Small and medium-sized security companies, service objects.

Generally for the general public.

For example, some communities, or security personnel in public places.

It is from these, small and medium security companies hired.

For small and medium-sized security companies, the quality of security personnel is generally not too high.

Unable to undertake well, private security work.

Only large security companies can undertake private security work well.

Security personnel within a large security company.

Not necessarily more than the staff of small and medium-sized security companies.

But the quality of these security guards is extremely high.

It is already difficult to be hired collectively.

Sining Mansion can be so recognized by the rich.

Except for the location of Sining Mansion and its internal facilities.

It also has a lot to do with the security of Sining Mansion.

The security guards in the Sining Residence are hired from a large security company, Black Shield.

Every security guard on duty in Sining Mansion.

The annual salary is more than RMB 1.2 million.

Such income has exceeded that of the managers of many listed companies.

The security guards of Black Shield Company are all special talents.

It can maximize the protection and the safety of the owners in the community.

Home is the place where you need the most sense of security!

There are good security personnel.

It can greatly enhance the sense of security brought by home.

But big security companies like Black Shield.

Not really the top security company.

There are five more security companies that are ranked above Black Shield.

The level of security protection that these five security companies can carry out.

far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

These cutting-edge security talents can make a man.

Freedom from any form of wrongful death.

Once the Bedion Security Company, received a mission in the war zone.

Protect a convoy and smoothly cross the war zone.

This in itself is an impossible task.

Because both sides of the war are on board with the materials delivered by this convoy.

But in the end, due to the intervention of Bedian Security Company.

The car passed through the war zone safely.

No one knows what's going on here.

Such a task also created the legend of this top security company.

In terms of security and protection, 50 billion yuan has been invested.

In Li Chang's view, it is a necessary expense.

In fact, it is not appropriate to say that it is an expense.

Because this expense itself is also an investment.

You must know that a security company can make a lot of profits every year.

At this time, the system prompt sound.

[The host chose the 50 billion level, deducting the 50 billion funds in the host's bank card. "

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 100% of the shares of Bedien Security Company. "

Hearing this, Li Rui looked busy.

I actually obtained it, one of the five top security companies in the world.

Shares of Bedion Corporation!

Simply great!

Economists have evaluated it.

The valuation of Bedian Security is more than 20 billion meters.

After all, Lichang invested 50 billion RMB.

In exchange for more than 20 billion meters of benign assets.

Equal to a net profit of nearly 100 billion.

Moreover, it has become a 100% wholly-owned shareholder of Bedian Security.

Li Chang became the only boss of Bedion Security Company.

Take full control of Bedion Security!

Coincidentally, tomorrow, Li Chang was invited by Zong Heng to participate in the private jade sale.

This jadeite private disk, since there are so many good goods.

Lichang also has sufficient funds.

It has to cost a fortune.

When the time comes, let Bedion Security Company send someone to deliver it.

Undoubtedly a great choice!

In addition, the Sui people, Su Bailu, will be assigned two bodyguards each.

Whether it is the Toad Palace in Sining Mansion.

It is still in the courtyard near the Summer Palace.

Appropriate security personnel are also available.

The moment you get the system prompt in Lichang.

Inside a church in Italy.

A man looked nervous and put down his phone with trembling palms.

I just felt like I heard a thunderbolt!

What kind of person is Mr. Lu Lin, his boss.

Men couldn't be more clear!

It's rare to be outside at a reception and not be seated in the main seat.

Those employers of the company, to their own bosses.

All are very polite.

My boss has been planning for nearly two decades.

After a series of means, they got 100% of the company's shares.

Why now, the shares are suddenly traded out.

Instead, he became the general manager of the company.

This is really unusual.

As the liaison executor for Bedion Security.

Crow knows his boss's temper too well.

Such superfluous words, as long as you dare to ask.

Even if he has been with the boss for fifteen years.

Tomorrow I will definitely be replaced!

With this news, the company doesn't even need to hold a board of directors.

The original director of the company is only the boss.

Without a sound, the company has changed.

The new boss is in the dark, and he is already exempt.

Cloben wanted to ask for the contact information of the new boss.

