The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 101 101. Good man Williamson's divine reasoning

The two Aurors actually argued in front of them, which Scott never expected.

The young Auror named Williamson began to openly challenge the senior Shacklebolt because of his relationship with the Minister of Magic Fudge.

Although he looked a bit stern but he didn't give Shaker any face in his words and actions.

It seems that the relationship between the factions within the Ministry of Magic can no longer be described as just "disharmony".

"Two gentlemen," Professor Flitwick reminded displeasedly, "you should not argue here, but should unify your opinions and draw a conclusion for this inquiry as soon as possible."

"Sorry, Professor Flitwick."

Shakur took a deep breath, calmed down and sat down.

Williamson was stunned for a moment, probably because he felt it was a bit embarrassing to argue in front of Muggles, so he sat down angrily.

"Sorry, Mr. Trollope." Shacklebolt looked at Scott again, "Please give us your wand for inspection."

When Scott heard this, he showed some hesitation.

Shacklebolt said gently: "Don't worry, it's just a routine inspection. Professor Flitwick is here too."

Professor Flitwick also nodded to Scott.

"Okay, Mr. Shacklebolt."

Scott reluctantly took out his wand from his coat pocket and handed it to Shacklebolt.


Shacklebolt took the wand in his hand and looked at it.

"Yes, made of ebony wood with dragon nerves, twelve and a quarter inches long." Scott said.

Williamson on the side looked at the parchment in his hand again and nodded casually, "It matches the information."

At this time, Shacklebolt took out his wand and pointed the two wands toward each other.

"Pre-Flashback Curse!"

During the violent fluctuations of magic power, the spell that Scott had cast with his wand immediately appeared in Shacklebolt's hands in the form of a phantom.

"Transformation spell, transformation spell, transformation spell..."

Williamson shrugged.

"Obviously, they're just some basic transformation spells."

Scott explained to Professor Flitwick with some embarrassment, "I used the transformation spell to make some Christmas gifts before the holidays."

"Oh! Gift, I didn't have time to open it this morning." Professor Flitwick said with some regret.

After hearing this, Scott also looked at the pile of fully wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree in the corner of the living room.

Professor Flitwick also glanced under the Christmas tree, and said to Scott with a smile: "I hope you like the gift I prepared for you."

"Of course." Scott nodded, "You always have a good sense."

Professor Flitwick smiled.

At this moment, Shacklebolt's examination was over and he handed the wand back to Scott.

"The wand inspection showed no problem," he said.

"Of course, no problem. I told you so."

Williamson couldn't help but say.

"This kid is still underage. If he had used magic outside of school, the Department for the Prohibition of Abuse of Magic would have issued him a warning letter long ago."

He looked at the house with some arrogance.

"As he said himself, he is a Muggle-born little wizard, and he cannot handle Tracer's surveillance."

"Of course I know that, Williamson," Shakur said. "What pisses me off is your work ethic."

"Okay, I apologize, Kingsley."

Williamson said without sincerity.

"I just don't think we should waste our time here."

He looked anxious.

"Others of our colleagues may have uncovered more important clues or contributed more to quelling this incident."

Scott could see clearly that the young Auror seemed eager to make a mark.

But out of the arrogance of a pure-blood wizard, he obviously thought that he would not get any useful clues from a young Muggle-born wizard like Scott.

"Whatever she went through, the girl clearly died of dismemberment and there was not even a trace of battle in Maidstone, the place where she died."

He began to talk to Shakur.

"If you ask me, maybe she met an invincible opponent and had an accident while escaping."

He looked at Scott again, an obviously false apology on his face.

"Sorry, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you obviously can't beat that girl and a house elf, can you?"

Scott shook his head, "Sorry, I don't know the fighting abilities of house elves."

"Of course you don't know."

Williamson said this matter-of-factly, and then turned to look at Shacklebolt.

"You should know very well, Kingsley. Sneaky things like house elves are not very powerful, but they may be suitable for sneak attacks."

Shacklebolt also turned to look at him without speaking.

Williamson continued to persuade: "Now that the magic wand has been checked, we really shouldn't continue to waste time here. There are still many things waiting for us to do."

Shakur nodded, seemingly convinced.

"Then let's do this for now."

He stood up and said to Scott: "This matter is over for you now, but...if I find new clues about you later, I will come to you again."

After saying that, he disapparated and disappeared without waiting for Scott to respond.


Williamson stood up too.

"Sorry, that's how he is."

He smiled apologetically at Professor Flitwick and left with the Apparition.

Good man!

Scott was very grateful to Williamson in his heart. He was a rare good man.

But he still looked calm on the surface.

"Is it all right, professor?" he asked Professor Flitwick.

"It's all right." Professor Flitwick said with a smile, "It's just a routine inquiry."

He smiled at Michael and Emilia who were sitting on the other side.

"Please rest assured, the Ministry of Magic will investigate this matter clearly, and Hogwarts will protect innocent students."

After that, he rejected Michael and Emilia's enthusiastic breakfast invitation and left the Trollope family.

When Professor Flitwick left, Emilia, who had been smiling, suddenly turned cold.

"You two..." Her eyes moved between the father and son, "Are you hiding something from me?"

Scott looked at Michael after hearing this.

But Michael gave him a look of self-respect and began to lower his head and pretend to read the newspaper.

"No, Mom."

Scott said obediently.

"I'm not hiding anything from you."


Amelia asked, staring into his eyes.


Scott nodded repeatedly.

Amelia stared at him for several seconds before looking away.

"Okay." She relaxed her body and leaned back on the sofa. "Smart women won't delve too much into men's secrets."

Scott breathed a sigh of relief.

"But what's the matter with that girl? I heard she's only in the first grade? An 11-year-old girl has already started to bring the servants of her family to cause trouble to her classmates?"

Amelia said again.

"You know, I was still playing with dolls when I was 11!"

"Yes, you didn't touch a gun until you were 12." Michael muttered softly.

Scott wanted to say that the other party was not just looking for trouble with him, but wanted to kill him.

But he held back.

But he could also imagine that Travers, as a child who was educated by weird magic portraits and raised by house elves, would be normal.


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