The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 362 362. Luna writes a letter and the golden treasure chest

Scott returned to Ravenclaw Tower after leaving the Room of Requirement.

He found Luna sitting alone in a corner of the college library writing a paper.

"Good evening, Scott."

Luna raised her head and observed Scott with hazy eyes.

"Oh, you don't look well. Your brain has been invaded by harassment flies."

She put the quill in her hand into the ink bottle, and raised her hand to take off the wand pinned to her left ear.

"Let me think about it." She raised a faint eyebrow, "Maybe I can help you drive them away."

Scott didn't care about what strange ideas she had. He moved a chair and sat opposite her and asked directly, "Luna, do you have a way to contact Savannah?"

"Why not?" Luna said with some surprise, "You can write to her directly, and the owl will help you deliver it."

She played with the wand in her hand, turning the wand between her fingers a few times like spinning a pen.

Then she pointed her wand at Scott again and asked excitedly, "Do you want to try?"

Scott glanced at the wand in her hand and shook his head, "Don't worry about the harassment flies for now. Can you help write a letter to Savannah?"

Because of Savannah's brother Aaron, Scott didn't know what the other people in the family thought of him. In order to ensure that the letter could be delivered to Savannah, he thought it would be safer to ask Luna to write a letter.

Luna took back her wand with some regret, "I'm going to use the brain paste spell on you, so that the harassment flies can't survive in your brain and will definitely flee. After that, just use the spell to break the spell, and you will have a clean brain."

Her slightly bulging eyes were still staring at Scott's forehead, as if all her attention was attracted by the so-called harassment flies.


Just when Scott was about to sacrifice his brain to cooperate, she nodded again, "Write to Savannah, of course, although I don't know why you don't write in person..."

"Professor Trelawney has made a new prophecy."

As Scott said this, he took out the [Magic Mirror] and placed it on the table, while holding the wand and casting a spell to isolate the sound.

He handed the [Magic Mirror] to Luna and clicked on the "video".

"The Book of History Opens..."

At the moment when the prophecy in the "video" began, Scott quickly covered his ears with both hands.

"The resurrected witch..."

Soon, Luna also covered her ears like Scott.

"The sleeping great man... He wants to devour... He was defeated by the hands of the non-existent!"

After the "video" was played, Luna's silver-gray eyes widened and looked a little out of focus.

"The last time Professor Trelawney divined for the Thestrals, it was definitely not this terrible." She murmured.

Then, she stared at Scott's forehead again.

"Are you worried about this prophecy?" she asked softly, "This gives those harassment flies a chance to get into your mind... Oh..."

She suddenly opened her mouth wide, and her silver-gray eyes seemed to be covered with smoke.

After a long while, she said in surprise: "You are a non-existent person?"

Scott was even more surprised than her, "How did you know?"

"I don't know." The smoke in Luna's eyes dissipated, and her expression was a little blank, "I just knew it."

Scott stared at her eyes, and felt more and more that these eyes contained a wonderful talent.

He said to Luna: "The prophecy mentions the Eternal King, that is, the legendary King Arthur. I would like to ask you to write to Savannah and ask if the legendary Avalon really exists?"

"I have heard of this legend." Luna suddenly laughed, "I think Avalon is real. Of course, you can ask Savannah for her opinion."

"Then I'll leave it to you." Scott thanked her.

"You're welcome." Luna's voice began to become erratic again, "The great man who seized the legacy of the Eternal King, do you want to fight him?"

Scott shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows? Professor Trelawney said so."

Luna nodded, and said to Scott seriously: "If you need other help, you can also come to me, and you can fight."

"Okay." Scott responded, but didn't take it seriously.

If the [Great Man] is really Salazar Slytherin, if there is a battle in the future, he will not drag his friends to die.

Luna smiled, and her eyes misted again. She began to look at him carefully.

"What does it mean that the person who does not exist, you obviously exist here." She muttered in her mouth, frowning, "It should mean that you do not exist in a certain book, and that book is the Book of History."

Scott asked in surprise, "Do you know what the Book of History is?"

At this time, the mist in Luna's eyes dissipated again.

She shook her head blankly again, "I don't know."

