The Wife Is Like Fire: the President of Hidden Marriage Is Sultry!

Chapter 1173: Need me to do a paternity test for you?

Steward Pan looked at their father and daughter messily in the wind, only to think...this is not like a child of a wild man!

Based on his understanding of the young master...

Even if he admires Wanqing again, and loses his reason for love, he will not be so affectionate to the children of wild men.

"Steward Pan, that's his daughter."

At this moment, Mu Wanqing's voice floated leisurely, and Steward Pan almost fell to the ground with a weak leg in fright.

She reached out and helped, "Calm down."

When the voice fell, Mu Wanqing followed behind the father and daughter, and walked with them to the Rose Garden.


After Ye Yuchen recovered.

Maybach stopped at the door of the Embassy of Country A, suddenly raised his foot and kicked open the door, and went straight in.

Gong Ye was frightened, and immediately drove out with Gong Lichuan, only to find out that it was the Ancheng Emperor Shao who had been asking the crime.

"Country A, you should give me an explanation."

Ye Yuchen looked at Gong Ye indifferently, his narrow phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes full of interrogation.

Gong Qianyue kidnapped her daughter in order to threaten Mu Wanqing's life... the crime is beyond pardon.

This hatred, even if it affects the diplomatic relations between the two countries, he has to retaliate. It is absolutely impossible to let it go!

"Sao Emperor, you calm down first." Gong Lichuan came forward to appease.

After all, it is about the face of the royal family, and the embassy of country A is not the place of the two of them. There are other royal guards and diplomats stationed in China.

Talking about this in person, it's not always good...

"His Royal Highness Gong Lichuan, will you calm me down?"

Ye Yuchen sneered, "Who is your sister and who should the royal family protect? Even if the lord just came to China, it is still unclear, don't you know it?"

Hearing this, Gong Lichuan frowned tightly.

He looked at Ye Yuchen in disbelief and hurriedly asked, "How did you know about this?"

"Guessed, is it difficult?"

He sneered, "What you have done during this period makes me doubt the efficiency of your country."

Ye Yuchen looked up at Gong Ye.

He aggressively said, "What? I need to preside over justice and do a paternity test for your Majesty?"

Gong Lichuan's eyes drooped lightly, and his lips pressed tightly, not knowing what to say.

"Sao Emperor, I think this is a matter for the royal family of our country A, it seems that it has nothing to do with you." Gong Ye said solemnly.

He raised his eyes and looked at Ye Yuchen, his solemn expression seemed to announce the ownership of this embassy.

Unfortunately, this territory still belongs to China...

"Okay, it has nothing to do with me."

Ye Yuchen's thin lips twitched lightly, and smiled a little contemptuously, "After your Majesty has done the paternity test, when you want to bring Qingqin back to Country A, it is best to lightly feel that it has nothing to do with me."

As long as he disagrees, he sees who dares to take her away!

Even if Gong Ye was her biological father, as long as Mu Wanqing didn't want to recognize it, he would stand on her side without hesitation, as the royal family of country A had never existed.

"You..." Gong Ye was angry.

He didn't expect that Ye Yuchen would be so powerful, that natural emperor aura that even he could not suppress.

"Sao Emperor, after we find out this matter, we will naturally give you an explanation."

Gong Ye still solemnly said, "I will not wrong my daughter, but I must know the result before I know which daughter to spoil!"

He is now in a dilemma...

After all, he was also a poor widow man who was deceived after losing his daughter.

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