The Whole World Was Stunned When My Home Was Exposed

Chapter 223 Since you love to make trouble, then I will accompany you!

Before, the Sue's phone rang.

It has always been the most common, and the mobile phone has its own ringtone.

But since listening to Li Chang's "Mark of the Rain".

The Sue people were playing "Mark of the Rain" in Lichang.

A short clip was recorded and used as the ringtone of the phone.

Now, the Sue's cell phone rang.

Immediately, Yi Minjing pricked up her ears.

Yi Minjing can support the talk show Deepin Music by herself.

In terms of music, he has a very high literacy.

Listen to this piano piece.

Yi Minjing can be sure that it must be the work of a master.

It's just that the ringtone of this piano song is very loud, and I haven't heard it before.

Right now, Sui's phone rang.

Yi Minjing didn't plan, and immediately went to ask Suyen for the ringtone of her cell phone.

Instead he said jokingly.

"This call, your husband didn't call you, right?"

"I think it's just that your husband is busy.

"Should be willing to answer your call."

Suey took out his mobile phone and took a look.

It turns out that the phone call was indeed from Li Chang.

Suyi hesitated for a moment, then answered Li Chang's call.

Open the public.

Originally, the Sui people rejected Yi Minjing because they were afraid of disturbing Li Chang.

Now Li Rui took the initiative to call herself.

Lichang must have been free.

Then why don't you seize the opportunity and spread the dog food properly.

It started when Sui decided to be a couple blogger on Weibo.

I don't mind sprinkling dog food everywhere.

As soon as he picked up the phone, Suyi only listened to Li Chang on the other end of the phone and said.

"Wife, after I arrived in the imperial capital, today I will meet with Uncle Zong...

When the Suyi heard it, Li Chang told himself about today's itinerary.

Zong Heng was also mentioned.

There must be something to tell myself.

Sue people are willing to show affection.

But he didn't want to share too much, the private affairs with Li Chang.

The Sue hurriedly changed the subject and said.

"Husband, I want to hear you sing!

Li Chang interrupted himself suddenly when he heard the Sui on the other end of the phone.

Say you want to listen to yourself sing.

I can't help but feel a little strange.

However, Li Rui had no reason not to satisfy the Sui people for such a small request.

Your wife must be pampered!

Wife, "What do you want to hear?"

"There are not many songs I can sing, and it's not that you don't know.

On weekdays, the Sui people always like to let Li Chang sing a few words when he has nothing to do.

Before, the songs that the Sue people ordered.

Li Rui has never heard of it.

But there are a lot of good songs in this world!

There are a few favorites to listen to.

Li Chang listened to it several times and learned it.

When Yi Minjing heard Li Chang's words, her eyes suddenly flashed.

What does it mean to not sing a few songs?

Could it be that Sue's husband is a sound idiot?

If you're really a sound freak, how can you write lyrics and compose music!?

Right now, Yi Minjing didn't want to investigate.

How high is Li Rui's musical attainments?

Just wondering, is Li Chang really a sound idiot?

In case Li Chang really can't sing.

Then the whole image of the Sui people is complete.

Yi Minjing stretched out her hand to Suyi and casually compared a few numbers.

Now on some shows that let singers, improvise lyrics and compose.

It has not been fixed to give the singer an intention, or thing.

For example, lovelorn, bees, butterflies, etc., let the singers improvise.

Because this is too simple for a professional singer.

Now there is often a limit to singers.

That is, every lyric must use numbers.

As for how the numbers are used, there are no specific requirements.

Improv songs with numbers, so to speak.

It is already the problem that all singers are most afraid of when they appear on variety shows.

Even Wu Tianwang overturned the car on this.

The Sui people also felt that Yi Minjing gave him the restriction.

Some are so hard!

However, the Sui people suddenly thought of Li Chang and hummed a few words at home.

"Prosperity is like three thousand flowing waters, I only take a scoop of love to understand, and only love the butterfly you incarnate."

At that time, when I heard Li Rui hum.

Although I don't know what song Li Chang is singing.

But the Suyi people can feel the slow national flavor from Li Chang's singing.

It belongs to one kind and is placed in the entire music scene.

Can make the music world, the style of the music.

There are numbers in the lyrics of this song.

Li Chang can sing this song.

So, the Sue said.

Husband ", I want to listen to songs with a lot of numbers in the lyrics!

Li Chang on the other end of the phone raised his eyebrows.

There was a slight guess in my heart.

Sui interrupted his words, and suddenly and deliberately let himself sing.

Nine times out of ten, what show are you recording?

Since you like to make trouble, then I will accompany you.

From Sue said, I want to be a couple blogger.

Li Chang knew the Sui people and had the idea of ​​going out to spread dog food.

the wishes of his daughter-in-law.

It's done by cooperating!

Speaking of songs with numbers, Li Chang can sing a lot.

For some songs, Li Chang can't remember all the lyrics.

But if you sing a sentence or two, there is still no problem.

Suddenly, Li Rui thought of a song that happened to be connected by numbers.

It's just that this song is a little sad.

Li Chang simply decided to sing only the first half.

Li Chang coughed lightly and exhaled.

Leaning closer to the phone, he said.

"Wife, then I'll start!"

Originally, when Yi Minjing turned on the speakerphone when the Suyi people heard Li Chang's voice.

I can't help but be amazed!

A man's voice can be so magnetic!

So nice!

Yi Minjing is a voice control.

Li Chang's voice could be said to have directly pierced into Yi Minjing's heart.

Now, Li Rui's voice became lower.

The lowered voice had an indescribable charm.

damn it!

How much has this man's vocal cords been favored by the Creator!?

Just when Yi Minjing sighed at Li Chang's voice.

The singing has already been transmitted from Sui's mobile phone.

[Look, remember this knife

Cut my body and study my wind and rain

This is me, that circle is you

happy happy

see the traces of growth

Wrap my life, engrave my seal

counting me, counting you

past past)

Li Chang sings without much skill.

It's just a meal for God to eat.

Li Chang, who drank genetic medicine, sang a song.

Close to the most fundamental sound of life.

A professional music critic.

It can be said that Li Rui did not use Zhao Hao), vocal skills.

But it can't be said that Li Chang sings badly.

Now the singing skills, pay attention to the complexity of simplicity.

No tricks, just noise and emotion to arouse people's sympathy.

It's the best singing.

Li Chang's a cappella sings can be said to have achieved this.

However, Yi Minjing was a little puzzled after she was amazed.

Isn't it written with digital limitations?

Brother, you didn't sing a single number!

This song is definitely an unpublished song.

Otherwise, just based on the previous few sentences, you will be eligible to be on the popular new song list.

Yi Minjing has now affirmed Li Chang's talent.

However, this does not come as required.

Something is wrong!

Sue had the same doubts in his heart.

The people of Suy have never heard this song, Li Changhu.

At this moment, Li Chang's singing continued.

【One is the baby crying, the other is learning games

The third is the story of youth, the fourth is that I happened to meet Guan You

Know this you, indulge in this you

Time pauses and resumes.

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