Seeing that this group of pirates rushed in front of him, and then cried and shouted that he wanted to join, even Kaido was stunned for a while.

“What is the situation?”

“It should be that the Navy is putting too much pressure on people, right?”

After thinking for a while, Mila couldn’t help but say out loud, “How to say that with the successive collapse of the Roger Pirate Group and the Golden Lion Pirate Group, the navy is powerful, and the next step is likely to be to start on the second half of the Great Voyage, so these pirate groups who consciously can’t stop the navy began to hug their thighs.” ”

“The eldest sister is right, the situation in the Whitebeard Pirates is even more exaggerated than here.”

Ember came over at this moment, and then said very seriously.

“This way.”

Kaido nodded, and he knew what the situation was, indeed, if he didn’t know the future, at this time, the navy was indeed too powerful.

Even if it is said that the Navy can end the era of pirates, it is not impossible.

“Since the manpower sent to the door, then select the right people to join us, our current manpower is indeed a little less, in the future, it is likely to be a storm, our strength will expand, let me break through to 50,000 manpower.”

Kaido said seriously.


After hearing this, Mira also moved quickly.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that after seeing the news that the golden lion failed and was beaten into the Advance City, Kane also finally decided to join the Hundred Beast Pirates, after all… The situation of the golden lion, he also knows, really does not see hope for the future.

Of course, after Kane submitted, Kaido also obtained the red historical text collected by the Golden Lion.

Moreover, Kaido also obtained the Golden Lion’s life card, which has to be said to be a very good thing.

“I decided, a month later, on the day of Roger’s execution, to start attacking the country of Wano with Roger’s death as a signal? Is there a problem? ”

Kaido looked at the cadre sitting in front of him and asked seriously.

“No problem.”

“Is it finally time to strike?”


“Hmph, I hope that Wano Country has an opponent worthy of my shot.”

After Barrett heard this, he couldn’t help but snort coldly, after being defeated by Kane last time, this also made him very unhappy, so the cultivation during this time was also more assiduous, in order to be shameful and defeat Kane, the bastard.

“Don’t worry, if you are in the country of Wano, there will definitely be opponents who will satisfy you.”

Kaido showed a hideous smile, and saw that in his hand, a piece of information about the powerhouse of the country of peace was caught by Kaido.

A month later.

The Navy began a few days ago, has already taken action, went to Rogue Town to start the layout, after all, for the scene of Roger’s execution, how to be foolproof, otherwise, once Roger is robbed, it is hitting the Navy and the world government in the face.

Leaving aside the actions of Rogue Town, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group acted overnight at this moment.

Under the cover of the night, the army moved, this time, the Hundred Beast Pirate Regiment all attacked, obviously, Kaido intends to use absolute strength to completely crush the country of Wa.

On the day of Roger’s execution, the great fleet of the Hundred Beast Pirates, full of 70,000 people, gathered around the country of Wano at this moment.

“Governor, if you want to enter the country of Wano, the only way to enter the country is through these waterfalls, or through the port on the other side, and then use manpower to lift the ship up.”

Ember came to Kaido’s side and explained.

“It’s too much trouble to hang up, Mira.”

Kaido looked at Mira, then motioned to the other.

“Got it.”

Mira nodded, moved quickly, and jumped directly into the sea.

Of course, the moment she touched the seawater, Mira unleashed her own Devil Fruit power.

“Receiving Sea King class!”

I saw a giant sea king class appear in the sea at this moment, and then… Directly with his domineering and majesty, he conquered all the carp and ordered the other party to act according to his own orders.

It’s just a huge carp, at most, it belongs to the level of sea beasts, even if it is not a sea king class, under such circumstances, it is natural to accept Mila’s order without hesitation.


After accomplishing her goal, Mira breaks through the water and returns to the pirate ship.

“Already done, darling.”

Mira smiled.

“Very well, now, let’s take a look at Roger’s execution.”

Kaido also smiled at this moment.

The live phone worm turned on, and the situation in Rogue Town had appeared in front of Kaido and them, and at this moment, Roger had also been brought up and walked towards the execution table.

“It’s really like an emperor.”

Mira looked at the scene in front of her and couldn’t help but marvel.

“If it is an emperor, Roger does count.”

Kaido nodded.

“One Piece, where is your treasure?”

“Hey, hey, hey!”

At this moment, Roger smiled, and then looked at everyone in front of him.

“Want my treasure? Then go and look for it, I put everything in this world, there! ”

“Execution !!!”

Sengoku roared at this moment.

“Rip and pull!”

The two execution swords instantly pierced Roger’s heart.

In the case of a punctured heart, even Roger could not escape death.


Both at the scene of the execution and around the world were silent because of Roger’s words before he died.

However, because of the ambition generated by this sentence, it is breeding, and then … Erupt.

“Great, I’m going to sea, One Piece’s treasure is mine.”

“Onepiece, I’ve got to decide!”


At this moment, the world boiled, and countless people wanted to go to sea, and then look for legendary treasures, which can obtain the treasures of the world.

“It’s over!”

Rogue Town, after seeing this scene, the Sengoku’s face was difficult to see the extreme, because he knew that with this sentence, there was already a wave of pirates that had been suppressed, and at this moment, it would completely erupt, and even… Even more ferocious than previous eras.

“This era … It’s going to be stormy! ”

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