Huiyuexing Technology.
Su Yue said excitedly: “Azhe, the China Mobile Phone Industry Association invited me to attend the lakeside meeting.”
“You want to go?”
Su Zhe is not interested in such boring things.
Su Yue nodded shyly, “A lot of bigwigs will participate this time.-”
“Let’s go then! Now they are the bosses, and in the future, you will be their bosses.”
Seeing her so happy, Su Zhe said with a smile.
“No way, you are the boss of New Moon.”
“You are New Moon’s legal person. In the future, when others mention New Moon, they will only think of your name, Su Yue.”
“Hmm~ I’m a little excited just thinking about it!”
Su Yue studied business administration in order to become a strong woman.
Her idol is Miss Dong from China.
It seems that she can also become a strong woman like Miss Dong.
Su Zhe let her play silly.
He was thinking about WeChat. Originally, Su Zhe planned to promote it at the mobile phone conference.
But the penguin in question has noticed him,
To make sure nothing goes wrong,
Su Zhe still plans to wait for the official release of the new moon one.
Crescent One is scheduled to be released before the Spring Festival at the end of the year.
At that time, Su Zhe could use the Spring Festival Gala to make WeChat famous in one fell swoop.
Scattered tens of billions.
He is going to use WeChat to pay New Year’s greetings to people all over the country at the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and distribute tens of billions of cash red envelopes.
But I want to be famous all over the world.
After all, the field of communication is the lifeblood of penguins, and if it is threatened, it will be an endless situation.
Therefore, Su Zhe must ensure that he can quickly seize the mobile terminal market before Penguin reacts.
Even if you can win.
The funds consumed are also astronomical.
“By the way, Azhe, the new moon one will be pre-sold online tomorrow.”
“How much do you think you can sell?”
Su Yue asked expectantly.
“Sell it out!”
Su Zhe said casually that the first batch of Crescent One pre-sale was 300,000, and the price was 4,999 yuan.
Su Yue shook her head, “I see it hard!”
“How to say?”
“We are a new brand after all, even if the response of the press conference was very good, but…”
Su Yue sighed, even though she was reluctant to admit it.
At this time, public knowledge is everywhere, and every day it is publicized that the moon abroad is more round, and there are not a few people who worship foreign countries.
So there are a lot of people who spray crescent moon one.
However, Su Zhe was a little unconcerned. Indeed, at this time, the gap between domestic and foreign is still relatively large.
However, don’t underestimate the patriotism of domestic netizens.
Crescent moon one,
Will definitely not disappoint.
However, it was not what Su Yue expected.
The next day.
The pre-sale of the new moon one starts, after the price is announced.
There was an instant scolding on the Internet.
“Crazy! The domestic mobile phone is priced at 4999?”
“I really think I’m an apple!”
“After making a fancy appearance, Nima is so expensive to sell, how about stealing money?”
“To make people perish in advance, they must first make people crazy, and wait for the new moon one to attack them.”
Very normal.
Except for those who worship foreigners, many ordinary people can’t stand it either.
After all, domestic brands have always been low-end representatives in their hearts, and they lack confidence.
Suddenly the price is 4999,
Many people shook their heads.
Of course, there are also netizens who counterattack, popularizing the technical content of Crescent One.
Don’t say anything else.
Just that screen alone is definitely world T0 level.
However, for a long time, the Chinese people’s distrust of domestic brands has made the pre-sale status of the new moon one not optimistic.
Thirty thousand an hour.
Then the new moon one came to a standstill.
Many of these 30,000 units were bought by netizens who had attended the World Expo press conference.
When this happened, Su Zhe was a little surprised.
His thinking was a little too optimistic.
Many people in China are patriotic, but their wallets do not allow patriotism.
At this time, high-end machines are only used by a small number of people.
And for this part of the income group.
The function of the phone is not important.
What matters is the brand.
That is, a cup.
After all, you takeThis is an Apple phone, and others will know at a glance, oh, rich people, fashiono!
But the new moon mobile phone is different. To put it bluntly, it is just a new brand, and it is still domestic.
How many people know it when you take it out?
How do you compare it to an apple?
As for the black technology function…
I’m sorry, ordinary people don’t listen to your explanation at all.
Seeing this situation, Su Yue frowned, “Azhe, what’s the next step?”
If the new moon one cannot be sold, it will definitely become a laughing stock, and the loss of interests is a trivial matter.
・・・・For flowers・・・・・・・・・・
What matters is the brand image.
Once established.
It is difficult to change again.
Su Zhe pondered for a moment, “The online pre-sale sales have been reduced to 50,000 units, and the rest are suspended.”
“You want hunger marketing?”
Su Yue frowned.
“Am I that stupid? Don’t worry, I have a way to solve the sales problem.”
“any solution?”
“Wait until I’m sure. By the way, aren’t you going to attend some mobile phone industry conference tomorrow?”
“Apart from this, I don’t have the mood to participate.”
Su Yue’s brows drooped down.
Su Zhe said with a smile, “You are very busy during this time, so you should go to the West Lake to relax. Don’t worry, I will find a way to solve the phone problem.”
to be honest.
Now the new moon is that the brand is not hard enough.
This is related to the long-term impact of domestic brands, and it is normal for domestic people to distrust.
To solve this kind of thing is actually very simple.
As long as it sells well overseas, establishes a high-end image, and is sought after overseas…
Although it is difficult to accept.
But no way.
There is still a long way to go to build confidence in domestic brands and change the stereotype of “shanzhai”.
Su Zhe is going to follow the route of OnePlus in his previous life.
In the early stage, it mainly focused on overseas.
After making a name for himself, he will save the country on the curve and return to the country.
“Secretary Li, help me book a plane ticket to the beautiful country, I’m going on a business trip.”
Su Zhe informed him.
Since the end of the semester was approaching, he asked the little secretary to go back to school to study hard, so as not to fail the course in time.
As for himself…
If you fail the class, you will fail the class.
Next year, he will go through the formalities for leave of absence.
Because the influence of this conference is mainly in China.
Therefore, Su Zhe plans to go to the beautiful country to hold a press conference, and communicate with t-mobile to see if a cooperation can be reached.
t-mobile is one of the four major operators in the beautiful country.
Its users are 110 million.
At the same time, it has more than 5,600 stores in the beautiful country.
If a cooperation can be reached, then the sales of the new moon mobile phone will be solved easily.
When Su Zhe went overseas to open up markets, in China, Su Yue also participated in the lakeside meeting.
Suffered a great storm of fishing boats…… soil.

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