The Wife of the Wealthy Family Is Fierce and Cute

Chapter 90 Hey, didn't we say we should come at night? (1 more)

When Chu Luo got up and went downstairs the next day, he saw a man walking in from outside with a large plate of grapes.

Her eyes subconsciously followed the plate of grapes to the low table beside the sofa.

The man put down the grapes and said respectfully to her, "Miss Chu, these are the grapes that were picked from the vineyards in the suburbs. They have been washed for you and can be eaten directly."

Chu Luo nodded, and the man went out.

As soon as she waited for the others to leave, she took two quick steps to pick a grape and put it in her mouth.

The grape skin is thin and the flesh is thick and full of flavor.

After eating several grapes in a row, Chu Luo turned around and walked out the door with a bunch of grapes.

Sure enough, I saw Li Yan and Qin Ming practicing against each other in the courtyard.

Li Yan was wearing a white training suit this morning, while Qin Ming was wearing casual pants and a black vest.

Qin Ming's muscles are very developed, and Li Yan looks much thinner when compared with him.

It's just that Li Yan's aura was too strong, and his skills were even more ruthless, forcing Qin Ming to retreat again and again.

The two practiced against each other for a while, then Li Yan stopped, Qin Ming turned around and walked outside.

Chu Luo looked at Li Yan who was standing there, rolled his eyes, picked a grape and flicked it towards him with his internal force.

After popping up, I reminded: "Li Yan, be careful."

The speed of the grapes was very fast, like an arrow, and he was about to hit Li Yan, but he didn't expect his reaction to be very fast, so he just avoided it.

Seeing that he was able to dodge, Chu Luo flicked another one in disbelief.

Li Yan still dodged.

Chu Luo came to play with her heart, and quickly picked a few grapes and bounced them.

This time, when Li Yan was dodging, he directly pulled out the whip around his waist to stop the grapes, and the whip came towards her at the same time.

Chu Luo was about to jump to the side, but just about to jump, suddenly thinking of the lesson from last time, as soon as his body turned, he was about to jump to the other side.

next second.

The whip rolled directly and brought her to the front.

Li Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and asked dangerously, "It's fun, isn't it?"

Chu Luo raised the grapes in his hand to him and said with a smile, "I brought you the grapes."

"Don't eat."

After Li Yan finished speaking, he took the whip back.

"Since you are all right now, let's practice for half an hour."

"I do not……"

Li Yan didn't give Chu Luo a chance to refuse at all.

Chu Luo protected the grapes in his hands, and with a little toes, he stepped back several meters.

"Hey, didn't we say we'll come tonight?"

That being said, she just shot the grapes at him as a weapon.

While shooting, he said, "Since your words don't count, don't blame me for being rude to you."

After he finished eating the remaining grape, he attacked him.

The two practiced facing each other in the yard for half an hour before going to dinner.

After eating, Chu Luo went directly to the study.

There are more than 200 teams participating in the national competition, and within three days, only ten teams will be selected, so the competition is many times that of the trials.

The national competition is still a PK between each team and another team, with two games in the morning and two games in the afternoon.

PK is randomly assigned.

At the beginning of the competition, the entire online and gaming circles were events of the "Battle of Light Years". Even if they were walking on the street, the event was broadcast live on the huge advertising screen.

The invisible sword, light, sword and shadow, and the blood and rain, make those who can't play games see their blood boil.

When the female player [Bai Ling] appeared in the public eye many times, both inside and outside the network, there was a wave of discussion at the same time.

"This Bai Ling must be a shemale number. There is no woman who can manipulate the game characters of 'Battle of Light Years' so well!"

As soon as this comment came out, the number of likes instantly exceeded 10,000, and some people even laughed directly behind it.

"This team called 'Legend of Fengtian' is really ingenious. Letting one person play the female number will definitely benefit their team."

"Isn't the lady who plays the most slippery girl? I heard that her healing skills are famous throughout the Empire."

"Cut~ You don't know about this, right? Actually, that lady is not famous for her healing skills, but for her beauty. She has posted photos on the forum before. superstar."

"Really? I don't know if the lady participated in the competition this time. If she does, I must go to watch."

"You will know if you have participated or not by looking at the participating members of the 'Jinling Gang'."

As soon as this statement came out, many people went to see it.

Originally, the topic of whether [Bai Ling] was a shemale was still discussed, and the topic was directly transferred to the wife of the 'Jinling Gang' gang leader [Yang Liu Yiyi].

