The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 344 344. Warriors heading to Gaunt's old house

This is the "Joke Prop Studio" hidden in a secret passage in Hogwarts.

There was a whistling sound from the vents on the ceiling, and a dozen candles were burning at the same time on several old desks put together.

"Why didn't I know there was such a fun thing? This is a combination of a telescope and a camera. The magic is amazing!"

"We already knew it, but we couldn't afford it before."

“I forgot about it later when I could afford it.”

Eddie and the Weasley twins were having so much fun with the panoramic telescope bought by Scott that they almost forgot what they were going to do.

Fred held the panoramic telescope in front of his eyes and said excitedly, "I really want to go to a ball game with this thing."

"To be honest, I also have this idea. After all, this is something we have dreamed of." George said with some regret, "It's a pity that our Gryffindor will play this Saturday."

"I can use this telescope to watch your game!" Eddie shouted. "Of course, if you behave well, I will keep some highlights."

"Oh of course! Who do you think we are?"

The twins immediately started shouting.

"We are the greatest beaters Gryffindor has ever produced!"

Scott also held a panoramic telescope for testing studies.

The operation of this thing is very simple. It is similar to the panoramic telescope used by Muggles. It just has two more rotatable circular wheels, which are responsible for returning and adjusting the playback speed.

Of course, it's not as easy to operate as a Muggle camera.

Scott wanted to take apart the panoramic telescope in his hand and figure out how this function was achieved.

If he could analyze the magic text circuit engraved inside, maybe he could evolve the listening bat into a monitoring bat that has both monitoring and listening functions.

This meant something important to him.

The significance of this surveillance bat, which is still under conception, is not only to help him monitor some secrets, but can also be used in combat.

As long as he gets used to training, he can see and hear in all directions during battle, which complements his magic perception, thus gaining an advantage in battles with others.

This idea is of course a good one, but unfortunately it is very difficult to implement.

According to the usual practice of merchants in the magic world, such alchemical products generally have corresponding confidentiality measures and cannot be easily dismantled, studied and copied.

Whether it’s a flying broomstick or a joke prop, there’s basically no room for cracking.

If Scott forcibly dismantles the panoramic telescope in his hand, the magic text circuit engraved inside it may self-destruct.

Fortunately, Scott has a mentor who is very accomplished in alchemy and even created a magical chamber like the Room of Requirement. Otherwise, he really wouldn't have the confidence to crack the secret of the panoramic telescope.

If it was under the guidance of a Ravenclaw mentor, he felt that he might still succeed.


Eddie, who had had enough fun, called Scott.

He asked, "What should we do next?"

Hearing his question, Fred and George also stopped playing and turned to look at Scott.

"Next." Scott smiled, "Of course we will first find out the location and layout of Gunter's old house."

Eddie suddenly looked embarrassed, "Sorry, this matter is very difficult and is no longer within my ability."

"Did you hear that?" Fred said to George in an exaggerated tone.

George nodded with a sad face, "I heard it."

"What do you two mean?" Eddie stared at the twins suspiciously and warily.

"We're just feeling sorry." Fred reached out and wiped the corners of his eyes, wiping away the non-existent tears.

George's movements were synchronized with his brother's, and at the same time he sighed with fake sadness, "Our little gossip expert, Mr. Edica Mitchell, actually encountered information that he could not find out."

"This is so sad!" the two said in unison, their voices choked with sobs.

"You are making things difficult for me!" Eddie said unconvinced, "If this were the Muggle world, I could use many methods to get a detailed map of Little Hangleton Village without leaving home!"

"This is Hogwarts." George shrugged.

Fred also straightened his expression and said, "Well, we can't do this either."

"Let me solve this matter." Scott said.

The other three people looked at him curiously when they heard this.

"What do you want to do?" Eddie asked.

Scott shook the panoramic telescope in his hand, "Let a telescope do a careful exploration first."

The three people who looked at him had expressions of understanding on their faces.

"Then I'll leave it to you." The three of them said at the same time.

"..." Scott was speechless for a moment before agreeing, "Okay."

He suddenly wondered why he was getting involved in such trouble.

But since he was already halfway involved, and he was also curious about what was about to happen there, he was not ready to back down.

"One thing we all know very well is that we are definitely not the only ones staring at Gunter's old house." He said to his three companions, "We will go there in advance to arrange the decorations and we don't know how many groups of people there will be. How can we ensure that no one will be caught? Discovery is what matters.”

"The resurrected witch, the evil devil, and the righteous Auror." Eddie muttered, "Maybe there is also a great principal."

"Isn't it too difficult to avoid being discovered?" George frowned.

Fred smiled and asked Scott, "What do you want to do? Do you have an idea?"

Scott was a little helpless. If it weren't for Medea's existence, sending Rimbaud and the crows to Little Hangleton would be the best way.

It's a pity that Medea already knew his ability to "use" crows.

But there was only one way he could think of to scout the terrain...

"We can only break through from the air." He said to his companions, "In order not to be noticed, we must fly higher."

Eddie frowned, "The other side also has air guards, don't forget the lost Thestrals of Hogwarts."

"Yeah." Scat certainly understood this, "Just wait and see."

He decided to use Transfiguration to "create" an eagle that can fly very high and take a panoramic telescope to scout.

Because the task is more complicated, this eagle must be "smarter" and have a certain amount of wisdom to complete the task.

After excluding Rimbaud and the crows, he can only strengthen Transfiguration through a simpler "personality".

Scott quickly thought of the "personality" in his mind, and repeated the memory again and again, until he tried to "deceive" himself that this "personality" was real.

