The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 163 164. Scott's First Arithmetic Divination

"You already understand the magical subject of arithmetic divination."

Professor Victor reached out and tore off a piece of parchment from the table and handed it to Scott.

"Try it now!"

He said impatiently.

"You are in the fourth grade, and I have already explained the basic methods in the third grade."

He spoke very quickly.

"But only students who understand the true meaning of this course can master it. If they don't understand it, they will only do mechanical calculations!"

He shook the parchment in his hand.

"You can try it now!"


Scott hesitated and reached out to take the paper.

Although Professor Victor said this, he actually didn't know what he should do...

At this time, Professor Victor handed over another feather pen, "Think about what you want to calculate? Something more specific!"

Forget it, just give it a try, it doesn't matter if you fail anyway.

Thinking in this way, Scott reached out to take the pen and wrote the word [parents] on the paper.

He said, "I want to know about my parents and their current situation."

"Parents?" Professor Victor nodded, "Quick, list the known conditions!"

Scott wrote down his parents' names and their location, Spain, on the paper again.

"You can write more known conditions!" Professor Victor said, "The more detailed the conditions are, the more accurate the results will be!"


Scott began to write furiously, writing down everything he could think of.

He soon filled up half a sheet of parchment.

When Professor Victor saw him stop writing, he immediately said, "No more? Then, now according to the letter and number correspondence table you have learned, convert all these conditions into numbers!"

Scott nodded and quickly wrote a series of numbers under the words on the paper.

"If you are proficient..." Professor Victor said, "You can directly write the corresponding numbers in the step of listing the known conditions!"

Scott spent some time converting all the words into numbers.

"Now, start calculating!" Professor Victor urged, "You can use the magic we learned!"

Scott put down his quill, took out his wand and waved it, thinking about the rules of arithmetic divination in his heart, chanting spells.

"Arithmetic rules."

This is the only spell Scott has learned in the course of arithmetic divination.

Its function is-when you fully understand the rules of calculation, you can use this spell to replace tedious calculations and directly get the correct conclusion.

The quill on the parchment immediately stood up, and the tip of the pen shuttled across the paper, calculating and reorganizing the strings of numbers, and finally getting individual numbers.

These numbers are one of the nine numbers from 1 to 9.

"Very good, now I will teach you real arithmetic divination!"

Professor Victor raised his wand.

"Watch my movements and repeat after me!"

His wand drew several complex and smooth arcs in the air, and finally the wand pointed.

"Numbers appear!"

Then, he retracted his wand and emphasized, "In this process, you must firmly think about your purpose and the content you want to divination!"

Scott nodded solemnly, recalled Professor Victor's actions, and moved the wand in his hand.

"Numbers appear!"

The tip of his wand touched the parchment.

At this moment, he saw the numbers on the parchment tremble, and then stopped.

"Very good, but not accurate enough!"

Professor Victor then raised his wand and repeated it again.

"Numbers appear!"

He looked at Scott, "Remember, mobilize your sensitivity to numbers!"

Scott felt that his words were really abstract!

Fortunately, Scott was at the stage of understanding arithmetic divination today, and he magically understood what he meant.

He nodded again and waved his wand again.

"Numbers appear!"

At this moment, he closed his eyes, and a concrete picture seemed to appear in his mind.

The figures of Michael and Emilia appeared clearly in his mind, and countless concrete numbers were spinning and flying around the two figures, constantly arranging and combining.

As the tip of his wand touched the parchment, he suddenly opened his eyes.

On the parchment, the numbers obtained from the previous calculation began to move.

Those numbers began to run all over the paper.

In the eyes of Scott and Professor Victor, the movement of those numbers had some clear rules.

Numbers began to collide and disappear, which meant that complex calculations were being performed.

Until finally, all the numbers disappeared in the collision, leaving only a single number [6], which stopped above the word [parents].

Scott's legs immediately went weak, and he quickly supported himself on the table with his hands to avoid falling.


Professor Victor glanced at him.

"I'm sorry, you are not yet an adult, and you are not very proficient in the use of arithmetic divination, which caused you to consume a lot of energy."

"I didn't expect it to be like this..."

Scott grinned and slowly steadied his body.

"It doesn't matter, it will be fine after you become proficient." Professor Victor said disapprovingly.


Scott smiled helplessly and stared at the [6] on the parchment.

He heard Professor Victor ask him, "Do you know how to interpret it?"

Scott replied, "[6], represents harmony, friendship and family values."

"It's barely explainable, but you're talking about what we learned in the 'Number and Name Divination' section."

Professor Victor said.

"If it were just like this, it would not be able to show the accuracy of the magic of arithmetic divination."

"So, what should I do, Professor?"

Scott looked up at Professor Victor.

Professor Victor pointed to the one [6] on the parchment, "Actually, I don't need to tell you, Mr. Trollope. This is the result of your calculation. Numbers are spiritual, and you have already developed a connection with them. connect."


Scott stretched out his finger and touched the [6], but felt nothing.

"Is the only thing you perceive is real touch?" Professor Victor asked stiffly.

"I understand!"

Scott laughed and closed his eyes.

He began to see the world through magical perception.

Soon, his magic power clearly perceived the number under his finger that was shining brightly in his perception.

He hurriedly concentrated his perception, and instantly felt that his mind was completely sinking into that number.

This feeling is indescribable, just like communicating with each other, he has clearly understood the meaning of this number [6].

After a long time, he opened his eyes again.

"Thank you, Professor Victor!"

He was sincerely grateful to the humble professor in front of him.

"It seems that my parents are living well in a foreign country!"

He was in a very happy mood at the moment.

Not only because I got to know a magic subject again, but also because I understood the current situation of my parents.

Scott has always felt guilty about Michael and Amelia leaving England.

If it weren't for their son, the couple wouldn't have to leave the town they know and love and go to a foreign country to start over.

He was constantly worried about their condition.

Even though it was his mother's natal family there, he was worried that the relatives would not get along well.

But now he is completely relieved.

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