The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 346 346. Unprecedented Conflict

As the weekend came to this week, Scott clearly felt that the atmosphere in Hogwarts Castle was becoming more and more restless.

Everyone is so curious about what Medea publicly declared in an interview a week ago.

If what she said is true, then a big event will happen at Gaunt House this Sunday that will shock the British wizarding world.

A big event that will affect a lot of people.

Eddie and the Weasley twins, who are quick to exploit every opportunity, have secretly opened an underground gambling game, attracting many students to place bets.

Early Saturday morning, Scott went to the Room of Requirement and entered Helena's study.

"Good morning, Helena."

After Scott closed the door, he walked to the landscape painting at the entrance to the inner room and waited for Helena to open the door for him.


In another painting, Helena is pruning a plant with scissors.

Unfortunately, no matter how many branches and leaves she cut off, the plant in the painting still maintained its original appearance, and the branches and leaves she cut off also disappeared.

But Helena still took the trouble to cut.

"You're here." She didn't look at Scott, "Hogwarts has been very lively recently."

"It's very lively." Scott agreed casually.

"I heard that Medea is going to duel with her descendant of the Demon King?" Helena, the girl in the painting, turned back with curiosity in her eyes.

"She announced it like that, in the newspaper." Scott said, "Maybe she won't go, maybe Voldemort won't go, we won't know the answer until tomorrow."

Helena wrinkled her nose, "It's a pity that I can't leave Hogwarts, but Helena doesn't want to go and see it."

She was talking about the ghost Helena.

Scott just smiled when he heard her say that.

As they spent more and more time together, it became clear to him that the teenage Helena in the painting was not an economical lamp.

The somewhat willful girl in the painting must have other motives when she said this, and Scott chose not to argue.

The girl Helena threw away the scissors in her hand and walked out of the painting holding the hem of her skirt with both hands, passing through the paintings and walking towards where Scott was.

"Aren't you curious, Scott?" She walked into the landscape painting in front of Scott, turned around and faced Scott face to face.

Scott smiled, "There's no use being curious. We just have to wait, and the news will come out after tomorrow."

Helena in the painting looked at Scott suspiciously.

"I always feel like you're lying to me." She stared into Scott's eyes, "You didn't try your best to get first-hand information? Or were you keeping an eye on it secretly?"

Scott's face immediately showed a helpless expression.

He said in a helpless tone: "You think too highly of me, Helena. I'm just a student and can't do so many things."

"Who knows." Helena was doubtful.

Scott suddenly smiled again, "Are you worried about your good friend Medea?"

"Who is worried about her?" The girl in the painting spoke louder, "I have broken up with her a long time ago!"

"Really?" Scott assumed a noncommittal attitude.

"Of course!" Helena said louder.

The landscape she was in moved to reveal the same inner door.

"Go in quickly, don't keep mother waiting!" she said in an urging tone.

"Thanks for reminding me, I'll go in right now."

Scott pushed open the inner door and walked in.

"Good morning, mentor."

"Good morning."

First, he bowed slightly to the Ravenclaw in the painting. After receiving a response, Scott walked to the desk in the room and sat down.

He took out several notebooks from the deformed lizard skin bag on his waist, picked up a pen and began to ask Ravenclaw for answers to questions he had while studying as usual.

After all the problems in the normal learning progress were solved, Scott turned to the last page of his ancient magic script notes and took out a panoramic telescope from his leather bag.

He first introduced Ravenclaw to the functions of the panoramic telescope, and then showed her the contents of the notebook in his hand.

"This is a magic text that I barely cracked, but it lacks some key points and cannot yet form a correct magic text circuit." He said to Ravenclaw in the painting.

Ravenclaw smiled slightly, "Do you know that it is wrong to hack other people's products like this?"

"I know."

Scott glanced at the mentor in the painting in surprise, wondering why Ravenclaw suddenly emphasized this.

She should have known that he was no moral paragon.

Maybe it's because his mentor Ravenclaw is a master of alchemy, so he hates this kind of behavior?