Of course, compared to Rimbaud, this personality is too simple - Scott only needs this eagle to have the memory and wisdom to complete the reconnaissance mission.

After everything was ready, Scott took out the ebony that best matched his magic from the transformation lizard skin bag, and slowly waved the ebony wand in his hand.

He chanted the spell of the transformation spell, thinking firmly of the "personality" in his mind.

The transformation was soon successful.

Since there was no magic circuit engraved and no spell was cast, Scott could feel that the handsome eagle born under his transformation spell perfectly met Scott's expectations.

The above steps did not take Scott too long.

In the eyes of the other three people, this was a normal transformation.

"Is this really okay?" Looking at the eagle standing on the table, Eddie asked uncertainly.

Fred laughed, "It's majestic, isn't it?"

At this moment, the eagle twisted its neck and looked at Eddie, seeming a little angry.

"It seems to be very smart!" George exclaimed.

"Yes, it is very smart." Scott said with a smile.

He reached out and touched the eagle's feathers, and immediately calmed its emotions.

"Although it can't understand what you say." He said to Eddie, "but it keenly feels that you don't seem to think highly of it."

Eddie immediately laughed.

"Okay, I surrender." He said to the eagle sincerely, "You will definitely complete the task Scott gave you!"

At this time, Scott picked up the panoramic telescope on the table, "The next step is to disguise this."

"It's true that we can't let people see at a glance that our eagle is holding the panoramic telescope." Eddie nodded, "Although it can fly very high, it is also easy to be captured."

Scott thought about it, took out another piece of ebony wood, and waved the wand again.

The wood block slowly deformed under the cover of the Transfiguration Spell, turning into a small, gray, furry... rabbit.

"Disguised as prey?" Fred reached out and pinched the rabbit, "It's really inconspicuous."

"I like this idea." George said.

Scott turned the rabbit upside down and unzipped its belly.

Eddie was happy, "Oh, it's empty. Is your inspiration from the plush toy, Scott?"

He helped pick up the panoramic telescope and put it into the rabbit's belly, "It just fits."

"Of course." Scott took over.

He took out the panoramic telescope and set it up first, then put it back, fixed it with the buckle designed on the plush rabbit, and zipped it up again, leaving only two lenses exposed.

"All ready, Fred, open the door for our warriors." Scott pointed to the ceiling above his head, and then reached out and patted the eagle who was twisting his neck and looking left and right, "Go, warrior!"

The eagle raised its head, slowly spread its wide wings and flew up.

It grabbed the back of the plush rabbit with its sharp and powerful claws and took off directly.

At this time, Fred also flew to the ceiling on a flying broom, raised his hand to open the iron fence in the vent.

The eagle screamed, flew into the huge vent, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Eddie looked up at the vent and asked Scott, "It will work, right?"

"If we are lucky." Scott didn't say too much.

"Of course our luck is not bad." At Scott's request, Fred didn't close the fence.

He swooped down from the air, stopped beside George on his broom, and high-fived him.

"This is your Transfiguration. How long do you think it can last before it turns into wood again?" George asked Scott curiously.

"Who knows?" Scott didn't test it specifically.

Anyway, the Harry doll he made a year ago is still working, although it is more because the doll is not a real creature.

"At least 24 hours a day is no problem." He gave a conservative answer, "It's enough for our warriors to fly and come back."

"Then wait until tomorrow at the same time to come here and see if it can come back."

The four discussed a few more words, then left the secret passage and returned to the castle.

After parting with the Weasley twins, Scott and Eddie met Caccini on the way back to Ravenclaw Tower.

Speaking of which, Scott hadn't seen Roger's ex-girlfriend for a long time. Even though Roger had said that she had changed a lot before, Scott didn't take it seriously. It wasn't until they met this time that he realized that she had really changed a lot, in all senses.

Kachini and several Hufflepuff girls passed by Scott and Eddie in the corridor.

If Eddie hadn't reminded him in a low voice, he wouldn't even know that the girl walking towards him was Kachini.

"Hello, Scott, Eddie." Kachini greeted them with a half-smile.

"Hello, Kachini..."

Scott was surprised to find that this overly artistic girl had completely changed for some reason.

She had originally had long black hair cut short, and dyed some bright colors, with smoky makeup on her face, black lip gloss, and a lot of flamboyant jewelry on her body, even nose studs and lip rings.

She had changed from a beautiful and generous music girl to a shocking female gangster image.

This image subversion was so thorough that Scott was stunned.

It was like a delicate little flower turning into a queen flower, giving people a huge visual impact.

Scott was still surprised until the girls walked away.

"How is it? Are you stunned too?" Eddie chuckled, "I didn't recognize her at all when I saw her a few days ago."

"..." Scott took a while to recover.

"This may be Roger's disaster." He murmured.

"What?" Eddie turned his head in surprise, "She has already slapped Roger, isn't it enough?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, I can't predict what Kachini will do now, her magic has also changed a lot."

Eddie widened his eyes, "Could it be..."

Scott knew from his expression that he remembered the former Miss Poison Doll.

"Your imagination is too exaggerated." Scott said with a smile, "Anyway, Kachini is always a qualified Hufflepuff."

"Oh..." Eddie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's not bad." He said, "I thought the good tradition of Hufflepuff not producing dark wizards had ended."

Scott laughed again, "It's not that serious. Anyway, let Roger worry about this."

He could see that Caccini had no ill intentions and did not change the nature of magic, so he was not worried about Roger.

At the same time, the guilt caused by using Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Roger was naturally gone.

"Could it be that he finally met his destined nemesis?" Eddie also laughed gloatingly, "Thinking about the experience of the past few years, I have always hoped that someone can cure him."

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