When Chen Da heard what his wife said, he couldn't sit still. "Then wouldn't it be a disaster if you left that child at home?"

"Who says it's not the case?" Mrs. Chen began to worry.

"Otherwise, let's send her to the official." Chen Dadao.

"What kind of official?" Sister-in-law Chen said angrily: "If the child is really abducted, it will be useless for us to send him to the official. We will offend Mr. Han and your brother for nothing. Maybe your brother will blame you for being troublesome. Woolen cloth."

When Chen Guanglu was young, he knew how to be courteous, made friends everywhere, and had many contacts with county officials. He had a wide range of contacts. If his family just sent their child away like this, what should they say?

Could it be that it was sent by the Han family, and he sent it to the official because he was afraid of being implicated? Don't expect him and his wife to beat him up in the end, but instead make your own family a mess.

"Then what should I do?" Chen Da scratched his head and said worriedly: "This won't work, and that won't work either. Then why did you agree to her in the first place?"

Sister-in-law Chen kicked her husband and said angrily: "I told you I didn't react at the time."

Chen Da stopped talking and buried himself in his porridge.

"Hmph, Mrs. Han doesn't want that child to go out, so let's just let her get lost accidentally." Sister-in-law Chen's eyes flashed, "None of us can watch her twelve hours a day."

Chen Da raised his face from his rice bowl, "What if the kid doesn't leave?"

"We won't let her go until she leaves." Sister-in-law Chen said confidently: "There will be a temple fair tomorrow, and many children get lost at the temple fair."


In the evening, Yingbao was placed in a small hut where debris and firewood were piled.

Sister-in-law Chen threw her a dark, ragged linen quilt and asked her to sleep in the haystack.

After they all left, Ying Bao entered the cave to check the items he had collected.

Since the last incident where Xiaojie fell into the water, he had saved a lot of things in the cave.

There are old clothes, old quilts, ropes, baskets and other items, as well as some rice and noodles, but these things are of no use for the time being.

She raised her wrist and looked at it. It had been cleaned, which proved that Han and others already knew that there was no birthmark on her body, which meant that Han already believed that she was not her daughter.

But knowing that she was not her daughter, she still asked little Han to send her to Zhouhe County, more than a hundred miles away, which showed that Han had not given up the idea.

Then what awaits you is either being silenced or silenced, it is only a matter of time.

If Mr. Han really gave birth to a son, or if something else happened during this period, he would definitely be killed in advance. There is no doubt about this.

It is too easy for an adult to kill a child and then bury it somewhere casually without anyone noticing.

Therefore, I can't stay in this place, and I can't tell the truth to this family.

It would be best for her to keep pretending to be an incomprehensible little kid and then try to escape.

Early the next morning,

The tattered quilt on Ying Bao's body was uncovered.

Mrs. Chen looked at her with a smile and stuffed her with two black-faced steamed buns, "You must be hungry. Eat quickly."

Ying Bao calmed down and took two black-faced steamed buns.

I just heard Sister-in-law Chen say: "There is a temple fair over there on Qian Street today, are you going to go?"

Ying Bao's eyes lit up and she nodded.

"Then let the little sister take you there." He said, pulling the girl aside and giving her two pennies. "Go to the temple fair and keep an eye on the little sister. She is a relative of your third aunt's family."

The girl happily took the two cents, took Ying Bao's hand, and led her outside.

Ying Bao went out with the girl with a confused look on her face. Looking back, she saw the Chen family's sister-in-law looking at her with a solemn expression.

The sky outside was gray and not very bright yet. An eighty-nine-year-old girl led a three-year-old girl out of the alley, and no one noticed.

This alley is dirty and dilapidated, and the people living in it are not rich. Adults and children are all dressed in rags when they walk out, even the villagers of Dongchen Village are worse.

The girl took Yingbao and turned left and right, crossing two streets, and finally came to the foot of a hill.

There are already many vendors setting up their stalls here, and it looks like it’s a temple fair day.

The girl took Yingbao to an old elm tree and asked her to sit on the roots. She said she was going to buy something for her to eat and told her not to wander around.

Ying Bao nodded, and then saw the girl jumping away and quickly disappearing into the crowd.

Are you throwing yourself here?

Ying Bao was surprised, looked around, immediately stood up and walked in the other direction.

There is a large area of ​​evergreen shrubs ahead, still lush and green in this harsh winter.

Ying Bao hid among the bushes and took out a set of old cotton clothes from the cave.

The clothes were short and faded, but they were still wearable.

Yingbao was still worried, so she spread the outside of her old cotton-padded coat in the mud and stepped on it for a while.

When I picked it up again, I could no longer see the outside of this old cotton coat.

Yingbao stood on tiptoe and looked left and right. Seeing that there was no one around, she quickly took off her new red cotton-padded clothes and put on these dirty old clothes. Then she pulled off the small knot on her head. Grab a handful of mud and rub it on your head and face, then quietly take out a small bronze mirror and look at it, you will see that you are a dirty little beggar.

I had played the role of a beggar in my previous life, so I knew a lot about dressing up.

I didn't expect that I would have to play beggar again today, and I would only be better than the old one.

Dressed like this, if you walk alone later, you won't be snatched away and sold by bad guys.

Those kidnappers are not interested in dirty, smelly and ugly little beggars being brought to them. They are also afraid of being infected with diseases.

Putting away the bronze mirror and new cotton-padded clothes, he lowered his head and looked at his feet.

On her feet was a pair of new cotton shoes, which were warm and light, but didn't seem to match her body.

But I don’t have suitable shoes in my cave, so I can’t go barefoot in the winter.

Forget it, that’s it.

As soon as he raised his head, he met a pair of eyes.

Ying Bao was so frightened that he took a few steps back.

Squatting opposite her was a teenage boy, dressed in rags and with a dirty face, even worse than her current condition. He stared at her suspiciously and asked, "Who are you?" From the top of the mountain?”

Ying Bao blinked, "There is no mountain top."

She understood the young man's slang and was asking which beggar gang she belonged to.

The young man scratched his messy hair, stood up, looked around, sighed, lowered his head and asked, "Did you see a little baby in red? I saw her walking in here before, but why did she disappear all of a sudden?"

Yingbao shook her head: "I didn't see it, I guess it went that way." She pointed to a small trail next to the bushes.

The young man was about to go there when he suddenly came back and asked, "Since you don't have a mountain top, do you want to follow me?"

Yingbao thought for a while and nodded: "Okay."

So the two beggars walked down the slope, but when they didn't find the little red doll, they turned back.

The beggar boy took Ying Bao to meet another beggar. The two discussed the begging territory and then left.

Ying Bao continued to follow the boy, and finally found a good place to squat down.

The young beggar looked left and right, his eyes looking around intently. As soon as he saw the friendly woman, he urged Ying Bao to come forward to beg.

Ying Bao had no choice but to run over and extend her hands pitifully to the middle-aged woman.

She was familiar with this job, so she did it naturally and fluently, without any embarrassment at all.

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