The smile on Ravenclaw's face deepened, "It seems you don't understand why I mentioned this."

Scott nodded honestly.

"I am not emphasizing a question of morality," said Ravenclaw, "but a question of method."

"Method?" Scott didn't understand.

"This is a customary rule among alchemists."

Said the Ravenclaw in the painting.

"Of course you can crack other people's alchemy products and get the magic text circuits that others have mastered, but you'd better crack it according to the alchemist's method, that is, find a way to safely dismantle it."

"Safe disassembly?" Scott asked in surprise, "Will they leave such a backdoor? After all, this is a businessman's product."

"If the alchemist who invented this product is a regular alchemist, there will definitely be one." Ravenclaw said, "This is an unspoken rule among alchemists. Of course, there is another unspoken rule. Even if the magic text circuit is successfully cracked, the same product cannot be produced. "

"But I'm not an alchemist," Scott said.

The Ravenclaw in the painting smiled again, "You are the alchemist's apprentice."

Scott also laughed and said, "I will abide by the second unspoken rule, don't make the same product."

"It seems that such rules cannot restrain you." Ravenclaw was not angry.

"It's hard for me to imagine that such rules can bind you, mentor." Scott said, "This is not like Ravenclaw's attitude towards knowledge."

The Ravenclaw in the painting rarely chuckled, "That's because I don't have the convenient ability like you, so I can only use the alchemist's method to crack other people's products."

I knew it.

Scott thought silently.

Ravenclaw had a rare joke with Scott, and then began to help him improve the cracked magic text circuit.

Products like panoramic telescopes do not just have a single magic text circuit inside, but there are several magic text circuits nested inside each other.

This makes it many times more complex than the magic text circuits that Scott has studied before.

The magic text circuit must not make mistakes, and any tiny mistake will lead to the collapse of the whole.

So besides asking for help from his mentor, Scott had no other option.

Because this set of magic text circuits was too complicated, Scott spent a whole day with the help of Ravenclaw but could not sort it out.

Of course, this also has something to do with Ravenclaw not fully helping him.

This is Ravenclaw's teaching habit. She never tells Scott the correct answer directly, but guides him to think and teaches him ways to solve problems.

Scott never had a problem with it.

He understood that it was not advisable to follow the script after getting the correct answer. What the Ravenclaw tutor taught him was more important.

In the evening, Scott returned to Ravenclaw Tower and found that the common room seemed a little too busy tonight.

In the past, the Ravenclaw common room was quiet, and even if someone spoke, it wouldn't be too loud, but it seemed different today.

"Scott!" Eddie, who was sitting in front of the window, waved to him.

Scott walked over.

His roommates were all there.

"What happened?" he asked his roommates, "I heard them talking. Gryffindor and Slytherin were fighting?"

Eddie nodded repeatedly, "Yes, it's so exciting! You will definitely regret missing today!"

"Why do you say that?" Scott glanced at him, "Do you think I haven't seen them fight?"

Roger smiled and patted Scott on the shoulder: "You have never seen such a large-scale fight. Most of the students in Slytherin and Gryffindor left."

Milton shook his head, "They were so excited that even the professors didn't have time to stop them."

"When?" Scott asked.

"In the afternoon," Eddie said, "In the morning, they played Quidditch against each other. At that time, they built up some anger."

Roger said: "From morning to afternoon, frictions continued to occur between students from the two colleges. As the accumulated anger grew stronger, it finally exploded completely."

The two of them told Scott what happened that day.

"Initially, it was due to friction on the court and Slytherin's constant flagrant fouls, which led to Gryffindor's counterattack."

"There was a lot of noise off the field as well."

"Gryffindor won this game. After the game, Slytherin, who was unconvinced, started to provoke again."

"It's mainly Malfoy who provokes Potter."

"Two people started fighting."

"There is also the matter of the witch and the devil. Gryffindor used the interview in the newspaper to stimulate those pure-blooded Slytherins."

"There are more and more people fighting, and the scale is gradually expanding."

