The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 288 288. Singing and Dancing Weasley Event End

"Severus! Sirius!"

Dumbledore strode into the atrium and called out the names of the two professors.

His expression looked very serious, completely lacking his usual kindness and kindness.

"Boy, this disappoints me." He walked up to the two professors who took action.

Only then did Scott realize that Dumbledore's old-looking body was taller than these two tall middle-aged wizards.

Snape glanced at Dumbledore and withdrew his wand.

His face was as dark as water and he said nothing.

"Sorry, Professor Dumbledore." Black looked embarrassed and got up from the ground, "But I have to say... Professor Snape is too lenient."

Snape snorted coldly, held the skirt of his robe in front of his chest with both hands, raised his head and said, "I must remind you, crazy...Professor Black. Mr. Malfoy is a student of Slytherin House, and I am Slater." Dean of Forestry College!”

Everyone could tell that the pause in Snape's words was not a slip of the tongue, but a reluctance to suffer a little loss.

Black wanted to say something more, but Dumbledore raised his hand in time to stop the dispute between the two.

"I hope the two professors can come to my office now." After saying that, he turned and walked into the castle.

Black and Snape looked at each other and looked away in disgust.

The two of them also followed Dumbledore into the castle.

When the three professors left, the scene immediately became an uproar.

After watching a good show, the students started a heated discussion.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

Eddie was so excited that he jumped on the spot several times.

"I have never seen such a scene!" he said loudly, "It's so exciting, isn't it! It's a pity that Professor Dumbledore came too quickly."

Of course, he lowered his voice on the last sentence.

"If the fight continues, who do you think will win?"

"Of course Professor Snape!"

"It must be Professor Black!"

Among the crowd, the topic of comparing the two professors' combat effectiveness became the mainstream, and students who supported different professors started to quarrel with each other.

"Professor Snape is the Head of Slytherin House!"

"Professor Snape is just the Potions professor, Professor Black is the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!"

"Ha, Defense Against the Dark Arts professor? Don't forget how the last Defense Against the Dark Arts professor was defeated by Professor Snape!"

"Professor Black is different, he's a hero!"

Seeing that the excited students almost started fighting, a burst of unpleasant singing suddenly sounded.

"Two professors are fighting! Snape and Black!"

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the Weasley twins had gotten together with Peeves at some point.

The two ghosts sang and danced happily all the way to the monster stone sculpture in the center of the atrium.

"Two professors are fighting! Snape and Black!"

Fred and George linked arms and danced a cheerful tap dance.

Peeves danced in the air, beating the beat for them.

Every time Fred and George sang, it screamed the next, "No, it's Snotlout and Mad Dog!"

"Two professors are fighting! Snape and Black!"

"No, it's Snotlout and Mad Dog!"

"Two professors are fighting! Snape and Black!"

"No, it's Snotlout and Mad Dog!"

Scott watched this scene with his mouth twitching.

He sings whenever he disagrees, and here he is performing "The Legend of White Snake"!

At this time, Hermione rushed out of the crowd and shouted, "No! Shut up! This is extremely disrespectful..."

The Weasley twins and Peeves were unmoved and continued to sing and dance hard.

"Fred! George!"

Percy, whose face was red with anger, also shouted and rushed out.

He waved the magic wand in his hand, "Points will be deducted! You will be deducted points! You will be imprisoned! I will definitely write a letter about this matter..."

"Tell mom!" Fred and George answered in unison.

Then, the two of them changed the lyrics.

"Percy, Percy, our chairman, he can't do anything else, he is the first to complain!"

Percy was so angry that he was shaking all over. He finally couldn't help but waved his wand, trying to use the magic spell to subdue his two lawless brothers.

But the cunning Peeves immediately flew over and snatched the wand from his hand, and also smashed a water-filled balloon on his head.

"How dare you! Peeves! I'm the student council president!" Percy, whose hair became wet, yelled angrily.

Peeves made a funny face and sang with the twins in a high voice, "Percy, Percy, our chairman, who can't do anything else, is the first to complain!"

The students' crazy laughter echoed in the atrium.

Eddie laughed and asked Penelo, who was standing near them, "Penelo, why don't you go rescue your boyfriend?"

"Oh..." Penello reached out and smoothed his long, shiny and beautiful curly hair, and said hesitantly, "I don't want to get my hair wet."

"Professor McGonagall is here."

Someone whispered a reminder.

Scott looked up and saw Professor McGonagall standing at the exit of the castle, staring sternly at the funny twins and Peeves in the middle of the atrium.

At this moment, the twins immediately stopped singing and dancing. Peeves yelled, dropped Percy's wand and ran away quickly. The laughing students also fell silent.

