The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 391 391. Fudge cuts the Gordian knot

Scott was also very curious at this moment.

He was very curious about how Carlo and his friends would put the hat of "hidden poison wizard" on his head.

After all, to the fifty members of the Wizengamot who were in charge of the trial and the wizards who were listening on the spot, Scott was just an insignificant Hogwarts student.

A "hidden poison wizard" who once caused panic and an underage wizard, these two identities cannot be easily equated.

Scott thought that everything he did was very covert and did not leave any hidden dangers.

Even if someone suspected him, as long as the other party could not produce decisive evidence, such suspicion would sound very absurd.

Just look at the reactions of the people in the courtroom at this moment.

Although Carlo swore solemnly, most people present thought he was just making random accusations.

Scott could draw this conclusion from the discussions he heard.

The members of the Wizengamot sitting in front of the courtroom also looked at Carlo and the two defendant witnesses with suspicion.

Although the three of them offered to take the test of truth serum, no one would really believe everything they said.

Scott guessed that even the wizards who stood on the side of the Carrow family would only believe their words verbally at most.

In short, after seeing the reactions of the crowd, Scott had completely calmed down.

He looked at Carrow below with cold eyes, waiting to hear how he would respond to the questions of Bones, the director of the Law Enforcement Department.

After staring at Scott with strange eyes for a while, Carrow, who twisted his neck in a very awkward posture, finally twisted his neck back.

"I don't know!" He answered Bones very confidently, "He is also a wizard, he has many ways to do this!"

Such an answer is cheating.

"Evidence!" Fudge stared at Carrow below and shouted, "Everything you say needs evidence, we can't believe your random accusation!"

At this time, Dumbledore also spoke.

"I can testify for my students."

While speaking, he looked at Scott sitting in the corner of the courtroom.

"I can guarantee that my student Scott Trollope has never left Hogwarts before today this semester, and he is only a fifth-year student and has not learned the Apparition Charm."

Hearing Dumbledore's words, some wizards present smiled kindly at Scott.

Of course, most people were watching coldly, and a few wizards even looked at him with malicious eyes.

Scott ignored these people.

He just played the role of an ordinary underage wizard seriously, looking at Dumbledore with gratitude.

"This does not require any evidence." Carlo suddenly sneered, "You just need to search Trollope's personal belongings, maybe you can find the same poison on him."

Scott frowned.

He was a little confused about the other party's operation.

Searching personal belongings?

He was not afraid of searching personal belongings.

He had already put all the things he didn't want to be seen in the oak hut protected by the Fidelius Charm.

What's more, the Wizengamot would never agree to search him.

It is illegal to search a wizard without any reason based on such unfounded words, not to mention that he is an underage wizard.

Just as Scott thought, Bones decisively refuted Carlo's statement, "This is impossible! We will not search a wizard without any suspicion of breaking the law."

"Now, what needs to be verified first is your suspicion of killing Miss Rowe, Elijah Jaden Carlo!" Fudge said sternly.

"Principal Karkaroff and Miss Friedrich have confirmed that I am not the murderer." Carlo said, "We are willing to accept the test of truth serum."

Karkaroff also said: "Mr. Carlo is right. As for the reason for not telling the truth to the Rowe family in advance, it is because he is afraid that the real murderer will become alert."

As he said, he turned around and pretended to bow to Mr. and Mrs. Rowe in the audience.

His behavior made the two male and female wizards who lost their beloved daughter tremble with anger.

When Carlo mentioned the truth serum, Fudge's expression became very ugly. This trial seemed to be in a stalemate.

Scott's frown never relaxed.

The threat in Mr. B's letter and Carlo's sudden attack came one after another. He would not believe that the accident in the trial process had nothing to do with Mr. B.

He was thinking about Mr. B's identity.

Was the other party related to the Death Eaters and chose to help Carlo, or was he just using this incident to threaten him?

Scott felt that the second hypothesis was more likely.

Thinking of this, the [Book of Prometheus] in his hand shook slightly again.

Pretending to look around casually and finding that no one was paying attention to him, Scott lowered his head and opened the [Book of Prometheus] again.

[Kid, are you thinking that they have no evidence to identify you as the hidden poison wizard?

You are right, they do not have evidence.

I don't either.

But this does not prevent them from accusing you of poisoning several wizards (including Caitlin Rowe).

Do you want to try?


Scott stared motionlessly at the other party's another threat, and after a while, he slowly exhaled.

He closed the [Book of Prometheus] again, and even turned the book into a card, and put it into the lining pocket of his robe.

Of course he would not compromise because of a few threats from the other party.

I want to see how these guys are going to pin the crime on me.

Scott thought this while raising his head and silently observing everyone in the courtroom.

He always believed that there was a high possibility that Mr. B was at the scene.

At this moment, Fudge, as the presiding judge, spoke again.

"Following discussion, the use of truth serum testing was inconsistent with the proceedings of this trial."

He said to Karkaroff and Miss Friedrich very seriously.

"Because you cannot produce conclusive evidence, your testimony will have no legal effect."

"I protest!" Carlo shouted loudly, "We voluntarily passed the truth serum test, which is in compliance with the procedures!"

"The protest is invalid!" Fudge said harshly in a louder voice.

In the auditorium, the burly and ugly witch Alecto Carlo stood up again, "Presiding Judge, now you can't prove that Elijah really killed Caitlin."

"Of course we can confirm it." Mr. Rolle also stood up, "Presiding Judge, we have another witness, Meliam Straw, the healer at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies."

Hearing this, Alecto Carlo's ugly face immediately showed a surprised expression.

"Declarant Meriam Straw!" Fudge shouted decisively.

