The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 242 242. Really a wizard

Seeing his uncle and aunt, Scott realized that there was a big age gap between Amelia and her brother Caleb.

Amelia is only 32 years old now, but Caleb looks 50 years old.

"Hello, Uncle Caleb." Scott greeted the man sitting on the sofa politely.

"Hello, Scott."

Caleb nodded and stood up.

"Come with me, I want to talk to you alone."

After saying that, he turned and walked towards the stairs upstairs.

"Go ahead, I only told your uncle about you being a wizard." Emilia whispered into Scott's ear, "But he didn't believe what I said."

She reached out to take off Scott's backpack, looked at Caleb's back and pouted.

Scott nodded understandingly.

He smiled at Amelia and followed Caleb up to the second floor and entered a study.

Caleb sat down behind a huge desk and looked up at Scott.

"Sit down." He gestured for Scott to sit down. "Milly said you are a wizard?"

Scott closed the door smoothly and sat on the sofa next to the desk.

"Yes, Uncle Caleb, I am a wizard." He answered affirmatively.

"Forgive me, Scott, this seems to me like a fantasy." Caleb frowned and stretched out his hand to rub his temples, "You have to convince me with facts."

"No problem." Scott stood up.

He took out a palm-sized deformed lizard skin bag from his jeans pocket, reached into the bag and took out his wand.

Caleb looked at this scene with some surprise.

Because the length of the wand in Scott's hand has exceeded the length of the leather bag.

But he didn't speak.

Obviously, this scene, which is also common in magic, was not enough to convince him.

Scott smiled and took out the [severed arm bone] again and held it in his hand.

He didn't know whether the use of magic after going abroad would be recorded by traces. However, out of caution, he decided that it would be safer to temporarily cut off Zongsi's contract.

As he poured magic power into his arm bones, the patterns engraved on the white bones suddenly lit up.

Scott felt that the invisible fluctuations emanating from his arm bones had enveloped the study room.

Then he began chanting a spell and waving his wand at a book on Caleb's desk.

The light of the Transfiguration Spell enveloped the book, and the book began to melt and shape like plasticine, and then turned into a living owl.

"Coo... coo coo..." The owl opened its mouth and hooted a few times.

He spread his wings and flew around the study room, then landed on the desk again.

Caleb looked at the owl standing on the table combing its feathers with its beak, and his eyes were a little shaken.

"Now I believe it." He whispered, and stretched out his hand to touch the owl's back. "The touch and temperature are exactly the same as the real thing."

Scott smiled and nodded, waving his wand again, turning the owl back into a book.

Then, he sat on the sofa again and put the wand and arm bone back into the leather bag.

"You really are a wizard."

Caleb put the book back in its place and turned to look at Scott.

"This is really magical." He sighed, "Could it be that your Trollope family had wizard blood in your ancestors? Or is it that ordinary people without wizard blood can give birth to wizards?"

"I don't know about this question." Scott shook his head.

He also didn't understand whether Muggle-born wizards were born because their ancestors had wizard blood.

"I still have some questions."

Caleb took another look at the book that Scott had just transformed.

"If this is what magic is, what's the point of spending 7 years of your precious time learning this?"

"This is the wizard's innate ability, which I must learn and master." Scott explained, "Of course, magic can do much more than that."

He casually listed the effects of some spells, as well as some of the classes at Hogwarts.

Caleb listened carefully and nodded, "It seems that my understanding of this world is still too one-sided."

Scott went on to explain the international laws of secrecy enforced by modern wizards.

Caleb nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

"That's it for today's conversation." He stood up, "I will talk to you again when I have time."

The two returned to the living room on the first floor, and Scott sat down next to Flora under her warm hospitality.

"Honey, Millie said you were going to a boarding school in England by yourself?" Flora asked Scott.

As she spoke, she glanced dissatisfied at Emilia and Michael.

"I don't know what your parents think. If you ask me, you should transfer here as soon as possible."

As she said that, she pointed to Ramiro who came in, "You can go to the high school where your cousin graduated."

"High school?" Ramiro said with a smile, "That would be the best. Adelina and Ramos also graduated from that high school."

"Adelina and Ramos are your cousins," Flora said, "but they are already married and don't live here. They can only meet you at dinner."

Scott nodded in understanding.

"You should learn Spanish as soon as possible." Ramiro walked over and sat down next to Scott. "It will be a lot easier this way."

He winked at Scott, letting Scott understand that when he said "convenient" he probably meant it was convenient to meet girls.

Scott actually knows some Spanish, Emilia taught him when he was a kid.

He didn't think too much at the time and learned the foreign language casually.

Hearing Ramiro's words, he began to use his not-so-fluent Spanish to say to Ramiro: "I know a little Spanish, or rather, some simple daily communication."

"That's enough." Ramiro was very happy to hear him speak Spanish and immediately changed the language.

Flora also began to speak Spanish, "How about it, dear? We will be able to help you with the enrollment soon."

Scott shook his head, "I'm used to my current school."

Flora disapproved and said, "Scott, you are still a minor and should not stay in the UK alone."

Scott was a little embarrassed.

At this time, Caleb spoke.

"Don't interfere with the child's own choice." He said to Flora.

"You are so boring!"

Flora rolled her eyes at Caleb gracefully.

Then, she smiled at Scott kindly, "Dear, I'll prepare dinner for you."

As she said that, she stood up and went to the kitchen with Emilia.

Next, Caleb asked Scott some serious questions in fluent English, such as whether he was used to school and whether he got along well with his classmates.

Of course, Scott could tell that his questions were meaningful, and many of them were actually trying to find out about the current situation in the magic world.

It seemed that Emilia had already told Caleb the reason why they left England.

Scott ignored the magic part and answered his questions in a general way.

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