Huiyuexing Technology Co., Ltd.
After the managers of various departments went back, they discussed it.
“Manager Song, shouldn’t President Su plan to give up the company?”
“It’s hard to say, I don’t know if you’ve heard a sentence, what if the penguin likes your project?”
Song Wei sighed, this sentence is a sentence circulating in the Internet circle.
It is also the situation faced by all Internet entrepreneurs.
At this time, Penguin did not transform into investment like the later generations, but almost all the things that he liked in the cottage.
So much so that the common question of almost every investor is “what if you did this, what if the penguin did you?”
The answer is no way.
Assuming that your project is favored by Penguin, and there are signs of success, Penguin will immediately use pixel-level methods to copy it, and there will be no way for people to live.
For example, recently there was a cover of a computer magazine, and an unprecedented “Penguin of Dog Day” appeared.
To know.
As a third-party media that relies on these corporate advertisements to survive, it actually uses this almost scolding title as the cover.
It is conceivable that there is a huge reality and hatred behind him.
So much so that almost the entire industry considers the penguin to be the public enemy of its full name.
The current plug-in is easy to say.
The real difficulty is, what if the penguins give up the famous Three Kingdoms and copy dnf?
Many dnf players are also rapidly losing.
Especially Soft Girl Coin players, the flood of plug-ins makes their game experience extremely poor.
“Slip, slip, a good game is completely ruined by plug-ins.”
“I just wondered if dnf would just leave it alone?”
“It’s not that I don’t care, it’s that I can’t manage it at all. The speed of sealing can’t keep up with the speed of opening.”
“Let’s play the famous Three Kingdoms. Although it’s not as fun as dnf, at least there’s no cheating.”
“Famous generals add one to the three kingdoms.”
“Famous generals add two to the three kingdoms.”
Soon, people with a heart began to pick up the rhythm.
But also very effective.
One trade off and the other trades off. At the same time as the loss of dnf players, the online rate of the famous Three Kingdoms began to rise.
However, under such circumstances, dnf officially issued an announcement.
“All players please abide by the rules of the game, otherwise there will be a three-year ban penalty.”
As soon as the announcement came out, dnf players were completely fried.
“It’s funny, co-authoring can’t control plug-ins, so you can use ordinary players to make a knife, right?”
“Grandma Wori Li, there is a way to seal the plug-in!”
“Laughing at me to death, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, right?”
“You’re going to talk to the outside world about this!”
The announcement of dnf obviously hit the pain point of plug-in players.
Open hanging and admit punishment.
It’s not that they can’t accept it.
The problem is that dnf doesn’t make a move, but only picks players like them. Who can bear this?
Even ordinary players who are not open are disappointed with the official attitude of dnf.
Goose Factory Game Department.
Yang Yuanpeng laughed out loud when he saw DNF’s handling method.
“You fell before I tried my best?”
“too weak!”
Yang Yuanpeng shook his head, his mouth almost reaching the back of his head.
Zhang Zheng was also very satisfied with this effect, and immediately notified the following employees and issued a notice.
[Famous generals of the Three Kingdoms have zero tolerance for external affiliation, find one and deal with the other]
Young people fighting with me?
Zhang Zheng took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Riemann.
[Huiyuexing Company won’t be going for long, consider returning to the e-sports department of the Goose Factory? Salary is negotiable. 】
He believed that Riemann should understand what he meant.
This woman is very smart, cold on the outside and hot on the inside. She knows that she will probably agree to her if she has caused trouble to others.
Zhang Zheng thought of Riemann’s elegant temperament and graceful figure, and his heart was hot.
Magic City.
Tiancheng Law Firm.
After reading the materials, Wang Jiaming calmly said: “Mr. Su, according to the materials, these people have already touched the criminal law and should be punished according to the provisions of Article 225(4) of the Criminal Law.”
“Criminal law?”
Su Zhe raised his eyebrows. He thought that the hacks were civil law, that is, a lawsuit.
But if it’s criminal law…
Wang Jiaming nodded, “Yes, you can directly call the police and arrest people for the crime of illegal business operations.””Understood, that’s fine, next time I’ll invite Wang Lu you to dinner.”
“Mr. Su is very polite.”
After returning to the car, Su Zhe couldn’t help but start to think.
The police force in China is limited, and it is impossible to say that as soon as he calls the police, there will be an immediate result.
He didn’t want to wait.
So we can only have a relationship.
Su Zhe contacted Yu Hongjun, the leader of Pudong District, his uncle’s old classmate and colleague, and he had a strong relationship.
Don’t look at the district. This unit sounds a little weak.
But the problem is that this is the magic capital.
The leader of the district is a real sub-provincial level.
Although Su Zhe was in a relationship, what he did completely complied with laws and regulations, and he was not afraid of investigation.
This thing is also very simple.
It’s just a matter of a word from the boss.
After getting in touch with the relevant departments, Su Zhe was also very sensible and donated 200 high-end police cars in the name of Huiyuexing.
The total value is more than 40 million.
After all, he has dealt with this department a lot in the future.
Bureau Zhao was naturally very moved. When the people above greeted him, Su Zhe didn’t have to waste money at all.
But he still shot more than 40 million.
How righteous is this?
You must know that these two hundred cars can help Bureau Zhao build a lot of relationships.
Su Zhe knows how to be a man, so Bureau Zhao naturally won’t let him down.
After learning about Huiyuexing’s experience, the relevant departments of the magic capital immediately began to carry out inter-provincial cooperation.
Conduct nationwide arrests of illegal cheaters.
Nationwide arrest! ! !
An arrest operation that is enough to shock the whole country is ready to go! ! .

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