The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 441 441. Eddie The consequences of not losing weight

"Dark Mark!"

When the sky was dyed green by the huge skull, Sirius and Mr. Weasley immediately stood up and drew out their wands.

Sirius quickly reached out and pulled up Harry and Ron who were squatting on the ground picking up gold coins.

"Stand back, kids! Go to the back!" Mr. Weasley shouted, pulling Ginny behind him, "Bill, Charlie, watch your brothers and sisters!"

Bill and Charlie had also drawn their wands and walked to Mr. Weasley's side.

"Fred! George!" Bill stretched out his arm to stop the twins who were looking around, "Stand back, oh, and you too, Scott!"

Scott did not move.

He stared at the black mist swirling in the air.

"He's coming." He reminded.

"What?" Bill turned his head.

"Look, that black mist." Scott pointed his wand at the target.

"What is that?" Bill asked in surprise.

"It's him!" Sirius' voice was a little nervous, "He's here!"

Ms. Burns strode forward and shouted, "Quick! Children! You should all go back to the back of the box!"

Scott looked back and saw that the "big shots" in the box who were dressed brightly and beautifully were running away in a panic.

"We probably know who it is!"

Fred and George reached out and pulled Scott, making him step back several steps.

At this time, some of the audience couldn't wait to leave, while most people were still sitting in their seats without knowing why.

The scene became completely chaotic.

And Bagman, who was responsible for hosting the game, was retreating in a hurry.

"Ludo Bagman!" Ms. Burns stared at him seriously, "Speak quickly and let the audience leave in an orderly manner!"


Bagman looked flustered, but under the pressure of Ms. Burns, he still pointed his wand at his throat.

"Dear audience, due to an accident... an accident..." His somewhat panicked voice resounded throughout the stadium, "The game has been cancelled, please leave in an orderly manner, please leave in an orderly manner!"

"None of you can leave."

Another voice sounded immediately afterwards.

The voice was cold and strange, with a "hissing" sound between words, like a venomous snake crawling across the skin, which would make the person who heard it shudder involuntarily.

"Apparition is prohibited here." The voice continued, "Not only that, the infinite Fiendfyre has surrounded the entire venue!"


"How could it be?"

"Damn the Ministry of Magic!"

"Where are those Aurors? What are they doing?"

The people who were trying to escape were already stunned.

Scott heard Bill say to Mr. Weasley: "Dad, I failed to Apparition!"

"Damn it!" Sirius couldn't help but roar, and couldn't help but raise his wand to attack first.


Scott quickly reached out and grabbed him.

"I can contact Professor Dumbledore."

He quickly took out the [Magic Mirror] and connected to Dumbledore's [Magic Phone].

"Oh! Well done Scott!"

"Why didn't we think of that just now!"

Seeing his action, the twins immediately became excited.

Amid the curious eyes of others, they began to talk about Scott's "great invention".

Scott was actually a little nervous. He was afraid that Dumbledore didn't carry the [Magic Phone] with him.

Fortunately, what he was worried about did not happen. Dumbledore with a long beard soon appeared in the [Magic Mirror].

"Oh, what happened, Scott?"

"Professor Dumbledore!" Scott quickly said, "The Quidditch final was attacked. It was Vol... You-Know-Who. They set up an anti-Apparition spell at the venue and claimed that they had surrounded the entire venue with Fiendfyre!"

While saying this news, Scott was a little unbelievable. This is a stadium that can accommodate 100,000 people. It is too amazing to surround such a large area with Fiendfyre.

"I know."

Dumbledore looked serious and immediately cut off the communication.

Scott looked up and found that everyone was looking at him with appreciation.

"It seems that Dumbledore has already started to act. Well done, boy!" Ms. Burns said excitedly.

Scott nodded, "I can also observe the outside world."

He took out a wooden block and used Transfiguration to conjure a crow.

The crow immediately spread its wings and flew upwards.

"Its function is..."

Scott tapped the [Magic Mirror] in his hand, and the real-time picture of what the crow saw immediately appeared in the mirror.

Ignoring the exclamations and praises of others, Scott just stared at the picture in the mirror.

The crow was flying higher and higher. When it flew into the sky along the edge of the gymnasium, Scott couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was not intercepted.

