The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 404 404. Ravenclaw's Celebration Dinner

The subject of Scott's exam the next day was Transfiguration, and the chief examiner in charge of the exam was still Ms. Marchbank.

After the written test in the morning was successfully completed, Scott was surrounded by a large group of people.

As a recognized Transfiguration genius in Hogwarts, many people wanted to discuss with him the answers to the Transfiguration written test in the morning and seek some advice for the practical class exam in the afternoon.

There were too many classmates around him, and they were talking at the same time. Even if Scott had several mouths, he couldn't say it all.

"Sorry, there are too many people asking questions, I can't say it all." Scott said a little louder, "How about this, I will write down my test paper for everyone to see."

Hearing him say this, everyone looked at him in surprise.

"Is it too much trouble?"

"Scott, I didn't expect you to be so nice, thank you."

Many classmates showed an expression of "I didn't expect you to be such a warm-hearted and kind person" on their faces.

Looking at their expressions, Scott felt a little upset.

How unkind do I look?

He thought.

I'm really sorry that I couldn't let you see my kindness at a glance.

Despite his complaints, Scott still took out a piece of parchment and used magic to imprint his completed test paper on the parchment according to his memory.


When his classmates saw his actions, their first reaction was not to thank him.

"So you are not going to write down the answers yourself." A classmate blurted out, speaking everyone's thoughts.


Scott was speechless.

"Is there any difference?" he asked helplessly.

"No, no, thank you."

The other party smiled and quickly took the parchment from his hand and read it.

Others began to use the copy spell on the parchment.

At this point, Scott finally got rid of this group of classmates and walked out of the crowd with Roger and Milton.

Milton still looked uneasy, and he even deliberately didn't pay attention to Scott's answer.

"Transfiguration is the subject I am least good at." He said distressedly, "I'd better not know the answer, so as not to affect my practical test in the afternoon."

Although he said so, the uneasy expression on his face was already obvious.

Scott and Roger were already used to his performance before every exam. Neither of them talked about the exams, but about the upcoming summer vacation.

Roger asked Scott, "Will you go abroad during the summer vacation? It's rare that the Quidditch World Cup is held in the UK this year. It would be a pity to miss it."

Scott said, "I will go to my parents first, and then return to the UK to watch the most exciting game on the day of the World Cup final."

"That's not bad." Roger said with a smile, "But I plan to watch the entire World Cup."

Then, he began to discuss the level of the Quidditch national teams of various countries, predicting which team will win the World Cup championship trophy.

Scott and Milton didn't know as much about this as Roger did, but they also listened with relish.

"So, do you think the British national team, as the host, has a chance to win the championship this year?" Scott asked.

"I can only say that there is hope."

Roger shrugged his shoulders, as if he was not too optimistic about the British team's prospects of winning the championship.

"I hope you can pay attention to safety."

Scott thought about it and reminded him.

"What's wrong?" Roger and Milton looked at him with some surprise.

"Don't forget the last time we were attacked in the Forbidden Forest." Scott said, "Although you were implicated by me last time, the blatant actions of the Carrows also mean that the Death Eaters have become active again."

Roger's face changed slightly, "Are you worried that they will cause trouble during the World Cup?"

"I think it's possible." Scott said, "Now the Ministry of Magic has many forces intertwined, and it has become very chaotic."

Roger's face became even uglier, "There will be many wizards from all over the world watching the World Cup. If something really happens, the British Ministry of Magic, as the organizer, will undoubtedly be embarrassed."

"It's embarrassing enough now." Milton shook his head, "The British wizarding world has been in trouble frequently, but the Ministry of Magic has not done anything. These things can't be hidden well."

Roger nodded in agreement and asked Scott again, "By the way, have the Carrows been caught?"

Scott shook his head.

The Carrows committed crimes in Hogwarts, and attacked underage wizards, which is undoubtedly a serious crime.

