The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 274 274. New school year, fifth grade begins

September 1, 1993, King's Cross Station, London.

Scott, who had turned 15 after the summer vacation, and his three roommates pushed a luggage cart into the station.

Since Roger, Milton and Eddie were all in London, Scott made an appointment with them on the phone to meet at the station entrance before the start of the school year.

Scott asked Milton, who he hadn't seen for more than two months, "How was your summer vacation in London?"

"Very good." Milton said, "I went to all parts of London this summer and learned more about the lives of Muggles."

Roger smiled and said, "Milton also participated in the orchestra activities of their community and became the most popular community performer."

Milton smiled shyly.

Compared to the distressed look at the end of last semester due to family problems, he looks much happier now.

It seems that his summer vacation was really good.

"You all don't know yet, I went to the United States during the summer vacation!" Eddie suddenly said excitedly, "It's a pity that I didn't go to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to have a look."

Scott asked with a smile, "Did you deliberately save this news for today?"

Eddie nodded proudly and began to talk about his trip to the United States.

It's a pity that he went with Mr. Carmichael who went to the United States to discuss business, and he didn't get in touch with the American magic world.

This led to Scott and others not being very interested in his experience.

Milton whispered to Scott, "Did you just return to the UK today?"

Scott shook his head, "It was yesterday. I went to Diagon Alley yesterday to buy new textbooks for the new school year."

Roger immediately joined the conversation between the two, "I don't know who the school has found to be the new professor of Care of Magical Creatures, but that book that likes to bite people randomly is really weird!"

"You can guess from the style of the book." Scott said with a smile.

When they took turns trotting into Platform 9 and 3/4, Eddie had completely stopped talking about his trip to the United States.

Until Scott and his friends boarded the train and sat in the compartment, Eddie still looked at the three of them with resentful eyes without saying a word.

Scott was still happily talking about some ordinary topics, and they deliberately ignored Eddie's aggrieved look.

When the train started, Eddie finally couldn't help it and joined their conversation.

At this time, Scott stood up.

He took out a blue and gold badge from his pocket and pinned it on the chest of his robe.

"Oh! Class badge?" Roger smiled at Scott teasingly, "I knew that the new male class leader of the fifth grade should be you."

Milton also said happily: "Congratulations, Scott."

"It will be me next year!" Eddie said a little unconvinced.

Scott nodded to them, "I need to go to the class leader car."

He walked out of the compartment, crossed several carriages, and came to the class leader car located behind the front of the train.

At this time, the male and female student union presidents and some class leaders were already waiting in the car.

Scott walked to where the Ravenclaws were sitting and greeted the prefects he knew.

Penelope said to him enthusiastically, "I told you that you would be the new prefect, Scott."

Scott thanked her politely.

"This year it's your turn as the fifth-year prefect to guide the new students." Ethan Cooper patted Scott on the shoulder, "I hope you won't get into the same trouble as we did last year!"

Scott knew that Ethan was talking about Caitlin Rowe deliberately falling down the spiral staircase to frame Jacob last year.

"I was scared when the girl fell!"

Eva Taylor, the female prefect of the same grade as Ethan, seemed to still be frightened when she thought about it.

"Thanks to Ethan, he cast a spell in time to save the girl."

At this time, Kayla, who was in the same grade as Scott, ran into the carriage and sat down next to Scott.

It seems that she is the new female prefect.

"What's wrong, Keira?" Scott said to Keira who looked at her from time to time, "Are you regretting that Professor Flitwick didn't choose Dylan as the male prefect?"

"Are you kidding, Scott? Dylan and I don't want to stick together all the time." Keira said insincerely.

Not long after, all the prefects arrived.

The two seventh-year male and female student union presidents stood up and said a few words.

The main content of their speech was to welcome the new prefects and let everyone patrol the carriages separately, focusing on taking care of the freshmen of each college.

After leaving the prefect's carriage, Scott and Keira patrolled the carriage they were responsible for together.

Although Keira claimed that she and Dylan would not stick together all the time, Dylan soon stuck to them while they were patrolling the carriages.

Seeing this, Scott patted Dylan on the shoulder and solemnly handed him the task of patrolling the carriages, and Dylan happily agreed.

Scott was also very happy and walked towards the original carriage with a relaxed pace.

On the way back, he happened to pass by the compartment where the "Savior" trio was.

At this time, Harry was dancing and talking to Ron and Hermione in the compartment.

He looked really happy.

Scott knocked on the door of the compartment and walked in directly.

"Hello." He looked at Harry, who was frozen in his movements, and smiled, "Congratulations, Harry, about your godfather Mr. Black, I have read the summer vacation "Daily Prophet".

Harry turned around and looked at Scott, smiling embarrassedly, "Oh, thank you, Scott."

He explained anxiously, "I mean... I haven't had time to thank you yet... You were the first to find out that something was wrong with Scabbers, weren't you? If it weren't for you, Sirius might not have been saved."

"You're welcome." Scott leaned against the door frame, "It's all coincidence."

He turned to look at Ron, "... and it caused Ron to lose his beloved pet."

"Ugh!" Ron quickly retched twice, frowning in pain, "Oh! Don't say that!"

Hermione covered her mouth and laughed, "Ron got lucky after losing Scabbers. Mr. Weasley won the reader award of the Daily Prophet, and he has won a new pet!"

Ron quickly nodded in agreement, "Scabbers... Oh no, Pettigrew must be a disaster star that can bring bad luck to those around him!"

It seems that he may have blamed Pettigrew for part of the reason for his family's poverty.

"By the way, Sirius also wants to thank you in person."

Harry said to Scott.

"And he will have this opportunity soon."

At this point, he winked at Scott in a mysterious way.

Scott looked at his unconscious grinning because of his joy, and ruthlessly exposed his riddle, "Mr. Black will be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor?"

"How do you know?" Harry blurted out.

"I'm sure now." Scott said with a smile.

Skip directly to the fifth grade.

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