But the next second, he was shocked by the picture he saw.

Voldemort did not lie.

The blazing fire formed an endless wall of fire, forming a complete wall of fire outside the huge gymnasium.

The crow flew down.

The picture showed that there were still people fighting outside the gymnasium.

The Aurors were inside the fire wall, and the Death Eaters were outside the fire wall. The two sides were fighting fiercely.

Scott could see several familiar figures.

"Oh! It's Moody and the others!" Mr. Weasley exclaimed, "Oh no, they are already at a disadvantage!"

The Aurors led by Moody were indeed at a disadvantage and were being forced back towards the entrance passage of the gymnasium by the curses of those Death Eaters.

"We must help them!" Sirius said anxiously, "We must open a way to escape!"

At this moment, Voldemort's voice sounded again.


Scott and the others turned around and saw that Voldemort had revealed his true form and was standing on the circular goal on the other side of the field.

The gymnasium gradually became quiet.

Everyone was looking at the terrifying figure standing directly above the goal.

"Everyone, good evening." Voldemort opened his arms, "Maybe you have heard my name, I am Voldemort!"

The gymnasium has become silent.

Compared to the towering goal, Voldemort's body seems small.

But that name seemed to be the embodiment of a shadow. In people's eyes, the figure shrouded in black mist seemed to be taller than the entire stadium.

For a time, not to mention no one took the initiative to attack, no one even opened his mouth to talk to him.

Oh, it's not like nothing.

Sirius, who was the most impulsive, had already been restrained by Mr. Weasley, and Bagman covered his mouth.

"Don't be impulsive, Sirius, you must protect Harry." Mr. Weasley reminded in a low voice with an anxious look on his face.

After hearing his words, Sirius calmed down.

He nodded, and Mr. Weasley and Bagman released him.

"Sorry." Sirius felt annoyed for not being calm, "I will pay attention next."

He stood up, straightened his robes, walked in front of Harry and Hermione, and blocked them behind him.

At this moment, Harry was covering the scar on his forehead with his hand, looking up at Voldemort.

His face was pale, and he was biting his lower lip with his teeth, obviously suffering from severe pain.


Suddenly, another voice sounded from below.

Scott and the others followed the sound and found that Moody was leading a group of Aurors onto the lawn of the stadium.

"It's you, Alastor Moody." Voldemort looked down at him, his tone full of disgust.

"Tell me what you want, Voldemort!" Moody shouted.

"What do I want to do? It's up to you." Voldemort laughed, "If someone can hand over Harry Potter, I will do nothing."

Voldemort's words immediately caused a commotion.

"Harry Potter?"

"The Boy Who Lived?"

"Where is Harry Potter?"

At this moment, everyone seems to be looking for Harry Potter.

In the box, Sirius stood beside Harry. His eyes were like those of a wolf, staring fiercely and warily at the others, especially those glamorous "big shots" who had exited the box and ran back.

Suddenly, Harry held his head in his hands and groaned in pain.

"Harry!" Hermione hugged him quickly, her voice crying, "What's wrong with you?"

"Damn it! Damn it!" Sirius cursed, spinning around anxiously.

"I..." Harry started to say something.

"Stop talking, Harry." Sirius interrupted anxiously, "No one can decide to hand you over, and you have no obligation to protect others!"

Harry trembled all over, "But..."

"There is no but," Ms. Burns said, "You are just an innocent child, and we will not compromise."

Immediately afterwards, Moody below also began to respond to Voldemort's words.

"Choosing to leave your men outside the Fire was your biggest mistake!" Moody yelled, "Do you want to fight a hundred thousand wizards alone, Voldemort!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Voldemort seemed to have heard some funny joke and kept laughing.

"One hundred thousand wizards? Just you?" He sneered and said, "And, guess, how many of these one hundred thousand wizards can muster up the courage to take action against me?"

"All wizards!"

Moody's firm voice echoed throughout the venue.

"This is the best opportunity. This man came here alone, and there are a hundred thousand of us! What happened in the past tells us that Voldemort is not invincible!"

"Avada Kedavra!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a thick green light fell from the sky instantly.

Although he was missing a leg and was still on crutches, the old and strong Moody was not killed by Voldemort's sneak attack.