Scott turned his head again and watched as a witch wearing a filigree wreath and a green healer's dress hurried into the courtroom.

Although she also wears the costume of a therapist, she is completely opposite to the transvestite Miss Friedrich. She is a witch who looks as gentle as water.

She even has a unique magic that makes people think of the word "mother" when they see her.

When Ms. Slaughter walked into the courtroom, Mr. Rohr said sadly: "After Caitlin returned home, I specially asked Ms. Slaughter to conduct some physical examinations on her. No one else knew about this. ”

Fudge nodded and said to Slaughter, who was standing still: "Now, please tell me the conclusion you came to after the examination, Ms. Slaughter."

Ms. Slaughter nodded and began to speak softly of her testimony.

"Dear presiding judge, I have made a detailed examination of Miss Rolle's body, and I have concluded that the cause of Miss Rolle's death was a death curse."

"I also conducted a detailed test on the subtle magic power remaining in Miss Rolle's body. The source of the death curse was none other than the defendant Elijah Carlo."

As she spoke, she took out a document from her pocket and handed it over.

"This is a legally binding document," she said. "It has the magical official seal of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies."

"you are lying!"

This time, it was Alecto Carlo's turn to not be calm.

"Elijah is still underage, he doesn't know how to use the Death Curse at all!" She said viciously, "Also, Miss Friedrich also examined Caitlin's body, and she found poison from her mouth !”

"Silence!" Fudge shouted in displeasure, "Please get out of this lady who has disrupted the normal proceedings of the trial many times!"

As soon as he finished speaking, two wizards rushed in outside the courtroom.

They were wearing Auror costumes and "invited" Alecto Carlo out of the courtroom with a very strong attitude.

During this process, Alecto Carlo did not resist. She just stared at Fudge and Slaughter with vicious eyes.

After Alecto Carlo was "invited" to leave, silence returned to the courtroom.

Fudge reached out and took the document that Slaughter handed him, flipping through it.

"Presiding Judge, there is one more thing." Ms. Slaughter added, "There is indeed poison in Miss Rolle's mouth."

While speaking, she glanced at the small glass bottle that Miss Friedrich held in her hand.

"Even her blood had poison in it," she continued, "but the poison didn't enter her body during her lifetime."


Carlo, who was tied to the chair with chains, suddenly struggled.

"Impossible!" he roared hysterically, "I didn't kill her! I didn't kill Caitlin! Caitlin was poisoned to death! The murderer is a hidden poisonous wizard, Trollope! I am willing to accept the truth serum test! "

At the same time, Karkaroff and Miss Friedrich also had very ugly expressions on their faces, and they both glared at Ms. Slaughter.

Scott watched this scene coldly.

Carlo's struggles and roars are full of sincerity, and the anger of Karkaroff and Miss Friedrich is not false, because the memories in their minds have been modified, and they all believe that what they say is the truth.


At this time, Fudge was obviously very dissatisfied with yelling at Carlo.

"Control him!" he said.

The two Aurors just now walked in from outside the courtroom again.

They rushed to Carlo's side and held down his shoulders, while sealing his mouth with a magic spell.

"Yes, this test report from St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Maladies is legally binding." Fudge shook the document in his hand, "Ms. Slaughter is telling the truth."

With that said, he handed the document to Bones.

"In addition," Fudge continued, "Although the defendant's accusation against the innocent student cannot be established, in that false accusation, the defendant has personally admitted the fact of sneaking into Hogwarts and attacking the other party."

He stood up and spoke louder.

"In my opinion, this trial can be concluded. The two crimes that this court accuses Elijah Jaden Carrow will be established."

He looked at the other Wizengamot members sitting around him and continued, "The defendant Elijah Jaden Carrow has seriously violated many laws. I propose to punish him with life imprisonment in Azkaban."

At this time, the document from Ms. Slaughter was passed among the Wizengamot members.

Scott was very surprised to see Fudge's series of "quick and decisive" operations.

Although the existence of Ms. Slaughter should be unknown to the other party.

But to be honest, Fudge's operation of making this case a solid case with the help of a test report from St. Mungo's was really beyond people's expectations.

I don't know if it was because Fudge showed too much determination. In short, Scott's Scholars Alliance identity card did not vibrate anymore.

After all fifty Wizengamot members had read the test report, Fudge quickly began to preside over the voting session.

As a result, a total of twenty-nine members of the fifty Wizengamot raised their hands to agree with Fudge's verdict, and Bones and Dumbledore also raised their hands.

According to the principle of majority rule, Carrow was sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban.

The trial ended with a whimper.

Since Alecto Carrow was "invited" out, the wizards who were obviously related to Carrow did not openly oppose it.

Scott always felt a little unreal.

It was completely confusing.

In his opinion, the formal court trial in the magic world was too sloppy, it was just like a farce.

This trial relied on no law at all, but the means of the wizards.

He came to testify, but in the end he was exempted.

After the trial, some wizards in the audience had begun to leave.

Scott sat in his original position without moving, watching the two Aurors escort Carrow away.

Although Carrow couldn't speak, he kept staring at Scott with resentful eyes.

Until he left the courtroom, he still twisted his neck and stared at him stubbornly.

Scott didn't avoid his gaze and kept staring at him until he disappeared outside the door.

At this time, a wizard who looked a bit like Alecto Carrow walked in front of Scott's seat.

He turned his back to everyone and showed Scott a vicious expression.

"You're lucky this time, poor mudblood boy." He said sinisterly, "If Dumbledore hadn't been here..."

He only said half of his words, and showed Scott a cruel smile, then turned and left.

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