"Professors stopped several conflicts. Even if those guys entered the professor's office, they still showed no repentance when they came out."

"Anyway, they started attacking each other nonstop, and a lot of students suffered."

"Fred and George took advantage of Slytherin's Troll Captain to use the toilet and threw several large dung eggs with fireworks tied to them into the stall."

"Then the twins ran away, and Flint the troll had to give Ron a good lesson. Oh, poor boy."

"Percy avenged him. I didn't expect that our serious Head Boy would also fight. His spell made Flint's ears smaller and his body exuded the stench of a troll all day long."

"In the afternoon, the two academies started a decisive battle."

"The campus hospital is already full of people."


Scott didn't expect that he would miss so many things just by staying in the Room of Requirement for one day.

"It seems that Gryffindor and Slytherin's house points have been deducted." He said with a smile.

Eddie smiled and said, "Oh, that's what I thought immediately when I saw them starting to fight in a group."

"Me too," said Roger.

"Me too," Milton said.

The four people laughed together.

"We just have to wait until tomorrow." Eddie said excitedly after laughing, "Tomorrow is the date between the witch and the devil!"

"I wonder if tomorrow's evening paper and the day after tomorrow's daily paper will report this." Roger was also very curious about this.

[You didn't tell them about our preparations? ]

Scott looked at Eddie.

[I want to give them a surprise. ]

Eddie answered with his eyes.

"I hope there won't be a fight." Milton said, "The fight between them may develop into a war."

Eddie and Roger were silent.

As a new generation born in the last wizard war, although they did not experience the war in person, they also heard about the horror of the war.

Especially children like Roger and Eddie who were born in wizard families may feel it more deeply.

Because some of their relatives and friends died in the war.

"Dumbledore will definitely go, won't he?" Eddie wanted to look at this from an optimistic perspective, "Maybe this is a good opportunity for Dumbledore to catch the witch's green robes and the devil's Death Eaters in one fell swoop!"

Milton shook his head, "Impossible, you won't believe it yourself. We all know that the witch is so smart, how could she not think of this."

Roger seemed to recall the meeting with Medea, and then nodded affirmatively, "Yes, since the cunning witch has made such news public, it means that she has already made all preparations."

"We just need to wait for the news." Scott was not as nervous as they were.

"Don't worry, the magic world will not be in chaos." He said firmly, "At least not now."

The three roommates looked at him with questioning eyes, wanting to know why he was so sure.

"Because a chaotic magic world is not in the interests of the witch, not in the interests of Dumbledore, not in the interests of the Ministry of Magic, and not in the interests of most people." Scott said.

Milton frowned, "But the devil and his Death Eaters are enough to stir up chaos."

Scott smiled and said, "The devil's Horcruxes have been destroyed. He can't do things as recklessly as before. He is too afraid of death."

"That makes sense." Roger nodded in agreement, "Since the Horcruxes are in the hands of the witch, I think the devil will never stop her from purifying the Horcruxes, nor can he take them back."

Eddie also said, "The witch is powerful and cunning. She has taken the lead. I don't think she will lose to the devil this time."

Scott thinks that Voldemort will not show up to cause trouble before he is successfully resurrected.

It is hard to say whether Voldemort dares to go to the Gaunt mansion to stop Medea in person. The most likely thing is to send Death Eaters to take back his Horcruxes.

Of course, all this is speculation.

Scott dare not determine whether Voldemort has successfully resurrected.

He can only make a judgment based on the magic fluctuations of the Dark Mark on Snape's arm and whether Harry has a dream.

But he can't be 100% sure whether this judgment is accurate.

On Sunday morning, Scott and Eddie came to the school hospital.

Eddie stood at the door and looked inside. "All the beds are occupied."

"You already knew that." Scott pushed him and walked in.

All the beds in the school hospital were indeed occupied by Gryffindor and Slytherin students.

Even when they were lying down, these people were not quiet. The students of the two colleges lay on two rows of beds, staring at each other with hatred.

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