He rolled around on the grass several times to avoid the sudden death curse.

But now a young Auror behind him suffered a disaster, and fell straight to the ground the moment he came into contact with the green light.


Cries of grief rang out.

"it's a pity."

Voldemort calmly withdrew his wand.

"You won't be so lucky next time, Moody."

"damn it!"

Moody climbed up from the grass in embarrassment.

"Do you see clearly, everyone, this is the consequences of resistance." Voldemort's gaze swept across the auditorium, "Who can guarantee that the next lucky person will not be you?"

Although he was far away, his scarlet eyes seemed to be looking at everyone at close range, bringing a strong smell of blood and a heavy sense of oppression.

"Just hand over Harry Potter and the boy, and you can leave safely." Voldemort opened his arms again, "Hurry, take action, I know you have no relationship with the boy, after all, all the Potters are dead."

In the box, listening to Voldemort's incitement, the atmosphere was already very solemn.

Although no one spoke, the hesitant eyes of some people had revealed some information.

Sirius hid Harry behind him, glared at those people, and growled with gritted teeth, "If anyone dares to speak, I will kill the leaker before the mysterious man is satisfied, I promise!"

Instantly, several people showed unnatural expressions on their faces.

"Sirius!" Ms. Burns also lowered her voice and scolded, "Don't make trouble."

Sirius grinned, his face full of ferocity, "I have to tell you, Burns, I'm serious!"

Sirius, who was protecting his cub, did not notice that Harry, who was pressed behind him, was staring at the body of the Auror below, with tears flowing down his face.

Scott was leaning against the wall on the side of the box, looking around and listening to all directions while thinking.

With the escape artifact door key in hand, he was not too anxious.

He was thinking about whether to take this group of people away now.

If he was already in a dangerous situation, he would definitely do so without hesitation, but now, it seemed that he had not yet reached the point where he had to leave.

Moreover, although he could leave and even take some people with him, he had to consider Roger and Eddie who were not with them.

However, Voldemort seemed to be impatient at this time.

"No one spoke? Everyone wants to go against me? Everyone wants to protect that boy?"

He suddenly turned into black mist again, rushed into a box at high speed, and pointed his wand at a trembling man.

"Tell me, where is Harry Potter?" he asked.

Although he spoke casually, his voice still spread to the ears of everyone in the audience.

The wizard pointed at by his wand just shook his head desperately.

"I don't know, I'm Irish! I don't know! I don't know Harry Potter, please let me go!"

His voice of collapse also spread throughout the venue.

"Don't know?"

Voldemort was very dissatisfied.

"Then die!"

The green light lit up, and another life passed away in an instant.


The companions of the man killed by Voldemort screamed in grief, stood up and began to resist.

But their resistance was too weak for Voldemort, and they fell one after another in a blink of an eye, only adding a few fresh corpses.

"I... I'm here..."

Harry's voice suddenly sounded.

He seemed to want to shout, but because of his hoarse voice, he couldn't shout out.

"Harry, no!"

Hermione, who was also crying, quickly reached out to cover his mouth.

Harry turned his head to avoid it.

He said calmly, "He wants to see me, doesn't he? I should stand out, otherwise more innocent people will die because of me."

"Calm down, Harry, calm down!" Sirius quickly pulled him back, "Trust Dumbledore, he will be here soon!"

At this time, Voldemort had randomly selected another target.

"Tell me, where is Harry Potter?"

"Not good!" Fred, holding the panoramic telescope, said, "It's Eddie!"

Scott's eyes widened.

He quickly snatched the panoramic telescope from Fred's hand and looked over.

On the other side of the gymnasium, Eddie and Roger, as well as Roger's father, Mr. Davis, sat together. It might be because Eddie's fat body was more conspicuous that he was chosen by Voldemort.

When Voldemort pointed his wand at him, Eddie's fat body was trembling slightly.

Scott couldn't help but grit his teeth.

Why is that kid so unlucky?

This is the result of not losing weight!

Although he cursed in his heart, Scott's mind was turning quickly.

He couldn't turn a blind eye to such a situation, but desperately thought about how to save Eddie.

It’s just…

The distance is too far.

Scott’s palms were sweaty with anxiety.

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