The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 200 200. Surprising and even more surprising

In the morning auditorium, a flock of owls flew over the heads of the students, dropping letters and packages on the tables, causing chaos.

Scott skillfully used a book to block a few feathers falling from his head, and then calmly began to eat.

At this moment, Neville suddenly walked up behind him.

"Good morning, Scott."

He greeted shyly and in a low voice.

"Good morning, Neville."

Scott looked back.

"I thought you would become more confident."

He looked at the round-faced boy.

"I..." Neville said a little at a loss, "I will try my best."

Scott smiled, "Relax, I was just joking."

Neville nodded, but his eyes showed determination.

Scott suddenly felt that this boy had changed. "What brings you to me, Neville?"

"I told my grandmother what happened. She is very grateful to you. This is a thank you gift from her."

Neville handed Scott the leather bag he had just held in his hand.

"You have to take it, Scott."

"Thank you?" Scott was a little surprised, "You have already paid, Neville."

"That's the money for arithmetic divination." Neville held the leather bag and handed it forward, "You should accept this gift of thanks."

"All right."

Scott was no longer polite and reached out to take the leather bag.

"Thank Mrs. Longbottom for me, Neville."

Neville smiled shyly again and happily returned to the Gryffindor table.

Eddie, who was sitting next to Scott, immediately came over to look at the leather bag in his hand.

"Thank you? What is it?"

Scott shook the leather bag in his hand, and there was a clear and sweet collision sound.

Eddie's eyes widened, "Oh! I heard it, it's Golden Galleons!"

"Look how many there are!" he said impatiently.

Scott opened the leather bag and took a look, "It looks like... there are probably more than 20 of them."

"Oh, Mrs. Longbottom is so willing." Eddie looked at the leather bag in Scott's hand with envy.

Scott turned his palm and stuffed the leather bag containing gold galleons into the deformed lizard skin bag on his waist.

"By the way, have you figured out what business you want to do?" he asked Eddie.

Eddie looked away from Scott's waist.

He whispered: "My suggestion is that we can smuggle some goods from Hogsmeade to the school to sell. After all, the twins know some unknown secret passages."

He paused.

"But the twins thought they could use that money to buy ingredients and develop more popular joke props."

Having said this, he looked back unconvinced.

"Haven't decided yet?"

Scott wasn't surprised.

Eddie likes to act alone, and the twins are used to partnering with each other. It is not easy for them to reach a consensus.

But Scott was in no rush.

"Don't worry, wait until you reach a consensus and then talk to me." He said.

"What? Don't you want to make a decision?" Eddie asked in surprise, "You have the most funds."


Scott shook his head decisively.

"I don't know how to do business." He emphasized again, "So I am just a shareholder, and you are the operators."

He was determined to be the hands-off shopkeeper from the beginning!

After eating, Scott wiped his mouth, stood up and patted Eddie on the shoulder.

"Come on, Eddie, I'm waiting for your good news."

After saying that, Scott went to class with his books in his arms.

Rimbaud, who was sent out to investigate Mrs. Zabini, returned to Hogwarts at noon that day.

After lunch time, Scott stepped into the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest alone.

After using a magic spell to isolate the sound, he got a surprising answer from Rimbaud.

Mrs. Zabini also had a small fireplace in her hands.

This means that this witch is also one of the people who was won over by Medea.

"I heard her talking to the toy fireplace!"

Rimbaud said somewhat proudly.

"Originally the witch just asked Mr. Graves to be her lover for a period of time."

Rimbaud continued.

"She chose to marry Mr. Graves because of Medea's suggestion."

"What?" Scott was surprised.

There is indeed something fishy about this matter.

It’s really not that Scott looks down on Milton’s father, Mr. Graves.

Various rumors about Mrs. Zabini indicate that she is a very shrewd pure-blood witch.

In the always critical eyes of pure-blood wizards, Mr. Graves, who comes from a rising wizarding family, is just an ordinary employee of the Ministry of Magic. He is really not as high as Mrs. Zabini, even though she has been widowed six times.

In Scott's opinion, there are only two reasons why this witch would choose to marry Mr. Graves, either because of profit or because of true love.

But it is obvious that the Graves family does not have any treasure worthy of Mrs. Zabini's plot.

At least Milton didn't know.

So...could this marriage really be because of love?

Milton didn't seem to believe this;

Scott didn't believe it anyway.

This is the contradiction and strangeness of this matter.

Out of sympathy for Milton's situation and out of his own curiosity about the matter, Scott finally asked Rimbaud to investigate.

The result is so surprising.

Mr. Graves was originally just a lover of Mrs. Zabini, but after Medea intervened, they decided to get married.

This surprising answer sounded like the most reasonable explanation for the whole thing.

In short, Scott took a breath at this time, "Why did Medea promote the marriage of these two people? What's the benefit for her?"

It is normal for the new wizard family to have a shallow background. Mr. Graves has nothing worth Mrs. Zabini's plot, let alone Medea.

"I don't know!"

Rampo shouted at him.

"Okay? Don't worry about this, Scott! Just like me, I never care about other crows cooperating to lay eggs!"

"I don't want to care."

Scott was a little headache because of his voice.

"This matter is too strange, I just want to investigate it so that Milton can be mentally prepared, but I didn't expect..."


Rampo laughed unpleasantly.

"Forget it, this matter really doesn't need to be taken care of for the time being."

Scott made a decision quickly.

Anyway, Milton has decided to slowly break away from the Graves family.

This incident should not have much impact on him...

Except mentally.

"Anyway, good luck to Mr. Graves!"

Scott muttered, removed the sound-isolating spell, said goodbye to Rimbaud, and walked out of the Forbidden Forest.

As he approached the edge of the Forbidden Forest, he heard footsteps not far behind him.

At this moment, he was even more surprised than before.

He didn't even sense anyone approaching.

This is incredible...

Scott turned his head and looked at the girl who also walked out of the Forbidden Forest, with several different leaves on her hair.

"Good afternoon, Savanna."

Scott felt the pure magic power on the girl that almost blended into the surrounding natural environment, and his surprise calmed down.

Is this the unique magic of druids?

Sorry, dear readers.

I'm a bit stuck today, I wrote and deleted, and finally there are only two updates.

I will sort out the next plot overnight so that time can enter the next school year as soon as possible.

I will definitely make up for it with four updates tomorrow.

In short, please continue to support, thank you.

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