The next day, Huiyuexing Technology Company.
CEO’s office.
Su Zhe looked at the freshly released data on the first day and nodded with satisfaction.
The maximum number of simultaneous online users exceeded 10 million, and the revenue was as high as 120 million.
More than 100 million a day.
“Manager Li, inform everyone that there will be a meeting in the conference room in five minutes.”
Su Zhe pressed the phone on the table and notified him.
He seldom brings his little secretary to the company.
As for the reason…
Very simple.
Although Riemann had refused to be a secretary before, Su Zhe let her perform the duties of a secretary.
Except for warming the bed, he asked Riemann to do almost everything the secretary should do.
in the conference room.
Su Zhe took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, “I’ve got all the data on the first day. Tell me what you think. Manager Song, please tell me first.”
“President Su, I only have two words, awesome!!”
Song Wei gave a thumbs up.
Su Zhe said indifferently: “Don’t talk about flattering.”
“It’s not flattering, Mr. Su, this is my sincere admiration.”
Song Wei’s eyes were filled with admiration, she really thought so.
The daily revenue is more than 100 million.
The highest number of online users exceeded 10 million, which directly refreshed the historical record of domestic online games.
It’s like a heifer standing upside down, so powerful.
And all of this is inseparable from Su Zhe’s propaganda plan.
“Boss, if you hadn’t wanted to sell female anchors for publicity, this brilliant data would never have been achieved.”
Song Wei blew a rainbow fart again, and then began to analyze it seriously.
When a man holds a cup in front of a woman, he is always extravagant and generous.
In order to show their style in front of female anchors, many players are very generous with money to buy fashion.
think about it.
How cool is it to wear cool fashion when most players are in rags.
Is the probability of such a group of female anchors much higher?
Of course, there are more monks and less porridge.
Most people can’t get a female anchor.
But the group is not available. It’s cool to stand on the street in town and hold cups in front of female anchors and players!
And dnf’s fashion settings are very scheming.
There are nine parts in total.
You can’t afford a full set, you can partially change your image.
In order to allow players to fully display themselves, fashion is divided into three levels: common, advanced and rare.
Rare grades, also known as sky sets, cannot be bought.
You must use a synthesizer for five dollars, and use the same parts of the costume to synthesize. The probability of synthesis…
Anyway, those who can fit the sky don’t care about it.
The sky cover is very cool.
In addition to its distinctive coquettish appearance, it has a 60% movement speed bonus when walking on the street.
Ordinary players can only walk slowly like a turtle.
And the master of the sky…
It flies like the wind.
One word!
After many players are exhausted, it is also a beautiful landscape to follow the sky boss to check the information.
In addition to fashion, there are some game props.
Such as resurrection coins, potions, etc.
In short, dnf hints at players everywhere.
You can become strong and handsome by charging money!
And the reason why so many people can make money, the credit of the female anchor is indispensable.
Man! !
Just when Huiyuexing Technology was summarizing and analyzing.
Goose Factory Game Department.
Zhang Zheng’s face turned ashen after seeing the data on the first day of the famous generals of the Three Kingdoms.
The highest number of online users is 3 million.
one million!
Compared with the 40 million they invested, it can be said that it went to grandma’s house.
“Yang Yuanpeng!! Look at what you’ve done.”
Zhang Zheng gritted his teeth and looked at Yang Yuanpeng, with the intention to kill.
The internal competition in the goose factory is very fierce.
Enter the able.
Down to the mediocre.
If he can’t turn over, his seat will definitely not be preserved.
Taking a deep breath, Zhang Zheng continued to ask, “How is the situation on the dnf side?”
“The maximum number of people online is 10 million.” Yang Yuanpeng’s tone was a little difficult, “Revenue… 120 million.”
Zhang Zheng almost suspected that he had heard it wrong.
Yang Yuanpeng said bitterly: “We underestimated the quality of dnf, and also underestimated… the female anchor’s agitation ability.”
DNF’s first-day revenue is indeed too exaggerated.
No doubt.
This is related to the promotion of female anchors and major game anchors across the network.
exhaustedAlthough it is impossible for dnf to maintain this exaggerated data in the future, it will not be too low.
“More than 100 million! Yang Yuanpeng, thank you for being so embarrassed to say that you worked in Huiyuexing.”
“I can’t even imitate TM…”
Zhang Zheng was so angry that he was speechless.
“Mr. Zhang, we must fight back.”
Yang Yuan seemed to feel the pressure coming like a mountain.
He and Zhang have a bitter relationship, but they are different.
Zhang Zheng lost his position, at least he could continue to work in the goose factory, but his position was downgraded.
But he will definitely be kicked out.
Who would want a person who has neither ability nor character?
Zhang Zheng suppressed his anger, “Tell me what you think.”
Yang Yuanpeng’s eyes were cold, and his tone was extremely cold.
He has been cornered.
if it fails.
There will be no place for him in the entire game circle.
However, the quality gap between the famous generals Three Kingdoms and dnf is too great to make up.
So he can only resort to unconventional means.
The easiest way to destroy a game is to let plug-ins run rampant.
Zhang Zheng was a little hesitant, he still had a way out, unlike Yang Yuanpeng who could only break the jar.
“Mr. Zhang, the wall is pushed down by everyone, and the drum is broken by thousands of people.”
Yang Yuanpeng reminded maliciously.
Zhang Zheng’s methods are ruthless, and many people have offended these years.
If he loses this position, he will never have a better life in the future.
“Okay, go find someone!”
Zhang Zheng remembered the person he had offended, and gritted his teeth and agreed.
Anyway, as long as they don’t reveal their secrets, no one knows that the cheating was done by the two of them.
after all….
Their purpose is to bring down dnf, not to use plug-ins to make money.
The peers in the industry were also stunned by dnf.
It’s too good!
The highest number of online users on the first day exceeded 10 million, which has broken the record of all domestic online games.
Although this is related to Huiyuexing’s genius-like marketing plan.
But the superb quality of dnf also contributed.
This is definitely a phenomenal game. .

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