The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 16 016. Croup Dog Painless Cutting Spell

Crup is a dog bred by wizards. It is very similar to Jack Russell terrier, but the tail of Crup is forked.

This dog is extremely loyal to wizards, but very ferocious to Muggles.

After the course started, Professor Kettleburn asked the students to get acquainted with a young Crup in groups of four.

"These little guys can eat almost everything."

Professor Kettleburn walked among the students with a staggering pace, bending down from time to time to touch the heads of the dogs lovingly.

"Now, you can feed these little guys the food I prepared in advance and try to build relationships with them."

Scott and Roger were in the same group with the Weasley twins. Professor Kettleburn assigned them a dark-haired puppy.

At this time, they were squatting on the ground, surrounding the puppy in the middle.

The puppy barked a little uneasily, obviously wary of them. Only when Professor Kettleburn stroked it would it happily shake its forked tail.

"Oh, little guy?"

Fred frowned and used a branch to pick out some cow entrails from a small bucket beside him.

"Want to eat, little guy?"

The black puppy came over to sniff, and immediately pounced on it to eat heartily.

"Look, the little guy's tail is wagging, which means he recognizes me." Fred was proud again.

"I think we all need to get to know this little guy, so let's take turns feeding it!" Roger also picked up a branch and put it into the barrel, stirring the disgusting entrails.

A foul smell came to his face, Scott covered his nose and moved away two steps in disgust.

"No, I don't need it!"

At this time, Professor Kettleburn asked the students loudly: "Can anyone tell me, if you want to legally raise a crup, what should you do to get a license issued by the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures?"

Scott was excited.

It's time for extra credit in class!

In the spirit of not wasting time, he quickly raised his hand.

"Then please..." Professor Kettleburn glanced at the students who raised their hands, and finally called Scott's name, "Please ask Mr. Trollope to answer this question."

Good luck!

Scott stood up with a triumphant smile, "Okay, professor."

He began to recite verbatim.

"Any wizard who wants to apply to keep a crup must complete a simple test before obtaining a license from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

The owner of a crup is legally obliged to use a painless cutting spell to remove its peculiar tail when the crup is six to eight weeks old, so as to prevent the crup from attracting the attention of Muggles.

In addition, wizards who want to keep cruppies need to prove that they can control this breed in Muggle-inhabited areas."

"Well said, Mr. Trollope." Professor Kettleburn gave Scott a thumbs up with his only remaining hand, "I have nothing to add to this question, and for this, I will give Ravenclaw ten points."

This is Professor Kettleburn's routine in class. He would only ask one question in each class, and if the students answered the question correctly, he would use up the extra points for the class at one time.

And these questions were usually not too difficult, and almost anyone who was called on could earn points.

This made everyone raise their hands enthusiastically in the Care of Magical Creatures class.

"The cruppies you are meeting now are all five-week-old little guys." Professor Kettleburn continued the class, "In the next two weeks, you should try to get familiar with them."

He announced with some excitement: "After two weeks, you will remove their peculiar tails by yourself, using the Painless Cutting Spell!"

When the students were in an uproar, Professor Kettleburn said loudly: "So in these two weeks, you will not only learn to raise these little guys, but you must also review spells in your spare time, and you must ensure that there will be no accidents when you use the Painless Cutting Spell."

"Oh poor little guy." George immediately touched the puppy's tail with ill intentions, "You are about to lose half of your tail!"

Unfortunately, the puppy was eating happily and did not realize his upcoming tragic fate.

At the end of the class, Professor Kettleburn assigned an assignment - about the history of wizards breeding cruppies.

"Painless Cutting Charm? Is that it?"

After class, on the way back to the castle, Fred said with a chuckle, while raising his wand.


A bright pink light flew out from the tip of his wand, cutting off a branch in front of him.

"This is the Cutting Charm, but it may not be painless. Maybe you can try to use it to cut off Percy's nose and see if he will howl." George said.

"Good idea!" Fred said excitedly, "Without a nose, Percy can't dream of becoming the Minister of Magic, so our future may be much easier."

At this point, he happily high-fived George with an eager expression on his face.


Scott wanted to ask what kind of devil these two guys were, and once again felt deep sympathy for Percy in his heart.

And... no nose or something, why does it sound so familiar?

With two brothers like this, maybe Percy, who has no nose, may indeed give up his dream of being the Minister of Magic... and instead choose the more promising career of the Dark Lord.

"Professor Kettleburn may have made a mistake. We have not learned the Painless Cutting Charm. I remember that it seems to be a spell used for clinical operations. It is probably only used by healers at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies." Gotta be more.”

Roger was thinking about the books he had read.

"Perhaps we can go to the school hospital and ask Madam Pomfrey for help."

"No, we can't go to the campus hospital!" Fred immediately shook his head desperately.

George said in an accusatory tone: "Madam Pomfrey strictly forbids us from going near her territory!"

"Just because we gave Harry a toilet seat from the school toilet as a gift last school year when he was unconscious in the ward!"

"Madam Pomfrey has listed us as no-one to associate with!"

"Unless we completely cut off our own limbs."

"Otherwise we won't be able to step into the campus hospital!"


Scott didn't know what to say. Every time he felt that these two guys were weird enough, but they would do something even weirder.

"Leave this matter to me and Roger." Scott said, "I can also ask Professor Flitwick for advice, and we will teach you after we learn it."

Roger said helplessly: "Let's do it."

"Thank you, Scott! Roger!"

"May Merlin bless you!"

Fred and George started praising them loudly and exaggeratedly until they couldn't stand it anymore.

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