Fight with me?
Let the horse come over in an upright manner.
But if you play yin, you will be at your own risk.
Su Zhe is using practical actions to warn people in the industry that it is best to be honest in front of him and don’t play dirty.
Zhang Zheng and Yang Yuanpeng are the end.
If nothing else, at least most of the people outside the Big Three are very jealous of Su Zhe.
The fact that the executives of the game department of the Goose Factory were taken away quickly alerted the senior management of the headquarters.
Tony Ma was furious in the office when he got the news.
Penguin’s declared vision is: to become the most respected company.
There is such a thing happening under the hand.
Where does this put his face?
Although Penguin has a bad reputation because of the copycat thing, at least it hasn’t touched the bottom line.
However, what happened to Zhang and Yang is no different from making Penguin’s reputation completely discredited.
“Notify all department heads that the meeting will be held!”
Tony Ma suppressed his anger and instructed the secretary next to him.
Goose factory executives gathered at the headquarters.
in the conference room.
Tony Ma has calmed down.
“You should be clear about the game department, so I won’t introduce more.”
“The public relations department immediately contacted the media to suppress this matter. I don’t want any media to report this.”
Needle falling could be heard in the room, only Tony Horse’s voice sounded slowly.
“Vice President Liang, you immediately take someone to the magic capital and ask Huiyuexing to discuss this matter.”
“No matter how the other party opens his mouth, let’s temporarily agree and stabilize the other party.”
“The Legal Department immediately contacted the Nanshan Court and transferred the case to Pengcheng.”
Tony Ma’s eyes filled with cold light, he knew that Su Zhe’s background was very strong, but penguins are not vegetarian either.
the opponent’s hand.
Still can’t reach Pengcheng.
Qianglong doesn’t overwhelm the local snakes. As long as the case is transferred to Nanshan, it is entirely up to the goose factory to decide how to solve it.
Anyway, Zhang and Yang must not be allowed to sit on the horns.
“The meeting is over, everyone will act immediately.”
After Tony Ma arranged the tasks in an orderly manner, he immediately ordered his subordinates to act.
The goose factory has a lot of energy.
The news media did not report the arrest of Zhang and Yang.
Tony Ma knows that if the matter is not resolved as soon as possible, the media who are always watching will definitely report it.
After all, the news media is notorious for being unscrupulous and nonsense.
at the same time.
Huiyuexing Technology Co., Ltd.
Su Zhe recalled the management on vacation to the company.
Song Wei calmly said: “President Su, the online cheats have basically disappeared, but the players have lost 17%.”
“Don’t panic, arrange an event as soon as possible.”
“I’ve never used a plug-in. Players who have been on the account for more than three days will be given a set of costumes.”
“The name is Unswerving, Lawful.”
“Dedicated to those warriors who still stick to the right path even though they are traumatized.”
Su Zhe’s expression was indifferent, and he was not panicked by the loss of players.
Everyone underestimates the charm of dnf.
This game can last for ten years, which naturally makes sense, and the short-term twists and turns will not have a great impact.
Song Wei heard the words and fell into deep thought, “Mr. Su, your approach is very good, but I think this reward is too much.”
As the manager of the operation department, she must consider the follow-up revenue of dnf.
Su Zhe’s method is very good, and it can restore the hearts of players.
However, if you give a set of costumes directly, it will dispel the willingness of many players to pay for gold in a short time.
After all, there are not many places for dnf now, and dressing up is the most attractive place for players.
“The full set is not enough, then change to the skin dress, and then put on this skin to have the appearance of the full set, but the effect is… the same as the separate skin.”
Su Zhe unhurriedly stated the solution.
dnf’s dress-up system has nine grids.
The skin only occupies one.
In this way, it will not affect the player’s krypton gold, and the cool appearance provided can save people’s hearts.
Song Wei nodded, “That’s a lot better.”
“President Su, the vice president of Penguin is outside, saying he wants to meet you.”
The front desk bent over and whispered in Su Zhe’s ear.
Su Zhe nodded slightly, “Understood, you take him to my office first.”
“Do you have any other questions?”
The manager of the technical department spoke up.
“Mr. Su, as long as it is profitable, there can be no end to hacking.”
“There are many outstanding talents among the plug-in producers. Can you recruit some and supplement the talents of the technical department?”
Zhang Mingyuan made a reasonable suggestion.
Su Zhe pondered for a moment, “Okay, you can go back and make a list and give it to me as soon as possible.”
“Manager Li, you need to draw up a new contract for these special talents.”
“The treatment remains the same.”
“But the liquidated damages and the annual contract salary will increase a little bit.”
“Do you understand what I mean?”
Su Zhe tapped the table unhurriedly. He was not a kind person.
Since these people have fallen off the handle.
I’m sorry, either sign a contract of sale, or go to squat in the hall.
He won’t get used to these people.
Riemann nodded lightly, “Mr. Su, how many years are appropriate?”
“Twenty years is too long, ten years!”
The Internet is changing rapidly.
ten years.
Enough to see if a person is a worthy talent.
As for those who were eliminated, Su Zhe naturally swept out the door mercilessly.
He did not hesitate to stay with excellent treatment.
After explaining the matter, Su Zhe began to think about the purpose of Penguin’s visit this time.
Without him.
It must have something to do with Zhang and Yang.
After all, if the news broke out, it would be tantamount to completely ruining the Penguin’s stinky reputation.
Do you want to be private?
A trace of disdain flashed in Su Zhe’s eyes.
If you were an ordinary person, you would definitely be afraid of the energy of the goose factory, and the big things will be turned into small things.
Su Zhe is different.
If he wants to develop a v-letter, he is destined to never die with Penguin.
Because the field of instant messaging is very special, the winner takes all, it is impossible to have a situation similar to the mutual deposit of Gobao and Jindong.
Even without this reason.
Su Zhe would not choose to let Zhang and Yang go.
No interest.
It’s just a matter of character.
He likes a sentence very much, if people destroy me one drop, I win three fights.
Su Zhe is not short of money now, as long as he doesn’t commit suicide, he can live a prosperous and rich life.
He is also not afraid of other people’s tricks.
In that case, why did he let him go?
Because the goose factory has a big face? .

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