The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 45 045. Bargaining Portrait

Jacob jumped out of the boat as fast as he could and ran behind Scott.

"Then..." he said vaguely, "when...we return to Hogwarts, how will we deal with it?"

Scott kept walking and said in an emotional tone: "Oh, Jacob, I think you can do a good job without my advice."

Seeing that Scott remained unmoved, Jacob could only say gloomily: "Okay, let's talk about it then."


Scott stopped suddenly, turned around and lowered his head to look at Jacob.

"You know who gave me that ugly nickname recently, right?" he asked.

"A nickname? Oh, there is such a thing." Jacob replied, "But I just heard people talking about you."

Scott was very surprised, "Isn't that damn nickname used by Travers to humiliate me?"

Jacob shook his head, "No, she will only call you privately..."

[Mudblood. ]

He mouthed the word.

Scott said with a cold face: "So, who gave me that damn nickname?"

"Do you need me to help you find out?" Jacob blinked, "It's paid."

"What do I need to pay for this?" Scott asked curiously.

Jacob's answer immediately blurted out: "I need you to guide me in the art of transfiguration."

Just when Scott was about to refuse, Jacob pointed out three fingers to him again.

"Three times, no less than two hours each time." He took the initiative to set the limit.

Scott retracted his refusal and nodded in agreement, "It seems you know how to measure things. Okay, deal."

Jacob smiled happily, "I will find out."

Scott said with satisfaction: "I will wait for you to bring me the answer."

After returning to the castle, Scott took out his pocket watch and checked the time, then separated from Jacob and rushed to the Transfiguration classroom alone.

When he sat in the Transfiguration classroom and met Professor McGonagall's gaze, he was shocked to realize that he had forgotten Professor McGonagall's birthday gift.

He quickly recalled the date. Fortunately, it was October 1st, three days before Professor McGonagall's birthday.

He breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Professor McGonagall with a natural expression, not letting her see his guilty conscience.

This lesson is about turning a hedgehog into a pincushion.

Scott completed the transformation as quickly as possible. After adding 2 points to Ravenclaw, he began to think about birthday gifts.

Unfortunately, until the end of get out of class, he still didn't come up with any good ideas.

After dinner, Scott returned to his dormitory and asked his three roommates to help him come up with ideas.

He first described the problems he faced, and then said distressedly: "The main thing is... Although I feel that I am a bit boastful when I say it, I still have to say that it is mainly because the birthday gift I gave Professor Flitwick was too big. Amazing.”

When he said this, only Milton showed his approval.

But Scott didn't care about the opinions of these two guys, Roger and Eddie, because he thought they had no artistic talent.

He continued: "Do you think it would be perfunctory if I gave Professor McGonagall the same painting? If I can't give him the same painting, then what gift can compare to the originality of that painting?"

After hearing his troubles, Milton immediately nodded empathetically, "You're absolutely right."

Then he started thinking seriously for Scott.

But Scott didn't want to let the other two absent-minded people go.

He turned to them and asked, "Roger, Eddie, do you two have any suggestions?"

"Perhaps you could give me a Quidditch League ticket? As far as I know, Professor McGonagall is very obsessed with Quidditch. Oh, that's what the Gryffindor students told me."

Roger was still unsure at first, but then he became more confident as he spoke.

Scott glanced at his answer without thinking and turned to look at Eddie.

"Well, maybe you could give Professor McGonagall a book of jokes to make her a little more humorous?" Eddie said seriously, "Or just become less serious."

"I knew you two couldn't come up with any good ideas." Scott turned his head in disgust.

Now he could only look forward to Milton's advice.

After a while, Milton said to him happily: "I thought of it, Scott!"

"Thank you, Milton, tell me." Scott looked expectantly.

"You should continue to use your artistic talents and draw a portrait of Professor McGonagall!" Milton said.

"Or painting? But...portrait?" Scott raised his eyebrows, "You mean portrait?"

Milton nodded repeatedly, "Yes. But the colors used in this portrait must have the same expression as the painting you gave to Professor Flitwick."

Scott understood what he meant.

"In other words, combine the way of using color to express magic in the previous abstract painting with the portraiture?" He reached out and touched his chin in thought.

Milton said excitedly: "Yes, I think this is a very good idea! If you can complete it, Professor McGonagall will definitely like it!"

"But... I only have two days to prepare." Scott shook his head. "Although tomorrow and the day after tomorrow happen to be the weekend, these two days may not be enough for me to complete such a painting."

"Oh! I think you don't need to paint so realistically, or you can use an impressionistic painting method?" Milton gave another suggestion.

Milton, who grew up in the magic world, didn't know what impressionism was.

The magic painting techniques in the magic world are similar to the classical oil paintings in the Muggle world, both of which are realistic styles.

But since he appreciated the abstract painting that Scott gave to Professor Flitwick, Milton began to be deeply interested in all art forms in the Muggle world.

And recently Scott has borrowed a lot of books on this subject from him.

"Good idea!" Scott nodded in agreement.

He was once again surprised at Milton's ability to understand art.

He said gratefully: "Thank you, you saved my reputation with Professor McGonagall, Milton!"

"You're welcome, Scott."

Milton was very happy that he could help.

Scott was also excited at this time, and he couldn't wait to pick up the brush and start painting this picture.

"I can't help but want to start writing now!"

He turned and walked to his bed, used Transfiguration to turn the coat rack into an easel and placed it in front of the dormitory window, and then took out a new canvas and a box of oil paints from the Transfiguration Lizard Skin Bag.

He imagined what the painting would look like after it was finished, and used linseed oil to mix the basic pigments.

However, the paintbrush in his hand stopped when it touched the canvas.

"No." He took back the paintbrush, "I shouldn't paint like this."

He put down the paintbrush, stood up, and began to walk back and forth in the dormitory.


At this time, his roommates looked at him strangely.

"Let me think about it!" Scott stretched out his hand to signal them to be silent, "I just suddenly felt that I shouldn't paint like this. There must be a more suitable way to express this painting."


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