“I, the marshal of the navy, can also be regarded as the most miserable marshal of the navy.”

When the Warring States said this, they couldn’t help but laugh bitterly, there is not a single general in his hands, is there anyone more miserable than him?

“Didn’t three little monsters appear? What about the three natural systems, this is a good combat power, and the strength is also good. ”

Karp suggested with a big grin.

“Do you mean Sakaski, Borusalino and Kuzan?”

Zefa couldn’t help but smile after hearing Karp say these people, which was exactly the proud student he had dug up.

“The three of them?”

Sengoku also remembers these three people, how to say that they are rare natural ability, in the future, they will definitely be the pillars of the navy, but for now, forget it.

“Their current strength, it’s not good.”

Sengoku shook his head directly, “With the current strength, if you become a general, it is estimated that you will be killed, in this case, it will be even more humiliating, so… They are still far behind, at least they will have to go through several years of training. ”

“Indeed, if you want to become a general, with their strength, it is not enough.”

Zefa couldn’t help but nodded and said.

“Therefore, I would rather the position of the general be empty than let them go up at will and lose people.”

Sengoku said very seriously.

“I just mentioned it casually, no matter what, don’t let me become a general anyway.”

Karp said with a smile.


Several people in the Warring States looked at Kapu’s appearance, and they were completely helpless, saying that they all wanted to become generals, but in the hands of this bastard, it was so not rare, and it really made people not know what to say.

“Let’s talk about it… About the matter of helping Big Brother Kong take revenge. ”

At this moment, the Warring States couldn’t help but become serious.


After hearing the words of the Warring States, the three people of Karp couldn’t help but fall silent, obviously on this matter, it was still dead in their hearts.

“Hatred, it must be retributed, it’s just… When exactly is it reported. ”

Vice Admiral Tsuru looked at the three people present and said, “Our current situation is that there are three of you who can make a move, and then add the naval elite who have gathered 100,000, this is the number of people we can gather now.” ”

“Manpower, to be honest, is enough, such a combat power, if you want to destroy the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, there is no problem at all.”

After thinking about it for a while, Warring States couldn’t help but say very seriously.

“That’s right, it’s just a group of beast pirates, we don’t have any problems at all, but… This is the best-case scenario, but now the situation in the New World, you know, except for a few of our bases, the rest… All are occupied by pirates, and in such a situation … Is it really feasible for us to go deep alone? ”

Lieutenant General Tsuru asked as he looked at the three people seriously.

“As soon as our rear is cut off …”

Lieutenant General Tsuru did not continue, however, everyone knew what the next result was.


“We can’t bet!”

Lieutenant General Tsuru looked at the three people and said.

“At least not yet.”

“Wait a few years, wait for those three little guys to grow up, in this way, we have absolute strength to complete this plan.”

At this moment, Lieutenant General Tsuru voiced his decision.

“Wait a few years?”

The three people of Warring States, Zefa and Karp couldn’t help but think at this moment.

“Just do as Little Crane said.”

Sengoku made a decision at this moment.

“But the anger of the soldiers must be vented.”

Looking at the three people of the Warring States who calmed down, Lieutenant General Tsuru couldn’t help but smile.

“Where are you targeting?”

Sengoku asked curiously.

“There is still the first half of the great sea route in the four seas, launch troops, come to a clean-up war, it is also time, let the sea see, the strength of our navy, no matter what, our navy is the hegemon on the sea.”

Even Lieutenant General Tsuru, when he said this, was serious to the extreme.


Sengoku nodded in agreement.

At this moment, the Navy began to move, and the war machine began to operate.

All the forces that were paying attention to the navy, after seeing the navy moving, they were on guard, of course, in their opinion, the target chosen by the other party was the most likely to be the Hundred Beast Pirate Group.

After all, who let the Hundred Beast Pirates kill the other party’s naval marshal?

New world! San Ambia!

“Okay, Stacey, thank you for the information, otherwise, I really won’t be able to sleep.”

Kaido laughed and thanked him.

“Thanks, can you just talk about it?”

Stacey said with a smile.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry, I understand, I’ll come to you tomorrow.”

Kaido assured.

“Okay, then I’ll wait here.”

Stacey responded with a smile, then hung up the phone and waited for Kaido’s arrival.

After putting down the phone, Kaido also smiled, to be honest, the navy did not make a move, and it was indeed a little unexpected to him, he was ready to use the red earl’s favor, but who knows, it was not used.

“In this case, it is also the best, how to say it is also a human favor.”

Kaido smiled and walked outside.

Inside the hall, with the appearance of Kaido, I saw that Madame Shi began to dance, of course, Mira was also here, after all, Mira did not worry about Kaido and the other party alone.

Since the last time the other party planned to escape, the treatment of Mrs. Shi made the other party become a dancer, and then danced, which can be regarded as a punishment for the other party.

“Okay, stop.”

Kaido looked at this scene and immediately said to Mrs. Shi.

“Thank you, Lord Kaido.”

Mrs. Shi thanked her, and then stood aside, of course, her heart was held to the extreme, you know, this is the person who killed her husband and son?

However, for the sake of her daughter, she can only do this, let the other party fiddle with it, and fortunately, the other party did not force her.

“Let people bring Inu Arashi and Cat Viper with them.”

Kaido ordered at this moment, now is also the time to deal with these two guys.

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