Inside the carriage!

Wuyue looked at the rope tree that had been cramped and embarrassed as soon as he came in, and shook his head in his heart, he is still young, if he changes to a seasoned ninja, it is estimated that he will start talking to his employer in the morning, and then chat!

Wuyue also did not mean to relieve the rope tree, Wuyue who knew about the rope tree also knew, Wuyue who the rope tree did not know also knew, the two had nothing to talk about, and Wuyue was lazy to talk, just to arrive in Kirito City earlier!

Jiu Xinnai is also more well-behaved because there are outsiders, but he has been lying by the window to watch the scenery, and he has no intention of speaking!

And the black-clad guards are even less likely to speak!

So let the rope tree be extremely embarrassed, listening to the happy chat between Lujiu and Ding Za outside, and then looking at the dull and embarrassing atmosphere in the carriage, the rope tree burst into tears in his heart, ‘I already knew that it was good to sit outside!'” ’

There were no accidents along the way, and at their speed, it is estimated that they will be able to reach Kikyo City tomorrow afternoon, provided that no one disturbs!

By noon, under the instructions of Wuyue, the group did not stop, but hurriedly ate some dry food and continued to hurry.

In the afternoon, a small thing happened!

There are mountain bandits blocking the road and robbing everyone, but those mountain bandits are just ordinary people, rope trees they just randomly light a few hands to scare the mountain bandits away, although it is a small thing, but it also makes them ring an alarm bell in their hearts!

They have reached an area that is not absolutely safe, and they no longer stay in the carriage, but get out of the carriage to escort the surroundings, follow the convoy forward, and the sum of each distance will make Hinata open his eyes to check the situation and avoid some unnecessary threats!

Like traps, or beasts!

In this way, the sky gradually turned dark, and since encountering that group of mountain bandits in the afternoon, everyone has not encountered any more roadblocks!

With the help of Hinata, everyone was lucky to find a natural cave to inhabit and camp!

Everyone got out of the car, the three of Muzuki and Mikoto Hiashi stayed where they were and camped in front of the cave, while the others scattered, each with their own tasks.

After a tiring day’s work, the horses removed their ‘shackles’ and rested by the trees, and Shikaku and Haichi’s task was to feed the horses, and the two needed to cut some good forage while it was not completely dark.

In the forest, Akimichi Dingza found a suitable dry wood, the trees here due to mudslides, the roots of the trees are exposed, can not absorb water has completely dried up, is the best material to use for my firewood!

I saw that Ding Za used the “Multiplication Technique” and his hands and arms became very huge, and they were easily broken, and the dry wood that lost moisture was combed together, and after collecting five or six such trees, Ding Za felt almost the same!

Tie them all with ropes, drag them on their backs, and get ready to return!

The other three, because the sky turned dark, were sprinkled by the oil girl Shiki to arrange the realm net with a large number of insects, and by the way to explore whether there was danger around, while Hinata and Inuzuka Claw were hunting by relying on Kuromaru’s sense of smell!

At this time, the three of them had already set up their tents!

After that, it was completely dark, and everyone hurriedly lit a bonfire with the firewood they brought back when Ding Za returned, and for a moment the surroundings became bright!

Muzuki and Jiu Shinna sat by the campfire and chatted with the rope tree!

“Rope tree, the ornaments on your chest look so beautiful!” A sigh appeared on Wuyue’s face, “I bought it there, I also want to buy one for Jiu Xinnai!” ”

Rope Tree was also sitting by the campfire at this time, and was stunned when he heard Wuyue’s question, and then found that because of a lot of activity, the necklace that was originally inside the clothes was exposed, it was a long irregular green crystalline necklace, and there were two smaller round gemstones on both sides of the green crystal!

Wuyue also saw this necklace to have such a question, mainly because Wuyue knows this necklace, this necklace is not small in the original book, it was made by the original Hokage, the necklace contains the power of the original Hokage Mudun, left to Tsunade, the most important thing is that this necklace has the name of the death necklace, Tsunade first gave the necklace to her lover to break, then broke, the necklace returned to Tsunade, and then to her brother Rope Tree, then Rope Tree died, and returned to Tsunade, and then Tsunade gave it to Naruto, Fortunately, when Naruto burst his tail with wit, he crushed it!

This is the legendary experience of this necklace, but now, it has appeared on the rope tree, which means that it is dead? But Wuyue didn’t hear that he was dead, and he coveted the spiritual technique of breaking, if he died, it would not be in vain, so Wuyue found a reason and asked it side-by-side!

Rope Tree didn’t care, pinched the necklace and explained to Wuyue seriously: “This necklace was not bought, it was a reward given to me by my sister when I was in ninja school, and listening to my sister, this is left by my grandfather!” ”

Wuyue nodded, looking at this, Tsunade was directly given to the rope tree, did not give a break, could it be that something was wrong, but although there were thousands of thoughts in his heart, his face was still well disguised!

I saw a hint of disappointment flash on his face when he heard this: “It turned out to be like this, since it was not bought, then forget it!” ”

During the exchange between the two!

Others also returned one after another, and the last one was Hinata and Inuzuka Paw, but the two returned with a full load, Inuzuka Paw carrying three or four rabbits and a snake, and Hinata carrying a strong deer!

Even Kuromaru has a lizard in his mouth!

Then everyone was busy for food, which made Wuyue and Jiu Xinnai open their eyes!

Everyone used it in order to process the ingredients, cook, water and fire and even earth, and Wuyue had heard of a ninja genre called ninja cooking, but I had never seen it, but here you can actually see simple ninja chef cooking, in order to eat everyone is also enough to fight!

The food that was made in the end was unexpectedly very good, and everyone was full.

When the three of them were there, everyone else was more restrained and couldn’t let go, so they said hello to everyone, and took Jiu Xinnai back to the carriage to rest, now in this era, rest in the carriage is far better than the tent, the things in the carriage are disassembled and the futon is a small room, used to rest just right!

And after Wuyue and they left, they let go of the rope tree slightly, and they all opened the chatterbox one by one to chat about today’s experience, but most of them were talking about how hard the task was and how tired they were!

But in addition to being tired, one by one they are also more excited, everyone around the bonfire to eat barbecue, chatting about the sky, this atmosphere is very good, which reduces today’s fatigue!

Suddenly, the rope tree god mysteriously whispered: “Hey~ don’t you think, Mr. Wuyue’s guard is secretly strange!” ”

After Rope Tree finished speaking, he found that everyone looked at him with a surprised look of ‘you just found out’!

ps: The plot is very bland, this chapter feels boring, even if this chapter is excessive, the next chapter starts directly to the point!

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