The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 134 134. It's halftime now

Faced with the siege of many eight-eyed spiders led by Aragog, the "Oak Guard" began to fight with hands and feet.

Although its palms had been destroyed by Aragog, under Scott's control, the two arms intertwined with branches kept swinging like huge whips.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Like a raging giant, the "Oak Guard" makes a dull noise whether it whips it or stamps its foot.

Soon a large number of spiders were killed, with hairy spider legs and disgusting juice flying everywhere.

"Don't back away!"

Aragog gave all the spiders strong orders.

"Kill that wizard! Avenge Mosag!"

Under his leadership, spiders of all sizes kept coming up one after another like a tide.

Scott, who was sitting on the top of the oak tree, frowned.

As the saying goes, two fists are no match for four, but there are too many spiders gathered here now.

In particular, Aragog, who was about the size of a car, collided with him again and again as if he was not afraid of death. The "Oak Guard", who was not flexible enough, could not dodge at all, and almost fell down several times.


Scott repeated his old trick, and the light of the curse quickly hit the big Aragog.

Aragog immediately began to tap dance uncontrollably.

The "Oak Guard"'s arms whipped toward its head like whips.

At the critical moment, a scream sounded, and a spider half the size of Aragog suddenly jumped up and blocked the whip.

With a muffled sound, the spider was flung away and hit a nearby tree, spilling a piece of sap.


Aragog took the opportunity to recover and accelerated the collision instantly. With its huge and sharp claws, one of the "Oak Guard"'s legs was finally shattered.

Then, the unsteady tree man began to slowly fall.

The countless eyes of all the spiders were staring at Scott on the top of the tree, and their claws kept moving, making intensive clicking sounds.

Click click click click…

"Catch the prey!" Aragog ordered again!

The spiders all screamed and raised their bodies.

In an instant, countless spider threads intertwined into a web and covered Scott.

At the critical moment, Scott cast a transformation spell on his cloak with the wand in his hand, and then raised it upwards.


The gushing flame burned a big hole in the intertwined spider silk. Scott's cloak automatically wrapped around his body and floated up, landing on another tree outside the spider's circle.

At this time, the magic lamp was left on the spot, and the lighting spell floating in the air had also been extinguished. Scott could only barely see something clearly.

The spiders completely shattered the "Oak Guard", turned around and crawled towards the direction where Scott disappeared.

"find him!"

He heard Aragog shouting orders.

"We can't let him get out of this forest!"

Scott looked over in the dim moonlight. The spiders were crawling and spitting out spider silk, dyeing all the places they passed in white.

Moreover, they advance very quickly.

Scott took out his broomstick from the deformed lizard skin bag on his waist.

He wanted to confirm Professor Flitwick's situation.

He rode his broom through the treetops and flew around the forest, but found no other movement.

Rimbaud still didn't come forward, something must have happened.

But who can take Professor Flitwick away or hold him back?

And Ms. Gray is a ghost.

Scott couldn't figure it out.

At least he hadn't heard of any wizard who had the means to deal with ghosts.

But he wasn't too worried, after all, Professor Flitwick was here.

Professor Flitwick is very strong and has rich combat experience. Unless Dumbledore or Voldemort takes action personally, other wizards can only hold him back at best.

Even so, Scott couldn't do nothing.

After all, don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected.

Scott hovered the broomstick in the air, quickly took out a notebook and pen from his leather bag, and quickly wrote a line of words in the notebook.

He felt that it would be better for someone to inform Dumbledore of the situation here.

Someone should at least check on Professor Flitwick and Ms. Grey.

After finishing writing, Scott took back the pen, took out another wooden block, and used transfiguration to turn it into an owl.

"Give this paper to my friends."

He tore off the written page.

"They are probably still waiting at the entrance to the Forbidden Forest."

The owl standing on the broom handle nodded and flew away with the paper in its mouth.

Then, he lowered some altitude on his broom, then slowed down and flew around again.

But he still found nothing.

Apart from spiders, he was unable to sense any other magical creatures, including wizards.

At this time, he heard a loud clicking sound.

Looking back, he found that the tree he had just settled on had also been knocked down by the spiders.

"Keep looking! Find him!"

Aragog roared loudly.

"If we can't find the wizard, we'll attack Hogwarts!"

As soon as it finished speaking, all the spiders screamed excitedly.

Scott knew that Aragog would not treat wizards as food only for Hagrid's sake.

Now, completely enraged, it had no scruples.

We must find a way to solve it.

Scott thought.

He was not afraid that the spiders could harm the teachers and students in the castle. After all, the professors in the castle were not easy to mess with, and there was also Dumbledore.

He was more worried that if the spiders attacked Hogwarts, he would not be able to complete the contract challenge.

The current situation was obviously Medea's doing.

The action encountered an unexpected change, and Scott, who was not too firm about the challenge, made up his mind at this time.

He must complete the challenge, release the oath, and get the reward.

Of course, this is difficult.

For Scott, killing those spiders is not too difficult, including Aragog.

But there are too many spiders!

If there are small spiders hiding, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find them in this vast forest.

Originally, he accepted this challenge because he thought that the group of eight-eyed spiders were social animals and would not need to be searched everywhere.

Unexpectedly, Medea tricked him, causing someone to notify the spider group in advance.

I just don't know, with the wisdom of Aragog and Mosag, will they let the small spiders hide somewhere else in advance.

Not only that, Scott also had to guard against the troublemakers appearing again.

Or, it was very likely that it was more than just trouble.

He even remembered Snape's warning to him after the potion class...

I don't know if there is any connection between the two things, but this possibility cannot be ruled out.

Scott thought while riding his flying broom to rise a distance and stopped in the sky.

In order to deal with the possible hostile wizards, he must pay attention to rest and recover his strength.

He took out his pocket watch to check the time. It was already 8 o'clock in the evening.

In other words, he had to complete this challenge within 4 hours.

If he just cleared the spiders that gathered together, this time would certainly be enough.

But if there were other obstacles, his time would not be very sufficient.

Ten minutes later, Scott, who had rested, began to descend on his broom.

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