The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 123 123. Is Snape a good professor?

Although Scott is very coveted for Medea's music magic - if Milton learns this magic, doesn't it mean that Scott can improve his strength without any hindrance?

But whether it's planning musical magic or regaining Milton's musical talent, it's not something that can be done easily.

In other words, now Scott can only think about it, but actually has no way to start.

He needs to think carefully about what he should do to achieve his goal.

Of course, the simplest and crudest way is to call directly at the door.

But this idea only appeared for a moment and was rejected by Scott.

Out of caution, he would not choose to fall out with Medea before he found out the details about her.

After all, Medea is a character who "lived" from thousands of years ago to the present, and no one knows what kind of methods she has.

Although he asked Medea several questions, he also got answers.

But those questions are just some "historical truths". In fact, Medea did not reveal any substantive information about herself.

Judging from Ms. Gray's attitude, she is also afraid of Medea.

In addition, Medea still controls an oath whose truth is unknown, and there may be an unknown trump card.

Scott was even thinking, could the other party's music magic really only be used as an auxiliary?

If it can be attacked, then wouldn't the pervasive nature of her music be able to hurt people invisibly?

To sum up, Scott felt that taking it by force was definitely not a good idea.

Fortunately, today Medea revealed Ms. Gray’s true identity to him.

He could take this opportunity to go to Ms. Gray's place and make some insinuations to see if there would be any unexpected gains.

He needs to know more about Medea. Only by understanding the other person can he better prescribe the right medicine.

Thinking of this, Scott couldn't help but quicken his pace and rushed back to the Ravenclaw common room before the curfew.

Unfortunately, he walked around the common room and the college library, but could not find Ms. Gray.

He even asked a few classmates who were reading in the college library, but everyone said they didn't see their college ghost in the common room today.

Scott could only return to the dormitory regretfully.

"Scott! You're back!"

As soon as Eddie saw Scott entering the door, he jumped out of bed excitedly.

"What's wrong?"

Scott asked him as he took off his cloak.

"You don't know yet! You went to the Transfiguration Club after dinner." Eddie said with a smile, "Those Slytherins came out of Snape's office!"

"It's a pity that they weren't put into glass jars by Snape." Roger also laughed.

Even Milton showed an expression of laughter.

"So?" Scott didn't understand what they were excited about.

"It's really yours, Scott!"

Eddie ran over and put his hand on his shoulder.

He continued to smile and said: "I heard, you are responsible for Strelna's new look!"

"Huh?" Scott was a little surprised.

After all, he only used two small evil spells on Strelna, and the other party only needed to drink two bottles of simple potions to return to normal.

This was the limit of what he could do at that time.

Because the other party had lost the ability to resist at that time, Scott could not really hurt the other party under Snape's gaze.

Otherwise, even if he is reasonable, he will become unreasonable, at least in Snape's mouth.

Snape will definitely stop him and give him a penalty point and confinement package.

In that case, he could only rationally choose to vent his anger with two small curses, thinking of collecting some interest first.

He thought that Strelner would easily resolve such a dilemma, but he didn't expect it to be spread?

"How do you know?" Scott asked Eddie curiously.

"I have many sources of information!" Eddie said proudly, "Slytherin is not a united whole."

But there was no reason for Strelna's appearance to be seen by other Slytherins.


Scott only thought of one possibility, "Did Snape not allow Strilner to change his appearance?"

"That's right!"

Eddie couldn't stop laughing, he was laughing and talking.

"They have been locked up in Snape's office for a whole day since last night, and tonight they were personally escorted by Snape to the Slytherin common room for public criticism."

"Does Strelna still have a bald head and the label of 'trash'?" Scott also laughed.

"Yes, it is said that Snape was furious!" Eddie gloated. "He also ordered Strelna not to change that look for a week!"

Scott said regretfully: "He will definitely hide in the dormitory next, but it's a pity that I didn't capture it with a camera."

"No, you have a chance." Eddie continued, "Snape ordered him not to miss school, and all four of them need to perform two months of labor service."

"very good."

Scott felt much better.

He couldn't help but sigh: "Snape... no, Professor Snape is really a good and considerate professor!"

He originally felt that his revenge was not harsh enough, and he did not feel relieved at all.

It was great now. The good professor helped him a lot.

Roger couldn't help but agree loudly, "That's right, this time Snape... no, Professor Snape has done a good thing that makes people happy!"

Milton also said happily: "That's great, after this time they shouldn't dare to provoke you again, Scott!"

Scott nodded.

But he didn't agree with Milton's point of view.

Those guys just didn't dare to provoke him temporarily.

It's not so easy to get over it after provoking a poisonous snake. He needs to be on guard at all times to prevent the snake from suddenly jumping out and biting him.

As the saying goes, if you don't kill the snake, you will suffer from it.

This is a proverb he learned in his previous life.

Now for various reasons he can't completely kill the poisonous snake, which means he must never let down his guard.

Scott saw Strillner again at noon the next day.

They met at the stairs of the auditorium.

As usual, Scott walked with his roommates, but Strillner was alone.

Scott saw that he was wearing a wizard hat on his head and a bandage on his forehead, covering his bald head and the words on his forehead.

This made Scott a little disappointed.

It seems that Snape did not prohibit this guy from taking advantage of loopholes.

However, thanks to Eddie's efforts, the true appearance of Strelner has now spread among the students.

His attempt to cover up his true intentions also attracted many people's attention and whispers.

The moment he saw Scott, Strelner's already ugly face became even uglier.

He glanced at Scott, seemed to give up the idea of ​​lunch, turned around and walked away quickly.

"Heh, your companions don't want to walk with you, Mr. Strelner." Scott ridiculed him.

He did not miss the resentful look in the other party's eyes when he looked at him just now.

Strelner's footsteps paused.

But he did not look back, but quickened his pace and disappeared around the corner at a faster speed.

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