The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 192 192. Ginny nodded silently

"Are you going to the Forbidden Forest to find that flying car?"

Scott shook his head at the Weasley twins.

"Forget it, that car has been abandoned for so long, it must be too damaged to be driven."

"No, that car was modified by my father using magic." Fred said proudly.

"We also learned a few tricks from Dad." George said, "Even if it's broken, it should be able to be repaired."

Scott still tried to dismiss their thoughts.

"The Forbidden Forest is too big. Even though the car is not small, it is actually very difficult to find."

He said.

"Besides, what if you find it? If you really drive that car home, it will cause big trouble for your father."

"Well, about the first point, that's exactly what we need your help with."

Fred said with a smile.

"Oh, dear friend! You can use arithmetic to calculate the direction of the car, and you can also use polymorphism to conjure many animals to help us find it."

George nodded excitedly, "As for the second point, do you think we will be as stupid as Ron? That car can be invisible!"

Fred lowered his voice again, "I bet my dad would be happy if he saw us driving home in the car."

"Only mother would be unhappy." George also laughed.

"We might get her ears pulled in anger," Fred said, "but we'll get over it as long as we endure it."

"You have all thought about it..."

Scott was speechless.

Fred whispered: "Yes, we know that you have killed all the eight-eyed spiders in the Forbidden Forest, and there is no danger there anymore."

George slapped Scott on the shoulder, pretending to be threatening.

"Don't worry, we won't tell Hagrid about this."

Scott almost agreed.

But he still used his trump card.

"Sorry, although I want to help you." He said apologetically, "But I can't enter the Forbidden Forest rashly..."

Then, he told what happened after he entered the Forbidden Forest last time.

"So, those guys who want my life might be watching me, and I can't leave Hogwarts."

Fred and George were completely wilted now.

"You didn't say anything about it."

"You should have told us!"

Both of them looked at Scott worriedly.

"The Yaxley family?" Fred frowned, "I don't know much about them."

George nodded, "Our family has no contact with these pure-blood families."

"It seems that you can only stay in the castle obediently." Fred looked at Scott with pity, "You can't even run around during the holidays."

"This is too scary!" George exclaimed.

"I knew those people never did good things!" Fred said angrily.

Scott was in a calm mood.

"You can't go either." He said to the twins again, "Pure-blood traitors, many people know that you are my friends."

In fact, he was worried that someone would take advantage of this.

"All right."

"Those damn guys."

The twins suddenly became crestfallen.

Seeing them like this, Scott felt relieved.

These two guys are skinny, but they still know the importance.

He thought for a while and came up with another idea.

"How about we go use the Flying Charm to summon the car?"

"Flying curse?"

Fred's eyes lit up, and then he shook his head.

"No, our flying spell can't summon something that big." George said.

"But we can call a lot of people and use the flying spell at the same time." Scott continued to encourage, "Want to try it?"

"good idea!"

Both Fred and George's eyes lit up completely.

"There's no guarantee of success though."

"But it must be fun!"

The two brothers each said one sentence, and then high-fived happily.

"Let's call someone now!"

"You can also help us call more people. Let's meet at the edge of the Forbidden Forest!"

As they spoke, the two couldn't wait to turn around and run away.

Scott smiled and turned back to the common room.

Half an hour later, Scott stood at the edge of the Forbidden Forest, watching more and more people gather here.

The Weasley twins are still very popular in Gryffindor House.

"Isn't it a bit too much..."

Eddie, standing next to Scott, was dumbfounded.

"If there are so many people, the spell will definitely fail because it is not neat enough."

"It's okay." Scott said calmly.

He came up with the idea without thinking it would succeed.

Ultimately, he just gave the Weasley twins something to worry about, lest the two ADHD patients have to run into the Forbidden Forest again on a whim.

Not long after, George came over with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Oh! They're all here!"

Fred ran to the front of the crowd and clapped his hands excitedly to attract everyone's attention.

"Good evening, everyone."

He pretended to give a gentleman's salute to everyone, causing the Gryffindors present to burst into laughter.

Except for a few Ravenclaws pulled over by Scott, the rest were all Gryffindors.

"Today we are going to accomplish an unprecedented feat here..."

Under the gaze of everyone, Fred's desire to perform became more and more active, and he began to dance and give a passionate speech.

"Shut up!"

Angelina finally couldn't bear it anymore and rushed forward and pushed him aside.

"No end!"

Angelina flicked her ponytail and glared at Fred.

"I think you should take charge, captain." She pointed at Wood and said, "As a Quidditch captain, you should be more experienced."

Upon hearing this, the Gryffindors began to cheer and applaud.

"All right."

Wood stepped forward.

Fred was dragged back to the team by Angelina.

"Did you notice?"

Scott winked at George, who was already standing with him.

"What?" George turned his head.

"Fred." Scott couldn't help but remind him with laughter, "Don't say you haven't noticed that he is more well-behaved than usual in front of Angelina."


George's mouth fell open.

Ron, who was standing next to George, had the same expression as him at this moment.

"You mean..."

Ron looked in disbelief and pointed to Fred, who was standing with Angelina in front of him.

"He...he, he, is that possible? That's Fred!"


George burst out laughing.

"That's it." He kept laughing, "That's great, Scott, I wouldn't have noticed it if you didn't tell me!"

Then, he said with some gloating: "I think Fred may have a crush on Angelina, and Angelina doesn't know it yet."

"It's very possible." Scott nodded in agreement.

At this time, Ron's expression became more and more horrifying.

"Do not make jokes."

He said stubbornly.

"That's Fred, he doesn't have a girl he likes."

"What stupid things are you talking about!"

Hermione couldn't stand it and glared at him fiercely.

"Isn't Fred human?"

"He's not a normal person anyway."

Ron said unconvinced.

"In our family's mind, Fred and George were probably going to be bachelors for the rest of their lives, the kind who were still working on pranks when they grew old."

Scott noticed that Ginny, standing behind Ron, was nodding silently.

Sorry, fourth update. A little late.

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