don’t want Su Zhe’s second time to give to another woman.
Wei Wei’s eyelashes trembled slightly, and she was reflecting on herself, whether it was right or wrong to be busy with her career before.
Compared with my career, it seems that I am happy to be my brother’s secretary.
There is no need to think about dust.
Nothing to worry about…
If you are happy every day, you can still be by his side.
Slightly squirming her lips, she thought for a while, but she still didn’t say anything.
Hmm~! Still a little better.
After finishing the Douyin, let’s go back to be a secretary!
Well, she didn’t want to spy on her brother.

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