Inside the Ministry of Magic, after the combined efforts of the All Coven and the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, they were all officially wanted.

But they disappeared completely after leaving the Forbidden Forest that day with Apparition, and no one knew where they hid.

Of course, Scott guessed that Dumbledore should have already grasped their intelligence, including Voldemort's whereabouts.

Because Snape, the double agent, was still there, he would naturally provide Dumbledore with this information.

In the "original book", Voldemort's successful resurrection caught Dumbledore off guard, but it was hard to say whether he could successfully resurrect this time.

However, Scott didn't think much about these, these were not important to him. He was not Harry, and had no connection with Voldemort, and many things had nothing to do with him.

The enemy he had to face was probably countless times more terrifying than Voldemort.

After lunch, the Transfiguration practical test began.

Although this practical test was different from the past, it was exceptionally simple for Scott.

Students need to use Transfiguration to take out a golden key hidden inside a set of curved pipes.

Of course, without destroying or changing the pipes.

Scott used Transfiguration to conjure a mouse and successfully took out the key, and the whole process took no more than three minutes.

But the test process for others was not so smooth.

Although many students can successfully conjure small animals that can get into the pipes, the small animals they conjure cannot move independently and can only rely on themselves to control them.

This put many students who are still in the first stage of Transfiguration in a dilemma.

Because the animals they conjure can only run around in the pipes, they can't accurately find the key and take it out.

Maybe Scott was too decisive, which attracted the attention of the examiner, Ms. Marchbank.

Seeing the witch, who was over 130 years old, trembling and walking over, Scott hurried to greet her.

"Hello, Ms. Marchbank." He greeted politely.

Ms. Marchbank looked at him carefully with her old and turbid eyes.

"What a handsome boy." She smiled, and the wrinkles on her face smoothed out layer by layer. "What's your name?"

"My name is Scott Trollope, ma'am."

Ms. Marchbank thought for a moment and asked again, "Does this surname come from a Muggle family?"

Scott nodded.

"It's amazing." Ms. Marchbank spoke slowly, "My child, your performance reminds me of Albus back then, but you come from a Muggle family. Obviously, at this age, you are better than him."

"Thank you for your compliment." Scott thanked her sincerely.

Ms. Marchbank's smile widened.

"You are not modest, which is good."

She continued to speak slowly.

"For so many years, people have regarded Albus as a myth, and students have no idea of ​​trying to surpass him. This is not a good thing in my opinion."

She stretched out a hand that was as old as a dead branch and gently patted Scott's arm.

"Albus is indeed very powerful, but he is only one person after all. In the eyes of an old man like me, he has lived too hard these years. I don't want people to rely on him, I just hope that there will be children who can surpass him."

She retracted her hand, slowly turned around, and walked away tremblingly.

Scott looked at her hunched back, smiled, and turned to leave the examination room.

He didn't know whether he could surpass Dumbledore, but he would try his best to do it.

Because he had no way out.

The enemy he would face in the future was Slytherin. If he couldn't surpass Dumbledore, he would have to die.

In the following time, Scott and his friends took the exams step by step with a progress of one subject per day.

Defense against the Dark Arts, Potions, History of Magic, Astronomy, Herbology.

Ancient Magic Runes, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, Arithmancy, Muggle Studies.

Among the two subjects, Divination and Muggle Studies were not electives for Scott, so he didn't have to take the exams.

After 12 days, the exam was finally over.

There was no practical exam for the Muggle Studies course. On the last morning, after the written exam for this course was over, cheers from the students immediately rang out in the hall.

Soon, other students who did not take the elective exam also cheered.

Then, like a virus, cheers rang out throughout the Hogwarts Castle.

The staff of the Wizarding Examinations Authority withdrew from Hogwarts amid cheers.

The professors of Hogwarts did not stop the students from reveling.

Even Professor McGonagall, who was always the strictest, smiled at the students' lively appearance.

Professor Flitwick announced to all Ravenclaws that a celebration banquet would be held in the common room that evening.

