Su Zhe occupied three of the top 10 most popular searches for scarves, and overwhelmed many celebrities.
#Su Zhehei History#
#rich second generation Su Zhe#
#The rich second generation is forcing people to sell houses#
After getting on the hot search, all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods also came out to grab the heat.
There are many “old classmates” among them.
The interpersonal relationship before the original body was not very good, and the popularity was relatively poor.
Many people came out one after another to fall into the trap.
Exposing his dark history.
For example, bullying classmates, insulting teachers, beating others……
Among them, the most vicious one was a person whose online name was Da Xiong.
His revelations are well-founded, with pictures and texts, and he is obviously Su Zhe’s classmate in high school.
But in fact.
These are all distorted facts.
Although the original body was the villain, it was only after the blackening of “love to hate” later.
Influenced by the family, although the original body at this time was arrogant and ignorant, the moral aspect was still up to the standard.
The bullied classmates are in fact common sparring among friends.
When insulting the teacher, he backtracked during class.
Beating others, he was a gangster who bullied female classmates in the class.
But the internet!
I know everything.
I believe that there are many netizens with the online name Daxiong, and many of them started to repost it.
The messengers of justice from all walks of life and keyboard warriors came to inquire, and left a message under Su Zhe’s scarf to swear.
Su Zhe frowned and looked at the phone, at this time.The public is still dominated by 2g networks.
3G penetration rate is not high.
4G has been quietly put on the agenda.
However, rich people can already watch videos online, and ordinary people have no problem brushing their scarves.
In Su Zhe’s private message, the number of unread messages has reached 999+.
[s13 rich second generation go to hell]
[Are you still human? I wish your whole family a spiral to the sky]
[Pigs and dogs are not as good as animals. 】
There is an endless stream of such scolding,
Some people even turned Su Zhe’s photo into a posthumous photo.
The fighting power of the bib boxer has always been exaggerated.
With pictures and texts.
When things have fermented to this level, it is definitely impossible to let it go.
Su Zhe looked at the mobile phone expressionlessly. At this time, the mobile phone was still mainly using 2G network.
3G penetration rate has been rolled out.
Brushing the scarf is still simple and easy.
[s13 rich second generation go to hell]
[Are you still human? I wish your whole family a spiral to the sky]
【Beasts not as good as pigs and dogs】
Such scolding is endless, and some people even directly turned his photo into a posthumous photo.
With pictures and texts.
It was completely beyond Su Zhe’s expectations that things had fermented to this extent.
It is impossible to let it go.
Su Zhe also knows that explanations are useless, netizens only believe what they want to believe.
Actually, there is no way to reverse it.
But now Su Zhe doesn’t have time to compete with netizens.
Simply cut across the board and let the keyboard warriors put their mouths.
Dissatisfied, let him hold back.
Su Zhe took out his mobile phone and called lawyer Wang Jiaming.
“Young Master Su, hello.”
“Do you know anything about me on the Internet?”
“Can you sue them?”
“Abusive and slanderous are fine. May I ask Mr. Su, who do you want to sue?”
Wang Jiaming was a little curious as to which big man with scarves provoked this young master.
The current situation Su Zhe is experiencing belongs to cyber violence.
According to the law,
Some people’s words and deeds are enough to sue.
Those who insult him can be sued for infringing upon the citizen’s right to reputation, and if the circumstances are serious, he shall be fined 500 yuan and detained for not more than 10 days.
Distributing black material to distort the facts constitutes defamation, and those who have forwarded more than 500 people have reached the standard for filing a case.
If the circumstances are serious, the sentence is fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, detention, and public surveillance.
“Well, call me more ruthless and randomly pick 300 lists to kill chickens and set an example.”
“As for my three old classmates, list them separately and sue for defamation.”
A chill flashed across Su Zhe’s eyes.
He is not a virgin, and those who dare to oppose him will never have good fruit to eat.
He still doesn’t know who these three old classmates are.
I’m not interested in knowing either.
Anyway, I’m sure that the gap between my identity and him is not that big, so it’s not worth wasting energy to get to know him.
“Understood Master Su, I’ll arrange someone to handle it immediately, and I’ll send you an email when the list is made.”
“It’s troublesome.”
Su Zhe politely hung up the phone, and then directly climbed on the scarf.
“The Internet is not a place outside the law, please be cautious in your words and deeds.”
“Later, I will randomly select 300 lucky viewers from Shanming, and reward them with a mysterious gift, so stay tuned.”
Su Zhe clicked the post with a bad taste.
A large number of keyboard warriors came to ask questions below.
“Hehe, don’t think you can buy us with a few stinky money.”
“Go to hell, scum! No one will ask for your stinky gift.”
“what gift?”
“Can I get your Porsche 918?”
“Can the two upstairs have a little bit of ambition? Is this a question of money?”
“Everyone, don’t be confused by him. This person must be uneasy and kind. Please, Su Zhe, die quickly.”
Su Zhe was amused by the two live treasures in the comment area.
Porsche must be wanting to eat shit.
For the sake of amusing themselves, it’s not impossible to give them a red envelope.
The happiness of the rich is as simple as that.
Su Zhe privately messaged two idiots: it was sent from the Aliqianbao account.
After posting.
A scarf message popped up on the phone, which was sent by Gu Weiwei, who was following.
[Please don’t be violent on the Internet, I will take full responsibility for the rear-end, and it is only right and proper to lose money.
And Su Zhe is my classmate. He said that selling the house was a joke.
Please stop scolding people, thank you. 】
After reading it, Su Zhe looked a little weird.
this woman,
more and more interesting.
Rubbing his chin, Su Zhe clicked the comment below with great interest.
In an instant, his face darkened.
“Goddess, come on! We will definitely do justice for you.”
“Challenge! We will never let Su Zhe go!”
“Wei Wei is really too kind. She still speaks for Su Zhe at this time, but we won’t be merciful.”
“Weiwei, you must be well, don’t worry, we will protect you.”
Knock in!
A dog can’t be housed! !
Su Zhe was speechless.
Is this the difference between the daughter of luck and the villain?
Thinking of his lottery list, Su Zhe’s mood was a little better.
The happiness of the rich is as simple as that.
tell the people,
No need to consider cost at all.
at the same time.
A high school in the suburbs of Magic City.
“Pay money treasure?”
in the classroomThe girl tilted her head, looking a little cute and cute.
Curiously, he sent the account number.
A message popped up on her phone.
“You have received a transfer of 8,888 yuan from the day-to-day return.”
Li Li’s mouth opened into a 0 shape, and his head was a little dizzy.
one two three four.
Four digits.
Eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight? !
She just asked what gift, four words, and she received a four-digit red envelope of more than 8,000? !
Is this the handwriting of the billionaire?
Afraid! !
After reacting, Li Li was a little scared and transferred the money back.
“I’m sorry, but mom said you can’t ask for things from strangers. Thank you, big brother, you are a good person.”
Seriously sent a thank you message, Li Li was very happy, she is really a good child.
Reward yourself with an ice cream after school.
But before that, let’s say good things to Big Brother first!
After all, he was scolded so badly!
Li Li climbed onto the scarf, clicked on Su Zhe’s scarf, and opened his mouth into an O shape again.
Is the mysterious gift a lawyer’s letter? .

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