The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 306 306. Medea leaves Edinburgh

The new product "Anti-Hidden Poison Mask" developed by the Weasley twins has attracted much attention since its launch.

Just as Eddie expected, although the hot news of "Hidden Poison Wizard" seems to have passed on the surface, and has been overshadowed by the news related to Medea's occupation of Edinburgh Castle, people's fear of "Hidden Poison Wizard" silently poisoning people has not completely disappeared.

Some masks that the Weasley twins have already made were sold out after they were launched, and many Hogwarts students have also booked this product.

They said that although they think they are very safe in Hogwarts and don't have to worry about being assassinated by "Hidden Poison Wizard" with poison, their families are always in invisible danger.

What's more, it is now the fourth week of November, and December is coming, which means that the Christmas holiday is coming soon, and they themselves need the protection of this safety product when they leave school during the Christmas holiday.

There are many orders, and the Weasley twins who are responsible for making the products are very busy, and Scott still feels complicated about it.

"Slytherin leaves, and Edinburgh returns to peace! 》

On Thursday morning, the front page of the Daily Prophet once again sparked heated discussions in the school.

Before the Ministry of Magic officially began its operation to retake Edinburgh Castle, Medea and her "green robed men" evacuated the castle 10 days after occupying it.

According to the news report, on Wednesday night, the protective magic covering Edinburgh Castle suddenly disappeared, and a team of Aurors stationed there immediately took action.

But when the Aurors entered the castle, they found that the castle was empty.

The report also claimed that Medea and her group fled because of the Ministry of Magic's continued deterrence.

But the students who saw the report did not think so.

Scott certainly did not think so either.

Scott guessed that the reason Medea left was probably because she was finally able to use the hidden magic source in the castle and drain it.

According to her own words, she had previously obtained Nagini, Voldemort's Horcrux, and this time she might use the magic source in Edinburgh Castle to complete a perfect sacrifice ceremony.

Scott even speculated that Medea's previous attack on Merlin's headquarters was to sacrifice the soul fragments in the resurrection stone ring.

He secretly counted Voldemort's seven Horcruxes - diary, resurrection stone ring, Ravenclaw's diadem, Hufflepuff's gold cup, Slytherin's pendant, Nagini, and Harry Potter.

Dumbledore accidentally awakened Medea when he destroyed the diary.

At that time, Medea and Hogwarts Castle had a vow. According to the oath, Voldemort's soul fragments in the diary were regarded as qualified sacrifices.

Now Medea has obtained Voldemort's soul fragments in the two Horcruxes, the resurrection stone ring and Nagini, which means that she has sacrificed three fragments.

Ravenclaw's diadem has been purified by Ravenclaw himself.

According to Ravenclaw, in order not to destroy the diadem, she took gentle purification measures.

Because it is purification rather than destruction, the soul fragments in the diadem have returned to Voldemort's main soul along the connection between souls.

Later, Scott thought that he had accidentally revealed the fact that the crown was purified during a phone call, and from Medea's reaction after hearing that the crown was purified, she also knew the effect of purification.

Now among the three remaining Horcruxes, except for Harry, the most special one, according to the description in the "original book", Scott knew that Hufflepuff's gold cup was in Gringotts and Slytherin's locket was in the Black family.

Among them, Harry's accidentally produced Horcrux was unexpected.

There is a tortuous story and an unsung hero behind Slytherin's locket. In short, the real locket was replaced by that hero. If you look for it specifically, you can only find the fake one in the seaside cave where Voldemort originally hid the locket.

Hufflepuff's gold cup is the easiest to find.

It was given to Voldemort by his loyal Death Eater Bellatrix Lestrange for safekeeping, and it was hidden in the vault of the Lestrange family in Gringotts.

Medea is now searching the homes of the Death Eaters, and may soon find the vault in Gringotts.

The Ravenclaw tutor in the portrait told Scott that Medea can only be fully revived by sacrificing the complete soul of Voldemort.

This means that the relationship between these two blood-related ancestors and descendants is already a life-and-death relationship.

No matter what Medea and Voldemort want to do, they must first defeat each other before they can do what they want.

Medea must sacrifice Voldemort's soul to fully revive in order to gain complete power.

Voldemort cannot do anything else at ease unless he gets rid of Medea who is eyeing him.

This is also the reason why Scott wants to "help" Voldemort in secret.

As long as Voldemort recovers some power, Scott will not worry about Medea finding other Horcruxes besides Harry. After all, Horcruxes are just some fragments, and the main soul is the big deal.

Although Dumbledore may be the common enemy of these two people, Scott feels that they cannot cooperate with these two people alone.

Scott waited until early December, when Rimbaud finally brought the news he wanted: Barty Crouch's home had been found.

"What do you want to do?" Rimbaud asked Scott.

Scott took out a wooden figure that he had prepared long ago from his deformed lizard skin bag, "Put this in Crouch's house."

"What's the use of this?" Rumple looked at the little wooden man the size of Scott's little finger with some disdain, "You said that Barty Crouch Jr. was controlled by his father with the Imperius Curse. Could it be that this can remove the Imperius Curse?"

"The Imperius Curse can only be removed by the will of the cursed person. The cursed person needs to use all his attention to resist the sound of the Imperius Curse controlling his actions."

Scott put the little wooden man in his palm.

"From now on, don't let it come into contact with other wizards."

He ordered Rumple.

"Find a time when old Barty is not at home to put it in. It will automatically find the wizard in that family, that is, Barty Jr., and then keep repeating some words in his ear, and self-destruct within a period of time."

"What words?" Rumple asked curiously.

"Remind Barty Jr. that his master is now in danger and needs his help."

He said again.

"Of course, I don't know if this will work, I'm just trying it out. This method mainly depends on whether Barty Jr.'s crazy loyalty to his master can break through the barrier of the Imperius Curse."

"But... they have house elves at home." Rumple hesitated.

"This requires the help of crows." Scott smiled, "Maybe crows can help temporarily divert the attention of the house elves."

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