Huiyuexing Technology.
After Su Zhe looked at the investigation report in his hand, he was a little dumbfounded.
No wonder I couldn’t find station B before.
Because at this time, Xiaopo Station was still called mikufans, which was the back garden of Station A.
The founder Xu Yi and several start-ups are still living in a rental house in Hangzhou, and Chen Rui has not yet invested in the market.
“What’s going on here?”
Su Zhe had a headache.
The success of Xiaopo Station is inseparable from Chen Rui. Can Station B be without this general?Development is very suspended.
“Forget it, let’s start the film and television department first.”
Su Zhe shook his head and decided to send someone to contact Chen Rui first.
Just relying on the start-up staff of Xiaopo Station to generate electricity for Ai, even if they get investment, it is impossible to develop.
Short video and other fields are not yet the time.
The best time to enter is to wait for the rollout of 4G next year.
V letter can be less dependent on the 4G network, but the time is not yet ripe.
In fact, v-letter is not the first new-generation instant messaging tool, but Mi Chat, which Rebs will release next year.
At that time, Penguin gave Rebs three months.
Mi Liao is indeed a lot ahead.
It’s a pity that Brother Xiaolong is too good, and he has launched big killers such as Moments.
In addition, Penguin is throwing money crazy behind it, so V-letter came from behind to occupy the new generation of instant messaging market.
If Su Zhe develops a v-letter now, it will easily attract the attention of Penguins.
At this time, his financial strength is not enough.
rashly ended,
There are no scum that will only be abused by penguins.
Therefore, Su Zhe must accumulate enough funds within a year and a half before he can fight against Penguin.
In the social field, the winner takes all, and once the size reaches a certain level, it is difficult for others to shake.
The v letter is the last chance to shake the penguin.
Su Zhe must make sure that nothing goes wrong. After all, he doesn’t want to repeat the mistakes of Rebs.
“Let’s play in the entertainment industry first, and then accumulate strength.”
Su Zhe shook his head, he was not a very ambitious person.
The film and television department was established.
The most important thing is definitely the director and the artist.
Su Zhe is rushing to make money, so he must look for potential stocks in the future.
Among the male stars, what he likes is Shen Pain and Wu Jin.
10 years ago, the two of them had a coffee spot, but they were not very good. They dig a lot of money.
The other powerful ones have basically become popular, and it doesn’t make much sense for Su Zhe to dig over.
As for the small fresh meat…
Then there are female stars.
It is still in 2009, and the new generation born in the 2000s is still in junior high school, so they can only choose among those born in the 1990s.
Su Zhe’s tentative selection is Reba, Li Xin, Jin Cheng, Chu Yuxun…
Forget it, Chu Yuxun, it’s still Yaya.
It happened to collect all the three beauties in the Western Regions.
The follow-up will be supplemented when the post-95s and post-00s grow up.
Su Zhe really wanted to dig up Da Mi Mi Da Yuanyuan and others, but unfortunately the price-performance ratio was too low.
So let’s keep the partnership.
Then it’s time to recruit professional brokers. After all, these people will have to do things like advertising in the future.
In the first step, Su Zhe plans to invest in the filming of “Gong Suo Xin Jade”, which will be broadcast in the following year.
First, you need to find director Yu Zheng.
This person has a very bad reputation, the film is bad, plagiarism… There are many negative reviews.
Yu Zheng’s advantage is also obvious, that is, keen market insight.
To put it bluntly, he can make money.
Su Zhe doesn’t matter if he is a black cat or a white cat, as long as he can make money for him, he is a good cat.
“Little secretary, come pick me up at the company, it’s time to work.”
Su Zhe called Gu Weiwei, and then contacted Liu Xiaoli.
He wanted Liu Xiaoli to lead the way.
Because Liu Tianxian’s mother and daughter did not have any filming, they still stayed in the magic capital.
The reason why Wang Yuchen is not used is because he doesn’t want to owe too much favor, and it is very likely that he will dig into the corner in the future.
With the help of Liu Xiaoli, Su Zhe spent a lot of money to find Huo Wenxi, who is known as the last gold broker on Hong Kong Island.
At most, Huo Wenxi had more than 50 artists.
Among them are many big names on Hong Kong Island.
She is a very beautiful and temperamental woman.
She is prettier than all the female artists under her banner. She looks like Lin Qingxia when she smiles.
Huo Wenxi’s ability is as outstanding as his appearance, especially in crisis public relations, such as various events on Hong Kong Island.
Because of Huo Wenxi’s outstanding talent, Su Zhe simply delegated power and let her handle the signing of artists.
Just when Su Zhe was busy becoming a film and television studio.
But something happened to dnf.
The server of Huiyuexing Technology is a black technology provided by the system, which can defend against attacks, and naturally there will be no problems.
But dnf is a p2p online game, almost all data is calculated by the local client itself, and then the result is uploaded to the server.
The server only records this result, so it cannot manage plug-ins.
The dnf plug-in appeared.
Huiyuexing Technology thought it was an individual act at first, but it did not expect that after a few days, the hacking would spread.
Due to the lack of manpower, there is nothing to do.
This is undoubtedly a devastating blow for a new game.
Rumors quickly spread on the Internet.
“DNF plug-ins are rampant, and Huiyuexing Technology is facing a crisis of bankruptcy.”
“dnf may become the shortest-lived phenomenal game in history.”
“The shortcomings of the grass stage team, the proliferation of dnf plug-ins, and the incompetence and fury of the management of Huiyuexing.”
“DNF lost a lot of players!”
Many game media began to report the prevalence of dnf plug-ins.
Views are very consistent.
This game is about to be ruined.
Although it is a bit alarmist, there is some truth to it.
In fact, dnf players have a high tolerance for cheating. After all, it is not a competitive game.
But plug-ins can easily hurt the enthusiasm of Soft Girl Coin players, after all, they charged so much money, not to watch the civilian players show their superiority every second.
“Trash games, sooner or later pills.”
“This is still playing NN, is the management of Huiyuexing a rice bucket?”
“What Shabi company, how do you play with so many plug-ins in just one week?”
Soft sister coins players are very upset.
Huiyuexing Technology has a hard time saying that they really can’t do anything about plug-ins, and they can’t block it at all.
After all, the staff is limited.
Su Zhe didn’t blame the company’s management either.
After all, in the previous life, even a giant like Penguin was powerless against dnf plug-ins, and could only try to stop it.
Why does he have to be so troublesome to solve the plug-in? .

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