The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 147 147. News Report Strange Calmness

When Scott woke up, he found that the dormitory was empty.

He lifted the quilt and sat up, only to find that he had not even taken off his clothes, shoes and socks.

Thinking of the scene before falling asleep, I am afraid that this quilt was also covered by Roger or Eddie.

He couldn't help rubbing his temples and took out his pocket watch to check. It was already afternoon.

It seemed that he missed another day of class.

At this time, although his spirit was restored by sleep, his body was soft and a little weak.

At this time, the door of the dormitory opened and Eddie ran in with a newspaper.

"You woke up!"

He ran to Scott waving the newspaper in his hand and handed it to him.

"Come and see today's newspaper!"


Scott reached out to take the newspaper, but did not read it for the time being. Instead, he asked him, "Have you visited Milton? How are they?"

"It's fine." Eddie waved his hand, "Milton and the others have woken up, and Roger is accompanying his girlfriend in the school hospital."

"That's good."

Scott lowered his head, unfolded the Daily Prophet in his hand, and looked at the front page headline.

"Dumbledore's serious negligence! Many Hogwarts students were injured and two wizards died!"

This title...

Scott raised his eyebrows.

The angle is strange.

He quickly read the content of the report.

[Reported by our special correspondent Rita Skeeter.

Last night, a horrific incident occurred at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

The incident caused dozens of students to fall into a coma and two adult wizards to die tragically!

It is reported that the two adult wizards who died were Brandon Yaxley, the heir of the Yaxley family, and Gilderoy Lockhart, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

The incident was so horrifying that the author immediately learned about the situation...

...According to a student at the school, students from various colleges suddenly left their dormitories last night and were later found lying unconscious in the school hospital...

The cause of death of the two adult wizards is still unknown!

What exactly did they experience?

Did Hogwarts suffer a terrorist attack by dark wizards?

Why did Brendon Yaxley, who did not hold any position in Hogwarts, die strangely in school?

Does the ancient Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry still have the power to protect all students?

As the greatest wizard in the world, did Dumbledore fail to do his best due to his old age?

Up to now, the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts have not made any explanation for this matter!

It is reported that the Yaxley family is deeply saddened by Brendon's death and they said they have filed a lawsuit with the Wizengamot.

Faced with this situation, the author went to Hogwarts for interviews several times with the attitude of pursuing the truth and serving the public, but was strongly rejected.

Is there any unknown secret hidden in this?

As a conscientious journalist, I believe that great reputation is not an excuse to cover up mistakes. Journalists have the right to interview, and wizards need to know the truth!

The Ministry of Magic should also carefully consider whether to continue to appoint an elderly man who has made repeated mistakes to continue to take on the important task of educating the future of the magic world.

For the safety of students and to reassure wizards, the author has made up his mind to conduct a follow-up investigation at this time to restore the truth.

Please continue to pay attention to the follow-up reports written by Rita Skeeter. ]


Scott put away the newspaper.

Good guy, it's Rita Skeeter again. She is really good at fanning the flames.

Now Dumbledore is under a lot of pressure.

Scott suspects that the Ministry of Magic will find ways to suppress the news of Medea, or will not believe in the existence of Medea at all.

They will transfer all the pressure to the old principal.

This is also the method taken by the Ministry of Magic after Voldemort's resurrection in the "original book".

After all, the Minister of Magic always wants the superficial stability of the magic world, and he doesn't care even if it's just a cover-up.

But Scott himself is not without doubts.

Dumbledore's performance last night was very poor.

Whether it was the death of the two wizards or Medea's escape, he didn't have time to stop them.

Instead, he listened to Medea's story with relish.

This seems to be a serious suspicion of slacking off.

Of course, Scott just thought about it and didn't point it out directly in front of Dumbledore.

He didn't want to get involved in such trouble.

In his opinion, whether Dumbledore really missed it or did it on purpose, it would be better not to involve himself in this matter.

Although he is also the main party involved in this matter, he is just an innocent 14-year-old young student!

What he cares most about now is Ravenclaw's next task and the gift Medea left for him.

Thinking of this, he looked up at Eddie, "Eddie, did any Auror come to investigate today?"

"Maybe." Eddie shrugged, "But I didn't see it."

"Even you didn't hear the news? Then he must not have come." Scott concluded.

He felt very hungry, so he took some biscuits out of the cabinet to eat.

"Anyway, Headmaster Dumbledore didn't show up at school today." Eddie grabbed a biscuit and ate it while saying, "No one knows where he went."

Scott was a little surprised. Such a big thing happened, but the Aurors didn't come to the school to investigate?

This was also unreasonable. It seemed to be related to Dumbledore's departure.

Did Medea occupy the Ministry of Magic?

Scott was guessing wildly.

In fact, the current situation made him feel that this calm was a bit weird.

Of course, it was a good thing for Scott that the Aurors didn't come.

Because if the Aurors came to the school to investigate, they would definitely ask him, one of the parties involved.

He would avoid such things if he could.

He knew very well that if there were more such things, it would not be a good thing for him.

Even if he was judged innocent every time and could get away with it every time, it would definitely cause dissatisfaction and suspicion from others.

Scott didn't want to be told "Why are you everywhere?"

Scott sighed and asked Eddie again, "What do people say in the school now?"

"Everything is said."

Eddie shook his head and said.

"A lot of people actually know what happened in the classical music club, and they also guessed that what happened yesterday was related to it. It's just that they don't know the existence of Medea, they are just guessing."

"Did the professor ask you to hide it?" Scott asked again.

He felt that if the professor hadn't asked them to, Eddie and the Weasley twins might have held a storytelling conference in the auditorium.

Eddie nodded, "Professor Flitwick reminded us last night, and Professor McGonagall reminded us again today."

He thought for a moment and said, "I didn't expect that this year's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor would... I heard that even the body disappeared, and many girls in the school are crying for him."

Scott thought of the deaths of Lockhart and Yaxley last night, and for a moment he felt that the biscuits in his hand were not fragrant.

"So... what happened to you in the music room last night?"

Eddie suddenly came up to Scott and asked curiously.

"I've asked Milton, but he doesn't know anything."

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