The Whole People Draw Cards To Survive: The Willow God Is Drawn At The Beginning

Chapter 238 Dialogue With The Lord Of Strangeness, Reward The Nineteen-Star Destiny Treasure Box! (1


Get through!

But he didn't speak!

【Which one?】

Su Yuan felt something unusual, this feeling was never experienced even when talking to Myth Tai Yi and Myth Emperor Shihuang, he lowered his voice slightly.


The other party still didn't speak.

There are many characters in the territory, elf goddess, elf queen and other masters of all ages are curious, and the masters of all ages such as fairy sword sister, angel sister, and turkey sister are also curious.

In the Wuming Taoist Temple, several figures who are above the masters of all generations are also curious.

The Mythical Empress and the Mythical Nuwa have obviously different expressions, and they seem to want to hear the content of the conversation, but even as mythical characters, they cannot spy on the mysterious mobile phone.

【Which one?】

Su Yuan asked again.

【you guess. 】

This time the other party responded.


a female voice

Why does it sound a bit naughty?

[Can't guess. 】

Su Yuan responded.

[You have been calling me all the time, but you don't know who I am. It seems that you are still very young. 】

This time the other party answered quickly.

[I am indeed very young. 】

Su Yuan shrugged.

Although the dialogue is very unnutritious.

But according to the previous rules.

Just finish the conversation.

Generally get something.

So just treat the conversation as a task and complete it.

[You are so boring, I don't want to talk to you anymore, remember my name, I am the Lord of Strangeness, a character that is almost impossible to catch up with in your life. 】

The other party responded again.


The other party didn't hang up the phone!

Su Yuan can hear the sound of bang bang coming from the other end of the secret phone!

The other party seems to be punching!


Voice changed?

It turned into an extremely harsh sound!

It's like the sound of a knife being cut through glass!

This is?

a test?

Su Yuan thought.

The voice changed again.

This time there were various voices.

It was as if countless souls were speaking at the same time.

extremely noisy.

Su Yuan frowned slightly.

He thinks that people who ascend to heaven and sacrifice to Taoism also tolerate this kind of sound.

At this time.

The voice on the other end of the mysterious phone changed again.


Like a roar of a ghost!

Straight to the soul!

Su Yuan frowned slightly, but didn't think there was anything wrong. The next second, the voice on the other end of the mysterious phone changed again, and became an extremely pleasant voice.



Su Yuan thought of a Western monster!


Siren Song!

other side?

You don't think this kind of voice can confuse you, do you?

[My ancient slate has refreshed some information about the extraordinary level of the forbidden world, this time more detailed than before. Ten stars are demigods, eleven stars are true gods, twelve stars are masters, thirteen stars are masters of thousands of generations, and four stars are ten thousand ministers.

Fifteen stars go to the sky to worship the Tao, sixteen stars are Da Luo, seventeen stars are also Da Luo, and eighteen stars are myths. The ancient slate mentioned nineteen stars, but it didn't say what realm the nineteen stars were.

Personally, I feel that there should be an extraordinary level above the nineteenth star. It may be that my realm is not enough, and the ancient stone tablet has not been refreshed for the time being. More information. 】

At this time.

world channel.

Shi Tiansheng's message floated by.

【Da Luo? Myth? Eighteen Stars is actually the full name of the myth called Myth Da Luo, right?】

[I don’t know if you have noticed one thing, that is the extraordinary level of the forbidden world, below fourteen stars looks like a western system, but above fourteen stars, it can be seen from the name of the realm that it is an eastern system, which is enough to explain the forbidden world Eastern characters are stronger than Western characters!]

【As a western lord, I would like to say, is there a possibility that the extraordinary nineteen stars are a western name!】

【Among us, can anyone be promoted to the extraordinary nineteen star?】

[This? This, this, this? The strongest lord in the world of our forbidden land is the villain Su Yuan! Su Yuan (Liao Nuo), can you be promoted to the nineteen-star extraordinary!】

Various discussions.




Su Yuan's side!

On the other end of the mysterious phone, the woman who claimed to be the master of weirdness suddenly hung up the phone!


at the same time!

Something fell in front of Su Yuan!


All kinds of glances!


Is this a destiny treasure box?

It's just that the color doesn't seem right?

Many people are puzzled forever.

Su Yuan glanced at him.


[Strange. Treasure Box of Destiny: 19-star item (please open it carefully!)].

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