The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 431 431. Choose the anchor point of the mind

"Nothing meaningful?"

Seeing Scott close the Daily Prophet in his hand, Rimbaud asked curiously.

"The chaotic situation in the Ministry of Magic will also affect the newspaper." Scott replied, "So they can only carefully publish some ambiguous content without clear opinions."

After breakfast, Scott took out the small picture frame he carried with him and summoned the portrait of the Ravenclaw tutor.

"Teacher, do you know everything?" he asked, "What happened in the past two days."

The Ravenclaw in the painting smiled slightly, "I know something. In Hogwarts, the residents in the portraits are always well-informed."

Scott took out the [Magic Mirror] and showed Ravenclaw the battle scenes he had recorded.

After a long time, Ravenclaw, who had watched the whole process, did not show any emotional fluctuations.

She said to Scott in a commonplace tone: "No matter how long it has been, no matter what era it is, wizards will always start a war because of their different ideas."

Although Scott was a little surprised at her calmness, he soon figured it out.

His mentor was a wizard who lived a thousand years ago, an era that was much more chaotic than today.

As a powerful wizard standing at the ceiling, what has Ravenclaw not seen?

"But Medea is different." Ravenclaw said again, "That child has no ideas of her own, she is just a continuation of Salazar."

The tutor frowned when he said this, expressing his disapproval of Medea.

Maybe in her opinion, even if Voldemort's ideas are bad, they are better than Medea who actually has no self?

Scott thought so and asked so.

Ravenclaw did not deny it.

But she emphasized deliberately, "Of course, this is from the perspective of the wizard himself. If you look at it from a social perspective, the ideas held by Medea are undoubtedly more moderate, and Voldemort's views are too extreme."

Scott asked curiously again, "If it was Salazar Slytherin himself who appeared, would you appreciate his ideas more than Dumbledore?"

Ravenclaw laughed again, "Is it strange?"

Scott thought about it and felt that there was nothing to be surprised about.

Ravenclaw said: "Salazar used to be hostile to Muggles and was even wary of Muggle-born wizards, but he is undoubtedly a smart man, and smart people always keep up with the times."

This can be seen from the ideas that Medea is promoting now.

Scott thought.

"But I thought their idea was to unite the majority of people so that they could change the predetermined fate faster?" he asked again.

Ravenclaw shook his head, "Salazar is an overly proud guy, so he won't do such a thing. Even if he is just using it, he won't use false excuses."

After talking about the issues of ideas, Scott began to curiously ask about the magical puppet magic used by Medea.

"This is probably her unique secret method." Ravenclaw said, "From the achievements, the child is still talented."

As for how Medea did it, although Ravenclaw could not restore it, he also had some guesses.

Scott listened carefully to her explanation and realized that Medea's technology for controlling ceramic puppets came more from black magic and soul research, and only had a certain overlap with alchemy, but not much to do with transfiguration.

To achieve the level of Medea, cruel and bloody black magic and soul experiments are indispensable.

"This is also the main reason why we parted ways with Salazar." Ravenclaw sighed, "He is too high-handed. For the advancement of magic, he can use all resources and lacks basic respect for life."

Ravenclaw did not explain this part in depth, and even seriously warned Scott not to pursue taboos.

"Those shadows will eventually be reflected in the hearts of wizards."

Ravenclaw returned to the topic at the beginning.

Why is it better to have a bad idea than to have no self from the perspective of personal development?

"Wizards are creatures driven by emotions. When we use magic, we use the power of the mind."

"Even paranoia, cruelty, hatred, these negative emotions can become a source of power."

"I think the existence of Voldemort has proved this."

Hearing Ravenclaw's theoretical explanation, Scott nodded in agreement.

But he also declined this at the same time. He belongs to the rational school and does not want to let himself be dominated by uncontrollable emotions no matter what.

Ravenclaw can certainly see this.

"Of course I don't want you to go down that path. Although you can gain relatively strong power, and I have even seen many such examples, uncontrolled emotions are disordered and will inevitably lead to destruction."

At this point, Ravenclaw said a little more.

"I can see that you have been suppressing yourself. But I must remind you, Scott, my apprentice, that this is not the best way."

"How should I do it?" Scott began to feel a little confused.

In the past, he always used reason to suppress his emotions over and over again, but now it seems that it is not a good way.

No, he has even been deeply affected.

Because he felt it, there were several times when he almost lost control.

For example, yesterday, when he heard the witch who lost her husband crying in the tavern, especially when he sensed the emotions of the crowd, he became uncontrollably sensitive and even began to sympathize with the world.

Even though he suppressed this emotion, he abnormally bought a lot of sweet candies to eat.

At that moment, he seemed to be possessed by Dumbledore, and developed an uncontrollable instinctive desire for sweets that he was originally not interested in.

These emotions and behaviors are completely incompatible with his original personality and hobbies.

However, without the reminder from his Ravenclaw mentor, he would not even be alert to his occasional abnormal psychology and behavior.

"What you should learn is not to suppress or let go, but how to guide and use your emotions. This is related to your own soul. No one can make the decision for you." Ravenclaw answered.

The Ravenclaw master's words sounded reasonable, but Scott had no clue.

Fortunately, Ravenclaw then gave him another hint, "You can set an anchor point for your own heart."

"Anchor point?" Scott looked at the mentor in the painting doubtfully.

"It can be a hobby that you can't let go of, it can be an ideal that you must fight for, or even someone you love deeply." Ravenclaw said, "Of course, my suggestion is that it is best not to let the existence of others become you. anchor point, and in this regard, your mentor is a failure.”

"Helena?" Scott blurted out.