She blinked quickly and said to Scott, "The Book of History is opened, and the revived witch has stirred up a storm... Have you noticed that the opening of the Book of History is the origin of everything in the prophecy."

"You are right." Scott said, "But no one knows what the Book of History is."

"Don't worry, you will know it eventually." Luna said with a smile.

She put the wand behind her ear again, took out the quill pen and continued to write the paper.

Scott got up and left the library.

He was not prepared to tell more people about the prophecy, including his roommates.

After all, telling them would only make more people worry about him.

It was strange to think about it. He subconsciously felt that Luna, a little girl, could accept the prophecy more than his three roommates.

Maybe it was because Luna had never shown any negative emotions in front of anyone?

Even if she was isolated, bullied, or called a "crazy girl", she would never get angry.

It was not the kind of anger that she was forcing herself not to get angry. She was really not angry at all.

She seemed to always be able to face everything with the most positive and optimistic attitude.

Scott felt that he should learn from her in this regard.

The next day, Tuesday, Scott had a peaceful day.

After dinner that day, he came to Professor Flitwick's office as promised.

But Professor Flitwick was not the only one in the office.

Dumbledore and Professor Binns were also here.

They were still studying the seamless brass box that Scott had taken out of the troll specimen.

"Scott, you're here."

Professor Flitwick looked up at the wall clock when he saw Scott enter the door.

"Oh, it's already this time."

Scott stood at the door of the office, but his eyes were attracted by the box.

At this time, the box seemed to have shed a layer of dirt on the surface, revealing its true face.

Its golden appearance under the light told Scott that it was not the brass box he thought it was, but a genuine gold treasure chest.

"How is it possible?" Scott murmured.

At the beginning, he specially studied so many materials to improve his transfiguration, and he was not so confused that he couldn't even distinguish the difference between brass and gold.

"You were also deceived by it, Scott." Dumbledore said with a smile, "We just removed its disguise. It must be said that its disguise ability is amazing. We also found it with great difficulty."

Professor Flitwick also smiled, "Yes, although from the perspective of magic, the value difference between gold and brass is not that great. But on the other hand, gold must be more noble than brass, which also indicates that the things hidden in the box are more precious than we originally thought."

Scott walked to the side of the golden treasure chest and carefully examined the words engraved on the box.

"Professor, what kind of text is this?" he asked, "Have you translated the contents?"

"This is a text unique to goblins." Professor Binns, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up, "It's a very old version. Even goblins have long stopped using it. Of course, those greedy ghosts today should not recognize this ancient goblin text."

Scott asked in surprise, "So... this box was forged by goblins?"

Professor Binns nodded, "Yes, and this box has a history of more than a thousand years."

Scott reached out and touched the box, while probing his magic perception into it.

In an instant, his eyes widened, "Huh?"

The situation of being unable to sense when he came into contact with the box two days ago disappeared. Although it was still a little slow at this time, his perception was indeed exploring the inside of the golden treasure chest little by little.

At this time, the three professors all noticed his abnormality.

"What's wrong, Scott?" Professor Flitwick asked.

"Magic perception." Scott didn't look up, "My magic perception can already explore the inside of the box."

As soon as he said this, the three professors immediately took it seriously.

"So that's it?" Dumbledore said to Scott, "Although I can sense some things, I'm still not as good as you."

As he said that, he also imitated Scott and stretched out his hand on the golden treasure chest.

But he gave up soon.

He said to Scott: "The so-called perception is actually an illusory ability. But you are different. Your perception ability can be manipulated at will like magic. You are the only one who can use perception to this extent."

At this time, Scott's magic perception was still struggling to break through the layers of "levels" inside the golden treasure chest.

Although his perception has been going deep into the golden treasure chest, he has not gained any useful clues.

The inside of the golden treasure chest is still layered with golden treasure chests, like an infinite nesting doll.

He told the three professors what he perceived.

"This shouldn't be..." Professor Flitwick muttered to himself, "Could it be that this box only contains wealth such as gold?"

Dumbledore shook his head at Professor Flitwick, denying his guess, and then said to Scott: "Go deeper, Scott, maybe it's because you haven't broken through to the core area of ​​the box yet."

Scott responded, and his magical perception was slowly and firmly breaking through the "levels" layer by layer.

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