Wen Hengyin also sensed something was wrong and followed the deer in pursuit.

During the busy farming season, there are not many people in the village. People either go to the fields to harvest wheat, or they cook at home and send it to the fields.

Youyou ran quickly with four hooves, and soon saw a woman in front of her holding Xiaojie and Xiaowu in her arms.

Xiaojie Dawu was obviously unhappy, struggling and crying.

"Stop!" Yingbao shouted, slapping Yoyo hard, urging it to go faster.

The woman looked back, immediately dropped the most difficult Xiao Wu, hugged Xiao Jie and ran away.

Ying Bao rushed to Xiao Wu, glanced back, and saw Wen Hengyin following him from a distance, and immediately shouted: "Wen Hengyin, please take care of my brother!"

As he spoke, he urged the deer to chase the woman.

Wen Hengyin probably understood what was going on, so he ran to Xiao Wu, picked up the crying little Douding, and looked at the direction where Ying Bao disappeared. Knowing that he could not catch up, he turned around and ran back.

Alas, he was just feeding Ahua. He didn't expect to encounter bad guys stealing the child, so he had to find an adult quickly to rescue Yingbao and her brother.

He hugged Xiao Wu and ran all the way, panting heavily from exhaustion. Suddenly he saw a villager coming, and immediately shouted: "Auntie! Someone is stealing a child. Go to Jiang's house and call someone to save them!"

The person who came was Wang Ke's wife. She was about to deliver food to the fields. When she heard this, she immediately ran to Jiang's house and shouted: "Come quickly! Someone has stolen the child!"

Ying Bao chased her all the way to the Chuanhe River, and was about to catch up. Suddenly, the woman turned around, smiled coldly, and threw the child out with all her strength.


Ying Bao's eyes were about to burst, and he had no time to fight with the woman, so he chased Xiaojie downstream in the water.

Because it had just rained recently, the current in the river was relatively fast, and Xiaojie was carried far away in a short time.

Yingbao urged Youyou to chase downstream, watching Xiaojie's red coat floating in the water, her mind was buzzing, but her heart was extremely clear.

no! You must rush to stop Xiaojie in front of the current. If you continue to chase him like this, a wave will make him sink to the bottom of the river.

Yingbao slapped Yoyo hard to make her run faster. When he was ahead of Xiaojie, he jumped off the deer's back and ran quickly to the river. Regardless of the gap in the river bank, he jumped in.

At the moment of falling into the water, Yingbao released a gourd vine with two large gourds attached to it.

After entering through the water, he subconsciously held his breath, and his small body was pulled out of the water by the gourd vine.

She grabbed the gourd vine with one hand, wrapped it around her body, and swam towards Xiaojie with all her strength.

In her previous life, she knew how to order a dog paddle, but she didn't forget it now. She stopped in front of Xiaojie and finally caught him.

Ying Bao hugged Xiaojie and let his head and face rest on the thin waist of the gourd.

I originally wanted to put Xiaojie on the gourd's thin waist and let him ride on it, but the big gourd would roll in the water and couldn't carry people at all.

And she couldn't control the erratic gourd, and could only watch herself and her brother drift downstream.

It's over, she and her brother can't get to the shore.

Looking back, I could vaguely see Youyou running after them, non-stop.

Ying Bao in the river was holding her younger brother and being carried by the gourd, drifting further and further away, and soon she couldn't see Yoyo's figure anymore.

Xiaojie in his arms was breathing calmly and his chest was rising and falling. Even if he closed his eyes tightly and didn't open them, he didn't know if he was asleep.

Ying Bao was slightly relieved, holding him with one hand and holding the gourd tightly with the other to prevent herself and her brother from sinking into the water.

After floating for an unknown amount of time, the water surface became wider and the current became much gentler.

After taking a breath, Ying Bao kicked her legs hard and swam towards the shore.

After struggling for a long time, when Yingbao was exhausted, she finally floated to the shallows.