As the liaison executive of the company, I always need to contact the new boss.

As a result, it was rejected by Mr. Lu Lin.

After Mr. Lu Lin stepped down as general manager.

He even grabbed himself and received the executor's work.

Dedicated to contacting new bosses.

Just listen to what Mr. Lulin meant on the phone.

Crow always felt that Mr. Lu Lin was very afraid of this new boss who had not yet appeared.

At this time, in a mansion on an island.

A man in his fifties holding a mobile phone.

At this time, the big man's hand.

The paint was even more violent than in the chapel just now.

I remembered what the other party used in exchange for the shares of Bedien Security Company in his hands.

Lu Lin felt terrified for no reason.

If the other party can have such resources, what kind of big man does the other party have.

From Lulin's perspective.

For a while, I didn't know how to guess.

Such people must be served with care.

If there is any requirement, we will supervise and arrange the implementation as soon as possible.

He pondered for a moment.

Lu Lin called Li Chang over the phone.

"Mr. Li, I'm Lu Lin, general manager of Bedion Security Company."

"Formerly a wholly-owned shareholder of Bedion Security.

"If you have any orders, you can call me directly.

"I will serve you twenty-four hours, anytime, anywhere!"

"I can pass on the business currently received by Bedian Security Company to you."

Li Chang knew when he first checked in the system.

-0 for flowers...

When you sign in through the system, or get a reward through an item card.

If the reward is obtained, it is a group or company owned by this world.

The system will take the lead in the acquisition!

Like Li Rui communicated with Zong Heng before.

I learned from Zong Heng's words.

The reason why Zong Heng was willing to sell Sining Mansion was because of the shares of three overseas companies.

Li Bo was willing to trade the Broad Museum at that time.

It was because of the receipt of a sum of 1.8 billion in cash.

So, Li Chang knew.

The man named Lu Lin on the opposite side must have obtained something from the system.

And listening to Lu Lin's attitude towards himself, he was enthusiastic and somewhat pleasing.

While speaking, his voice trembled slightly.

There seems to be some fear in my heart.

This made Li Chang a little curious.

What exactly did Lu Lin get in the hands of the system?

to have such an attitude towards oneself.

Although Li Rui obtained shares in Bedian Security Company.

But I don't want to get too involved in the company's affairs.

There is Lu Lin, the former boss, as the general manager.

Bedion Security Company is destined to develop smoothly as before.

Li Rui said.

"As for the company, you only need to report quarterly earnings to me.

"I don't have anything to tell you right now."

"Only twenty security personnel are needed.

"You can pick twenty high-quality security personnel and send them over."

"These 20 security personnel will only serve me personally in the future, and will no longer be engaged in the company's tasks."

Lu Lin heard the words and decided immediately.

Send the company's top twenty security guards over there.

The withdrawal of 20 top security personnel has a certain impact on the operation of the company.

But the impact will not be much.

Bedion has invested in several schools that train security personnel.

In these schools, Lu Lin has been appointed chief teacher.

In another two months, these new seedlings will be cultivated.

completely make up for this loss.

And for the company, fill more vitality.

"Mr. Li, I'll make arrangements now!"

"Please send me the coordinates.

"After half a day, these twenty security personnel will appear in front of you."

Logically, this kind of thing.

Lu Lin didn't need to ask Li Chang at all.

Lu Lin just needs to check it casually.

You can easily find out the exact location of Lichang.

After all, Bedion Security Company is also a detective company.

Get a person's coordinates through a mobile phone.

Simply too easy.

However, Lu Lin found out.

Li Chang's mobile phone coordinates could not be extracted by himself.

Think of the things you have acquired.

Lu Lin's teeth could not help but tremble!

The words became more and more attentive.

It is no longer just Mr. Li Changli, but the boss.

"Boss, the salary of these 20 security guards is 600,000 meters per person per year."

"On the company's side, the payment will be made.


Lu Lin's words were not finished yet.

Li was interrupted.

"I will be responsible for the salaries of these people."

"I'm in the Xia Kingdom now."

"Just ask these twenty security guards to come to No. 2 Wangzong Road next to the Summer Palace at five o'clock in the evening."

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