At his suggestion, the Ravenclaws began to get busy.

Scott and Professor Flitwick rearranged the common room together.

Professor Flitwick just waved his wand lightly and temporarily expanded the space in the common room several times.

Scott moved all the sofas to the edge of the room and gathered all the wooden tables and chairs into a long table.

Professor Flitwick added a blue tablecloth with a huge school emblem printed on it to the long table.

The girls brought some gorgeous lamp holders and lit white scented candles.

Milton and the members of the Classical Music Club and the Toad Choir set up the instruments and set up a small stage.

The house elves working in the kitchen enthusiastically brought a lot of delicious food.

Eddie sneaked into Hogsmeade through the secret passage and bought a few boxes of butter beer.

When night fell, all the Ravenclaw students gathered together, and together with Professor Flitwick and Helena, they started a lively banquet.

Music, singing, laughter, delicious food and butter beer.

The seventh-year students who were about to leave Hogwarts toasted Professor Flitwick to express their deep gratitude and solemn farewell.

The always sentimental Professor Flitwick was so moved that he kept wiping tears.

He hugged every student who was about to graduate and sent them good wishes for their future.

Scott and Luna sat on the sofa together, drinking smooth butter beer while watching this touching scene.

"It's really beautiful, isn't it." Luna's tone was still floating, "It's isolated from the harassment flies tonight."

"You're right." Scott agreed.

Luna turned to look at him, "You'll graduate in two years."

"Two more years." Scott nodded.

He was about to enter the sixth grade.

For the students of Hogwarts, the last two years will be a new stage.

"Two years is very short." Luna said softly, "I've been enrolled for two years."

Scott also turned to look at her.

"Although we all have a premonition." He also said softly, "I still hope that everyone can spend our student days in peace."

Luna turned her eyes to the window where the moonlight was like water.

"The prophecy is about to come true." She said with certainty, "Professor Trelawney's prophecy about the Thestrals."

Scott's expression moved, and he quickly remembered the prophecy that he was about to forget.

Luna also said the content of the prophecy, "Those dark magic stars will eventually return, and at the time of the transition between the old and the new, the revived witches will encounter a crisis."

"At the time of the transition between the old and the new." Scott muttered, "The Ministry of Magic has not announced the upcoming change of leadership. Could it be referring to the transition between the old and the new at Hogwarts?"

After all, the seventh grade will graduate this summer, and the new students will soon enter school.

But Luna shook her head.

"No, I think the Ministry of Magic will change a Minister of Magic, just in the summer vacation." She said affirmatively.

Will Fudge have any problems?

Scott guessed randomly.

He said to Luna, "You are increasingly looking like you have the gift of prophecy."

"Because when Professor Trelawney was predicting for the Thestrals, I saw her opening her third eye." Luna said.

"So you learned it?" Scott asked in surprise, "And then you opened your third eye?"

"I think that's it." Luna nodded.

Is it so easy?

Scott thought.

Will it be a bit hasty?

But he did not doubt Luna's words. After all, he could understand from his own perspective that talent is a very unreasonable thing.

This is the path he has taken.

No one except him can transform Transfiguration into a complex instant alchemy.

Luna added, "I can't predict like Professor Trelawney, but I can see the time when the prophecy is about to happen."

Scott looked at the girl in surprise and asked excitedly, "Is it a vague feeling or an exact time?"

"A vague feeling." Luna said, "I just have a hunch that the prophecies are about to happen, but I can't tell exactly which day it will happen."

She put down the empty bottle in her hand and looked up at Scott.

"Sorry, Scott, my hunch about your prophecy is still vague. But don't worry, if I have a hunch, I will tell you as soon as possible."

Although he was a little regretful, Scott was still very happy.

"It's already very good." He said, "Thank you, Luna, this really helps me a lot."

"You're welcome, I hope you'll be fine." Luna smiled happily.

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