In addition to the outside world discussing [Bai Ling], the contestants are also discussing her privately.

"If it weren't for this person's skill in operation, I would have thought she was an RMB player. How could anyone achieve the full level of 'Battle of Light Years' in a few days."

"How is it possible, the 'Battle of Light Years' can only be used to hit the eighty-fifth level, and the players behind must upgrade themselves."

"That's why I said [Bai Ling] is awesome!"

"[Bai Ling] must be a great trumpet, or an insider opened the back door. Didn't someone check his IP before? I heard that the last person who checked his IP was R-listed."

"It may also be a trumpet opened by some great god in the top ten in the world."


No matter what everyone guesses, in a word, all the people think that [Bai Ling] is a shemale, but no one believes that [Bai Ling] is really a girl.

After three days of fighting, ten teams were finally selected.

Among them are 'Legend of Fengtian', 'He Tiannai' and 'Jinling Gang'.

Looking at the three names that just happened to be on the list, Xie Minghai patted the computer table, "After playing so many PK games in three days, I didn't even face 'Tian Nai I He'."

Xu Qingfeng pushed his glasses and sneered: "What are you worried about, we will definitely meet in the finals."

In the two days of the finals, one day of team battles, the computer divided the ten teams into two teams, built castles, accounted for resources, and in the final city battle, the losing team overcame.

On the last day of Star Wars, each of the five teams, depending on their ability, stayed until the last to advance to the World Championship.

In fact, it's the last interstellar war.

The game screen of "Battle of Light Years" is very delicate and beautiful, and the interstellar space is mysterious enough to satisfy the fantasy of most people.

While waiting for the system to allocate, Tang Zhiyun told a few people.

"The team battle will definitely choose the captain. If we and 'Tian Nai I He' are assigned to a team later, that person will definitely try to get the title of captain."

"Humph! Who does he think he is? If he wants to get the title of captain, he has to ask my trident if he agrees." Xie Minghai directly manipulated the game character to raise the trident in his hand.

Xu Qingfeng said: "Ouyang Yu has many tactics and loves to play yin. It is not impossible for him to buy other people to choose him."

Yu Lei: "No, we must never let him be the captain, otherwise he will definitely find a way to deal with us."

Chu Luo looked at the three people who were a little anxious, and asked inexplicably, "Isn't there any other way to get the captain other than everyone's election?"

"This is an unwritten rule over the years."

"Since it's unwritten, then break this rule."

Before the four of them could react to Chu Luo's words, the system had already allocated these teams into two teams.

Sure enough, 'Legend of Tianfeng' and 'He Tiannai' were grouped together.

Along with them were 'Out of the Empire', 'Legend of the Dragon' and 'The Optimus Gang'.

Each team has one hour to select the captain and assign tasks.

The leader of the [Treading the Iron Cavalry] of the 'Qingtian Gang' was the first to speak: Since we have been assigned to a group, we must choose a leader.

[One-shot Killing God] of 'Out of the Empire': The captain must have strong leadership skills, I think I'll do it.

[ATG] from 'Tianlong Legend': This is a big game. It's a game that decides life and death. It's not a fight for help. I think it's better for us to vote.

After the three captains finished speaking, the captain [Xiao Canglan] of "Tian Nai I He" said: I agree to vote for the captain, which is also fair.

In this match, Chu Luo and Tang Zhiyun made a speech, and when [Xiao Canglan] said this, Xie Minghai scoffed: "Just wait and see, Ouyang Yu is definitely going to poke these captains privately, ready to give They're good."

Chu Luo: "Then don't give him time to poke other people privately."

After saying this, she was asked by several people what she wanted to do.

[Bai Ling]: We come from different districts, and no one knows who's true ability. Since we want to choose the captain, it's better for everyone to compete.

[Solo Killing God]: The competition is a waste of time.

[Bai Ling]: Whoever said wasting time, wasting time is what people who are incompetent would say.

【Solo Killing God】: You!

[Solo Killing God]: What are you dragging like a girl playing.

[Bai Ling]: Since you look down on playing women's numbers, let's compare two games. In the first game, everyone explained in words how to play today's team battle in ten minutes. People PK, who wins to listen to who.

[Solo Killing God] should have been stunned by [Bai Ling]'s arrogant tone, so he didn't answer immediately, but [Xiao Canglan] suddenly said: I agree with [Bai Ling]'s proposal.

The other teams discussed it privately and agreed with Chu Luo's proposal.

But [Xiao Canglan] said again: Bi is also the captain of a team, do you have any opinions?

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