But the cheerful singing did not stop.

"Percy, Percy, our chairman, he can't do anything else, he is the first to complain!"

Everyone looked around and saw Ron with his back to the atrium, singing and dancing to Harry, like a happy giant monkey.

It seemed that he did not notice the arrival of Professor McGonagall, nor did he notice Harry's facial expression, which was about to convulse, and was still immersed in the joy of teasing Percy.


Harry couldn't help it anymore, so he reached out and pushed him, and then helped him turn around.

"The first complaint...hiccups!"

The moment he met Professor McGonagall's stern eyes, Ron was so frightened that he burped.

His face scrunched up and he almost burst into tears.


Scott couldn't help laughing silently as he listened to the uncontrollable laughter of the students around him.

There was a lot of fun in the Weasley family, but Ron always took the blame.

"The two Mr. Weasleys."

Professor McGonagall walked to the atrium, glanced at the Weasley twins, and then looked at Ron.

"And you, Mr. Ronald Weasley."

Ron, who had long arms and legs, had shrunk into a ball.

"Because of your inappropriate behavior, Gryffindor will be deducted 60 points." Professor McGonagall said, "Of course, all three Mr. Weasleys must participate in after-school labor services for two weeks."

"Leave them to me, Professor McGonagall."

Filch walked over with Mrs. Norris in his arms, his face full of gloating.

"I will teach these naughty little bastards a profound lesson."

Professor McGonagall nodded, "Then I'll leave it to you, Mr. Filch."

Filch led the three Weasley boys away proudly.

Professor McGonagall looked around, "So, what are you still looking at here?"

All the students immediately dispersed.

"Oh! This is the happiest day I've had since school started."

Eddie said cheerfully on the way back.

"Now, Malfoy's father has one more professor to deal with." Roger shook his head and said, "If you want to fire two professors at once, can old Malfoy do it?"

"Seriously, we don't want Professor Black to be expelled." The classmate next to him said.

Others said: "But maybe the Malfoy family can do it. Their family is a member of the school board."

Such speculation is meaningless, but their discussion reminded Scott of the plot in the "original".

In "The Originals", the Malfoys lost their seats on the school board in the second part of the story, which corresponds to the previous school year.

In the "original book", there was no prophetic person like Scott, which resulted in the Chamber of Secrets incident not being resolved in time. Malfoy Sr. used threats to force other members of the school board to sign the removal of Dumbledore as principal.

After the Chamber of Secrets incident was resolved, Dumbledore successfully returned to Hogwarts, and the Malfoy family's seat on the school board was also removed by other angry directors.

With Scott's presence in reality, the development of things has certainly changed.

In the last school year, due to Scott's planning, the secret room incident was solved as quickly as possible, and now the Malfoy family still firmly occupies a seat on the school board.

Another change is that Dobby the house elf is not rescued.

Then again, neither Hagrid nor Black are of sufficient weight compared to Dumbledore. It's hard to say whether Old Malfoy would pay the same price to expel them.

The shrewd old Malfoy should know that it is not a good idea to use threats to force other school board members.

It was rumored that Mr. Malfoy arrived at Hogwarts in a furious manner that afternoon.

It is also said that when he left, his face was very ugly, and he seemed to have failed to please Dumbledore.

At breakfast the next day, Dumbledore announced his decision to the entire school.

Neither Hagrid nor Black was expelled, but Dumbledore decided to add an assistant to Care of Magical Creatures and Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Of course, he didn't mention the teaching accident between the two professors, nor the fight between Black and Snape.

The reason he gave was that because both the Care of Magical Creatures and Defense Against the Dark Arts courses were dangerous, more manpower was needed to ensure the safety of the students.

"It seems that Dumbledore kept Hagrid and Black's professorships, and old Malfoy's efforts failed." Eddie said in a low voice.

Scott thinks this is normal. In the "original book", Dumbledore was removed mainly because he wanted to.

After all, in the "original book", students were constantly attacked and petrified, and the school was no longer safe. This was the principal's dereliction of duty.

Now in these two teaching incidents, the "victim" Malfoy himself has a certain degree of responsibility, and the damage he suffered was very minor. It is not too difficult for Dumbledore to keep the positions of Hagrid and Black.

Of course, there were rumors afterwards that Hagrid, Black, and Professor Snape had all had their salaries deducted.

In short, this is the end of several incidents that occurred in the new school year.

Except for the indignant young Malfoy and his companions, the other students had put these things behind them.

Everyone began to look forward to the changes that the arrival of teaching assistants would bring to the classrooms of the two courses.

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