In an instant, he even understood why a great legendary wizard like Ravenclaw died of illness because of his daughter's betrayal.

It's just that he regretted the name he blurted out, fearing that it would expose his mentor's scars.

But Ravenclaw nodded without hesitation.

"You see, even blood relatives will betray you for some inexplicable reasons. To choose someone to be your anchor is to place everything on others, whether it is for you or the person you choose. That’s not a good thing.”

At this moment, Scott felt that the Ravenclaw in the painting was so rational that it was almost cold.

But she soon became gentle again.

"I don't blame my daughter. That's because as a mother, I love her deeply. I just feel that I didn't make the best choice."

Scott frowned instinctively.

"Is it necessary?" he asked softly, "the so-called anchor point?"

He was still a little reluctant.

Whether it is hobbies, ideals, or people, he is somewhat repulsive.

After all, he still wants his reason to take over, and he has an instinctive uneasiness about letting himself become "emotional".

Ravenclaw smiled slightly again, "It depends on how far you want to go."

Scott was stunned.

"I can only tell you that when your magic progresses to a certain level, you will inevitably face such problems. I think your related troubles have already appeared, haven't they?" Ravenclaw continued, "And this It’s the most appropriate way we can find to maintain a balance between reason and induction.”

"I didn't expect that." Scott rubbed his temples.

Is it true that the more powerful a wizard is, the more he will face the influence of uncontrolled mind?

He thought a lot in one moment.

Is this the reason for Voldemort's crazy cruelty and sometimes unwise choices, and Dumbledore's usual crazy behavior in the eyes of others?

Ravenclaw seemed to see his resistance and said warmly: "You can learn from Helga. She chose her own hobbies. In my impression, she always lived a happy and stable life."

Hearing her words, Scott naturally thought of the rumors about Helga Hufflepuff.

That lady left behind many precious magical recipes and cooking spells, and it is said that many traditional dishes at Hogwarts banquets originated from her.

He can be called a culinary giant who has influenced the recipes of countless generations of British wizards.

"Ms. Hufflepuff's hobby is cooking?" he couldn't help but ask.

"Yes." Ravenclaw smiled with nostalgia, "Helga is the simplest, kindest, and peaceful one among the four of us. She can always find the greatest joy in cooking."

Scott thought deeply.

He couldn't help but refer to Dumbledore as an example again.

Although the old headmaster often seemed crazy, he was undoubtedly a sane and smart wizard compared to Voldemort's disorder.

According to Ravenclaw, he must also have an anchor.

Could it be a hobby for eating sweets?

But judging from the storyline in the "original work", Dumbledore's mind is not without flaws -

He has always deeply regretted the death of his sister, so he was bewitched by the resurrection stone ring and was severely cursed.

Thinking of this, Scott suddenly realized that the choice of anchor point was not that simple.

He looked at the Ravenclaw in the painting again.

"If I choose my own hobby, such as painting, but if one day my love for painting no longer exists, or my love for other things or people surpasses painting, then will the so-called anchor point become Meaningless?"

"You're right." Ravenclaw confirmed his guess, "If you choose an anchor point, then the one you choose is the most important to you. Don't waver in any way."

It's so hard.

Scott wanted to say that.

At this moment, he was extremely confused.

"I hope you can think slowly and think it through. You still have a lot of time."

The Ravenclaw master said something again before disappearing from the painting.

Scott looked at the picture frame that had become blank again and scratched his hair irritably.

He wanted to shout, dear mentor, why do you care about killing and not burying?

"Oh, you don't know what to choose, Scott, you don't know what your favorite is!"

Rimbaud, who had been listening just now, spoke at this time.

"No, I know," Scott said.

For him at this stage, the most important thing is of course his parents!

But this is not the best choice.

Although he believed that Michael and Amelia would not betray him no matter what, he also had to consider the age difference between himself and his parents.

Judging from the example of Helga Hufflepuff, choosing a hobby is the safest option.

For Scott, choosing painting was really the safest option.

But who can guarantee that his hobbies will never change or even be surpassed by other options?

Not to mention the future, even now, the most important thing to him is not painting!

After listening to Scott mutter about his troubles, Rimbaud was a little confused.

"Painting?" It was surprised, "I thought your favorite was magic, or transfiguration?"

"No." Scott shook his head decisively.

Magic is a means to ensure strength, and transfiguration is just a talent he happens to have. It can't be said that he doesn't love it, but his love is not pure enough.

"Why do powerful wizards have to be paranoid?"

Scott, who had just received relevant knowledge points for the first time today, was troubled.

But Rimbaud apparently did not understand his distress.

"If it were me, it would be easy to choose," it said loudly. "Of course my favorite is all the sparkling treasures that can decorate the nest!"

I'm so sorry...

Scott held his forehead.

He cannot have simple happiness like Rimbaud.

He thought about it for a long time, and finally he could only say helplessly: "If nothing else happens, I will still choose painting."

He stood up and balled his hands into fists.

"Hobbies can also be cultivated, not to mention that I already like painting! I just need to get it back, my original pure love for painting!"

Thinking of this, he took out his painting tools with high spirits and painted a picture.

No magic, no purpose, just enjoy the process of painting.

"It hasn't been like this for a long time."

At the door of the wooden house, Scott set up his easel and observed the scenery outside the house, preparing to start sketching.

He picked up a paintbrush and couldn't help but sigh.

Indeed, it has been a long time since I have painted a painting as simply as this.

Mixing paints with great enthusiasm, painting a picture that satisfies him one stroke at a time. This process that he once enjoyed most was forgotten by him at some point.

"This feeling……"

Scott brought out a touch of green that belonged to the summer forest on the canvas, and couldn't help but smile.

"...Long time no see."

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