The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 170 171. The unexpected seventh Horcrux


Scott waved his wand and completed the calculated steps.

Next comes the final step.

Scott took a deep breath, waved his wand firmly, and touched the parchment.

"Numbers appear."

On the parchment, the numbers obtained after calculation started to move.

Scott stared at the paper closely and frowned.

Not good.

The numbers on the paper moved a bit chaotically, and he couldn't see any rules at a glance.


The most difficult part of this arithmetic divination is that there is no way to firm up your own ideas.

Unlike the previous two uses, whether it was his parents or Ravenclaw's diadem, he could present a specific image in his mind.

"Voldemort's Horcrux" was a relatively abstract concept to him.

But Scott quickly put aside distracting thoughts and concentrated on his divination purpose.

Crash, crash.

The parchment lit by Scott's wand trembled, and Scott had closed his eyes at this time.

There seemed to be images of notebooks and crowns composed of countless numbers in his mind, and more numbers were flying and colliding randomly around the images of notebooks and crowns.

They are constantly combined, and then fragment again when they almost form a new image, making it impossible to see clearly what they refer to.

But the messy numbers seemed to be separated after all. Except for the images of notebooks and crowns, the other numbers were divided into four groups.


Scott thought.

I think it should be 7.

When he was thinking like this, the messy numbers in his mind formed a new group.

That's all it can do.

Scott decisively opened his eyes.

At this time, the moving figures on the parchment almost disappeared in the collision.

The moment Scott opened his eyes, he saw that the only remaining [6] suddenly turned into [7].

The number [7] quickly moved to the top of the parchment.

"[7]?" Dumbledore looked down at the number, "This is a magic number."

Scott felt weak all over now.

He performed arithmetic for the third time that day.

At this moment, he felt that the magic power in his body had been completely drained.

He stretched out his hand to hold the cup of hot cocoa, but unexpectedly his wrist got sore and the cup fell down without holding it steady.

Dumbledore hurriedly stretched out a finger to stop the poured cup and drink in the air, and then returned to their original positions.

Then he picked up the Elder Wand and waved it at Scott. A gentle white light shone on Scott, and he felt that his condition suddenly improved.

"This is a little trick I learned from Madam Pomfrey. It can only temporarily relieve fatigue."

Dumbledore tapped the cup in Scott's hand with his wand again.

The cup of hot cocoa was full again, and a straw appeared in the cup.

Scott touched the cup with his hand and found that the temperature was just right. He quickly lowered his head and took a sip of hot cocoa.

After drinking the fragrant hot cocoa, he felt better.

So he stretched out the index finger of his right hand, placed it on the parchment, and began to feel the top number [7].

But within seconds he opened his eyes.

"There is very little information." He said to Dumbledore. "The number this time only indicates the number of Horcruxes. It does not bring more for me."

"Very good, this is already very good." Dumbledore smiled with satisfaction.

"Maybe you noticed," Scott added, "the last change in the numbers."

"In the end it changed from [6] to [7]?" Dumbledore asked, "Does this mean anything?"

Scott whispered: "Voldemort took the initiative to create six Horcruxes. [6] represents perfection. In addition, he himself is [7], the most magical number. I think he did it deliberately."

"But there were seven Horcruxes in the end?" Dumbledore was a little surprised.

Scott nodded, "The seventh Horcrux was an accident. I'm afraid...even he doesn't know it."

Dumbledore's expression changed when he heard this, and he looked thoughtful.

It took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"Great," he said to Scott. "I have to thank you for your assistance, Scott. It means a lot to us."

"You're welcome, Professor." Scott smiled, "But I think those Riddle's Horcruxes are probably Medea's targets as well, don't they?"

"you're right."

Dumbledore pushed up his half-moon glasses that were about to fall to the tip of his nose.

"But you're still a student, Scott, so you don't need to worry about that just yet."

He waved.

"Go ahead, I hope you can have a good rest."

Just as Scott was about to get up, he felt the phoenix suddenly fly up and circle around his head.

Later, he found himself sitting on a bed in the school hospital.

"Mr. Trollope!"

Madam Pomfrey rushed in and placed a hospital gown on the bedside table.

"Dumbledore has informed me, please change into clean clothes!"

She turned around and walked out quickly.

"I'll get you some medicine. Dumbledore is really causing trouble for people. He shouldn't ask students for help, that old fool!"

Scott was stunned for a moment, then he changed into a hospital gown obediently and lay down on the hospital bed.

His hands and feet were getting weak again at this time, which really took him a long time.

Madam Pomfrey came over with two more bottles of potion and poured them into his mouth without saying a word.

"Very well, go to sleep, kid."

She directly closed the curtain of the hospital bed.

"It will be fine tomorrow, good night."

"Good night, Madam Pomfrey."

Scott closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

The next day, Scott was woken up by the smell of food.

He opened his eyes drowsily and saw that the curtain of his hospital bed had been opened, and Milton was sitting next to the hospital bed.


He looked at the paper crown on Milton's head.

"What are you..."

"Morning, you also have this."

Milton smiled and pulled out another paper crown.

"This is our ceremony to celebrate the imminent return of Ravenclaw's diadem!"

Scott took the paper crown and looked at it speechlessly.

It's as crude as the crown that comes with a birthday cake, with the words "Wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind" written on it.

"Who came up with this?"

He put the crown on his head casually.

I don’t know how to make it look better.

Milton laughed again, "Everyone agreed, and all the Ravenclaws are wearing them today."

He pointed to the packed food on the bedside cabinet.

"I brought you breakfast, please eat it quickly."

With that said, he stood up.

"I'll help you ask Madam Pomfrey when you can be discharged from the hospital."


Scott nodded, he sat up, took out a sandwich from the paper bag containing food and gnawed on it.

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