The Whole World Was Stunned When My Home Was Exposed

Chapter 275 Li Chang is going to have a child!?

Until now, Li Chang had not followed him back to Sichuan.

The Sui's mother, Lin Peizhi, was on the phone more than once.

He proposed to Suyi, and wanted to come and see Lichang.

However, they were all rejected by the Sui people.

If it was in the house in Lijingshuiyuan Community before.

Mom and Dad wanted to come over, but the Sui people would not stop him.

But if I waited for my mother, Lin Peizhi, to come over.

Directly take my mother into the Toad Palace of Sining Mansion.

The Sui people were afraid that their mother would not be able to accept it for a while.

Having a heart attack.

Therefore, it is better to take Li Chang back first.

The Suyians believe that Yilichang's personality will surely conquer his parents.

When Mom and Dad got to know Li Chang, everything was relieved.

Even if the mother knows, Li Chang's wealth.

I won't think about myself anymore.

It can be said that Li Rui has never met his father, mother and grandfather.

I have already thought of buying a villa estate worth billions.

Let them come and live.

He also thought about his grandfather's recuperation.

Li Rui treats himself well, and Suyi people are very happy.

Ke Lichang is kind to his family, and the Suyi people are happy at the same time.

There was an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Li Chang's actions prove that Li Chang is willing to accept his family.

Sue before marriage.

I don't understand why people always say that love will gradually evolve into family affection.

In the heart of Sue people, love is love.

Family affection is bland and warm, but love is much hotter.

But now, the Sui people finally understood the reason.

Li Chang's approach to his family is the insipidity and warmth between relatives.

And his love for Li is still hot.

Before Suyi could speak, Li Rui continued to speak.

"When we have a child, we can usually give it to our parents, so we can feel more at ease."

Li Chang's previous life was young, and his second child was born.

Ye Lichang is not married yet.

I have seen Li Chang, who has a small child with a child, and I know how difficult it is to bring a child.

After having children, both Li Chang and Suyi.

It is impossible to revolve around children twenty-four hours a day.

But the child is completely handed over to the Filipino maid.

But any long-hearted parents can't rest assured.

Moreover, Li Chang is a very family-oriented person.

I traveled into this world by myself, without parents.

Children need not only parental love, but also maternal love.

Also need the love of grandma, grandpa, grandpa, grandma.

Such a child's childhood is considered complete.

I won't lose some of my feelings when I grow up.

Hearing Li Chang talking about the child, Su Yi subconsciously touched his stomach.

Sui people have the habit of staying up late since their development in the entertainment industry.

Usually Sue people go to bed at ten o'clock at night.

But now the Sue people sometimes go to bed at one or two o'clock at night.

Therefore, the relatives came two days late, and the Sui people did not take it seriously at first.

But now, Sui suddenly wondered if it would be him who won the bid!?

Sue are not the carefree kind.

For future generations, the responsible person must be paid.

So even if it's just a passing thought.

The Sui people also plan to take a good test when they go back.

Li Rui wanted children, and the Suyi people knew that.

Therefore, the Sui people would not tell Li Chang about this just because it was two days late.

Instead, I plan to wait for my own test to be sure that I really won the bid.

Talk to Li Chang again.

Let Li Changkong rejoice for nothing.

Seeing the Sui people rubbing their stomachs, Li Chang just thought that the Sui people had eaten too much for dinner.

Reached out and attached it to the palm of the Sui people.

Across Sui's palm, he gently rubbed Sui's stomach.

Sui people only feel warm at this time.

If you really have a little guy in your stomach.

Then this is the little guy's first contact with Li Chang.

Looking at Sue's drooping smile.

A smile appeared on Li Chang's face involuntarily.

The twilight of the late afternoon shone into the car.

Against the red maple on both sides of the road.

It dyed the hair of Li Rui and Suyi with a layer of red.

It seems that something happy is coming.

Soon, Han Bing drove into the ninth manor following the car driven by Du Fang in front.

Before Li Chang got out of the car, he found that the design in the ninth manor was somewhat interesting.

At first, the building in front of the manor looks like a fairytale castle.

According to the design style, Li Chang is very skeptical.

The owner of this house will not ask Disney's design team to design it!

This design style can be said to be in line with Li Chang's plan to raise children.

Whether it is a boy or a girl, this house can be used as a playground for their childhood.

In addition, Li Chang found.

In this manor, there is a manor in Yu Hairun's manor.

-0 for flowers...

A huge pond that doesn't exist.

In the pond, there is a waterwheel that keeps spinning.

The power of the stream pushes the waterwheel, and the waterwheel circulates the entire water.

There are purse carp in the water that look like gold ingots.

In this pond, a small lotus flower is planted.

Each of these lotus varieties is different.

Thousand-petal lotus, dancing princess lotus, Mrs. Bailey, Bingjiao, crown.

There are thirty or forty kinds of lotus flowers, forming a complex and colorful scene.

It looked amazing under the setting sun.

At this point, Han Bing had already opened the car door for Li Rui and Su Yiren.

As soon as he got out of the car, Li Chang saw that Yu Hairun was leading a middle-aged man with long hair and walked towards him.

This middle-aged man has long permed hair.


Full of art.

When the middle-aged man saw Li Chang, he didn't wait for Hairun to introduce it.

He took the lead in reaching out to Li Rui and said.

"My name is Jian Li. I heard from Lao Yu that you want to see my house."

"I'm just in time to introduce you!"

Li Chang is a more polite person in society.

Can't say I like this kind of familiar temperament.

But this middle-aged familiarity is definitely not annoying.

Jian Li was in his forties.

Out of courtesy, even Li Chang and Jian Li knew each other well.

It is impossible to call Jian Li uncle!

If you call Jian Li a brother, it means that Jian Li, who is the same generation as Yu Hairun, is a generation younger.

Li Chang held Jian Li's hand and said.

"Hello, Mr. Jian, my name is Li Chang."

In another half an hour, we will go to the Jadeite private disk.

This set of "the villa estate is so big."

"Let me see it myself, I'm sure I won't be able to see it."

Jian Li heard the words and said with a smile.

"My villa estate doesn't actually have that many things."

"The more meaningful things are all in the house.

"Like this pond outside, you can expand it yourself into an artificial lake if you want.

"The area can be changed at will, anyway, it is connected to the mountain spring."

"These endless summers planted by the road, and those gem roses of Sharon planted around the courtyard walls, were bought together by Lao Yu and I at that time."

"The same quality as Laoyu's manor in that villa."

"In the whole yard, the only thing is quite special."

"I got a few sugar maple trees in the backyard that are over 400 years old.

"You can cut out fresh maple syrup anytime." Beg

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