The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 38 038. One person pretends, two people lie

When Lisa Dupin's words came out, everyone's attention was diverted to the corner of the common room.

Jacob Kent was standing there alone.

Scott was still standing on the stairs, looking down at him.

Facing Dupin's accusation, Jacob's expression changed immediately. His face turned pale, and he looked flustered and terrified.

But Scott could see more. He saw Jacob's calm eyes and his magic power that was still calm.

Has this kid anticipated the current situation? Or is this all in his plan?

It seems that his previous judgment was a bit wrong.

Scott narrowed his eyes and looked at the false expression on Jacob's face inquiringly.

This kid might have deliberately exposed himself.


Scott waited expectantly, he wanted to hear what Jacob would say.

"Mr. Kent?" Professor Flitwick also looked at Jacob, "Can you explain? Why did you do this?"

"Miss Dupin asked me to help, professor." Jacob said tremblingly.

Jacob behaved just like when Scott first met him, looking like a timid boy.

"No! He took the initiative to help me!" Du Ping retorted loudly.

Interestingly, Scott raised the corners of his lips slightly and walked down the stairs slowly.

At this time, Roger walked in front of Jacob and asked, "What about you? Jacob, if that was Lisa's request, why did you agree to her?"

"I... I thought she was just a prank. She said she was Davis' girlfriend." Jacob shrank and said with a crying voice.

At this moment, Professor Flitwick's face changed again. He seemed to have thought of something, so he asked Jacob: "Mr. Kent was very close to Travers from Slytherin before, right?"

"No... no."

Jacob shook his head quickly, and his face instantly became paler, as if he was very frightened.

This made anyone with a discerning eye see that he was lying.

And it seemed that he was forced to lie.

At this time, Scott had already walked down the stairs.

He walked to a window and greeted Luna, who was sitting alone on the windowsill with her short legs swinging, softly, "Hey, Luna."

There are two isolated students in the first year of Ravenclaw, the boy is Jacob and the girl is Luna.

Every time Scott saw her, she was almost alone.

"Hello, Scott." Luna responded in a low voice. She also raised her hand and waved, looking very happy.

She seemed to be the only student present who was not paying attention to this incident. Scott noticed that she had been looking out the window seriously just now.

At this time, Professor Flitwick's voice sounded again, "And you, Miss Dupin. I remember we discussed this matter before the first class this morning."

"No, this matter has nothing to do with Miss Travers!" Dupin suddenly screamed.

Professor Flitwick did not comment on her words, but looked at Jacob again, "What do you say, Mr. Kent."

"I...I I..." Jacob said "I" several times, but couldn't say more.

Scott watched this scene with interest, turned his head and asked in a low voice: "What do you think, Luna."

Luna pursed her lips, stared at Jacob Kent and Lisa Dupin with wide eyes, and said in a vague voice: "Their brains have been messed up by harassment flies, and those invisible bugs even make them talk nonsense."

Her words can be understood as she can see that Jacob Kent and Lisa Dupin are lying.

Sure enough, this girl can see some things that ordinary wizards can't see. Scott thinks this should be a special talent.

On the other side, Professor Flitwick probably didn't think about this matter in advance. It was also related to Jasmine Travers. He hesitated again for a few seconds and quickly made a new decision.

"Mr. Davis, Mr. Kent, and Miss Dupin." He greeted the three students, "Next, you follow me to my office."

And Scott noticed one thing from Professor Flitwick's attitude, that is, the professors seemed to attach more importance to Jasmine Travers's behavior of creating a small group than he thought.

After all, in a sense, Miss Travers is also stronger than Voldemort - unlike the Death Eaters, most of whom belong to Slytherin College, Travers's group has even spanned the other three colleges except Gryffindor.

Of course, this is just Scott's guess.

Professor Flitwick looked very serious at this time. At this time, the other students did not say anything against it.

After they left, the Ravenclaw students gathered in the common room also dispersed calmly.

This is also the norm of Ravenclaw College.

Most Ravenclaws will not have much curiosity about things other than knowledge. When there is excitement, they will certainly choose to stop and watch, but they will never be too involved.

Of course, except Eddie.

After Professor Flitwick and the others left, Eddie and Milton also walked down the stairs.

"Scott!" Eddie's eyes were full of curiosity for gossip, "How did this matter involve Miss 'Poison Doll' again? What is going on, do you know?"

Scott smiled at him meaningfully, "You should find out the truth yourself, Eddie. Isn't that what you enjoy?"

"Oh! I'll find out!" Eddie said as if he was ready to take on the challenge.

"It seems that neither Kent nor Dupin are telling the truth. They are hiding something." Milton said softly, "But their expressions and demeanor betray them."

Scott thought to himself that Lisa Dupin's expression was indeed natural, but Jacob Kent might not be.

Scott originally thought that Jacob Kent would completely hide his role in this incident, but he did not expect that he would take advantage of the situation and expose himself.

But at this time Scott had roughly guessed his intention.

"Their brains are messed up by harassment flies." Luna suddenly took the initiative to say to Eddie, "These invisible bugs are always buzzing around and causing trouble for people."

"I'm sorry?" Eddie looked at Luna blankly, not knowing what she was talking about.

"Be careful, protect your brain, don't let harassment flies invade, they usually get in through the ears. Goodbye." Luna warned again seriously, jumped off the windowsill, and hopped away.

"What is she talking about?" Eddie looked at Scott in confusion.

"Maybe it's a magical animal that most people haven't discovered?" Milton was thinking about Luna's words, and seemed to want to believe her.

Scott said to them: "I think Luna can see something special, you can understand it as the emotions of wizards. Harassment flies are just a romantic term."

"Not a real bug? Why does she take it so seriously!" Eddie complained.

Scott smiled, "Because she believes it herself."

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