After eating a handful of Wudingzhi and regaining some strength, Yingbao dragged her younger brother to the shore.

The two big gourds were also entangled in the weeds on the shore and did not float down.

He turned his brother over to control the water, took off his wet clothes, and took out a piece of his own thick clothing from the cave to wrap his brother.

Afterwards, I fed him some Wuding Zhiye, and then I lay flat on the ground, looking up at the blue sky, my eyes distracted.

I don't know how long she had been lying there, but Yoyo ran over and kept touching her with her mouth to get her up.

But she couldn't move, couldn't even lift her hands.

At this time, someone rushed this way.

Ying Bao took a look and didn't see who it was.

"Bao'er!" Jiang Sanlang ran over like crazy. When he saw the two children lying silently on the river beach, his vision went dark and he almost fainted.

"Bao'er! Xiaojie!" Jiang Sanlang knelt down on the gravel, picked up Yingbao, and then picked up his son Xiaojie, holding them tightly in his arms, tears falling uncontrollably.

The man in his thirties was choked with sobs and could not speak. When he touched his son, he was still warm and his chest was rising and falling, and he felt a little relieved.

I tried my daughter's breathing again, and there was air flow across my fingers, and the other half's heart dropped.

But he couldn't control his ups and downs, so he burst into tears, crying at the top of his lungs.

Several more villagers came over. Seeing Jiang Sanlang like this, they thought the two children were gone. They were filled with regret and didn't even notice the two strange giant gourds not far away.

At this time, Jiang Erlang also ran over and took out his little nephew from the arms of his crying third brother. He found that the little nephew was still alive, so he quickly squeezed him and squeezed water.

Xiaojie was awakened by the pressure, opened his eyes and cried loudly.

"Oh, this kid is crying. It's okay. It's okay." Everyone was pleasantly surprised: "God bless you."

Ying Bao also regained his composure, raised his finger and pointed at the villagers who were about to move, "You guys, don't move! That gourd is mine."

Several villagers had already seen the gourd on the shore and were about to go over to check it out. When they heard this, they laughed and said, "We didn't move, we just wanted to help you drag it up. Hey, what kind of gourd is this? It's so big."

"It must have been this gourd that saved the child. Ouch, the little fairy boy really had a different reaction and even summoned such a magical gourd."


Can she say that these people are too smart?

It's so scary, even her bottom is shaking off.

Next, the villagers carried two big gourds, Jiang Sanlang held his little girl, and Jiang Erlang held his nephew, and quickly returned to the village.

At this time, a large circle of people gathered in front of Jiang Sanlang's house. The woman who stole the child had her hands tied behind her back and was kneeling on the ground.

Mrs. Jiang Liu slapped her loudly, pulled her hair and shook her back and forth, crying and cursing: "You are a murderer, my child provoked you and you want to harm him? If they have any good intentions, I will beat you to death." Beast…”

The kneeling woman's face was bruised and swollen, and her mouth was bleeding. She sneered at the Jiang family: "Why should my son be dragged to death, while yours should live well? If Jiang Sanlang hadn't been so ruthless, my donkey son How can I send him to the barracks?"

"Fart!" Jiang Dalang scolded angrily: "Your donkey will be drafted into the army even if you are at home. It's my Jiang family that blames you for your mental illness."

Patriarch Chen and Chen Sanyou also came. They pushed aside the crowd and came to the woman, gritting their teeth and angrily yelling:

"You vicious woman! We, Mr. Chen, have all been embarrassed by you!"

The patriarch turned to Chen Sanyou and said:

"Send her to Li Zheng later, and she will be sentenced as she should be. Any one of you can call her mother-in-law over. We, the Chen family, cannot afford such a vicious woman.

Where is Chen Ergou? Call him here, and if he is an accomplice, send him to the court together. If he doesn't know, let him write a letter of divorce and divorce this ignorant and stupid woman first! "

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