The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 492 492. Expulsion, Secret Love, Magic of Love

With everyone's expectations, Dumbledore, who had been a bit talkative today, finally talked about how to deal with Malfoy and the others.

"I regret."

"At a time when teachers and students in the school united to resist the enemy, some of us made different choices..."

"Fire them!"

Over at the Gryffindor table, George and Li Jordan suddenly stood up and raised their arms and shouted.

The two of them acted like they were poking a hornet's nest.

In an instant, most of the students in the auditorium began to shout indignantly.

"Fire them!"

"This is a crime!"

"They should be put in Azkaban!"

The Slytherin students did not shout along, but their faces became very ugly.

Under the gaze of other students, they no longer maintained their straight-backed sitting posture as before, but lowered their heads one after another.

Even Professor Slughorn at the teacher's desk lowered his head and raised his cup to hide his embarrassment.

Scott noticed the helpless expression on Dumbledore's face.

He stretched out his hands and pressed down, trying to calm everyone down again, but it had no effect.

Everyone was shouting to vent their inner dissatisfaction.

"They must be fired!"

Eddie beside Scott was also talking loudly.

"Think about it, if they succeed and those Death Eaters and dark creatures are released into the campus, what will happen to us!"

After hearing his words, the nearby students became even more angry and shouted even more vigorously.

Ding, ding ding ding...

Professor McGonagall knocked on the glass, then simply stood up and put her wand to her throat.


The moment this word came out of her mouth, it seemed to turn into a substantial sound wave, sweeping the entire auditorium instantly.

Next, Professor McGonagall looked around the auditorium with her particularly stern eyes before putting down her wand and sitting down again.

At this moment, everyone shut their mouths and the auditorium became completely quiet.

"Please listen to me."

Dumbledore opened his hands again and pressed down.

"Yes, they made different choices."

He had a look of regret on his face.

"But I don't want to define their behavior as a crime."

"I would say that in my eyes, they are just kids like all of you."

"You are immature, lack independent thinking, are easily influenced by others, and often make mistakes without knowing it..."

"what happened……"

Eddie muttered to Scott unhappily.

"Does Dumbledore want to excuse those little bastards? To be honest, I absolutely cannot accept it and continue to go to the same school as them as if nothing happened."

"Just wait." Scott whispered, "Dumbledore probably won't let things go like this."

After all, Malfoy and the others have caused public outrage.

Several of their parents had already been wanted on arrest warrants after following Voldemort's prison break, so Hogwarts was only allowing them to continue attending school.

It is not that no one protested this in the past, and even many parents of students were dissatisfied with it.

Now that something like this has happened, it is obvious that we can no longer tolerate it.

Otherwise, Dumbledore would just be waiting to receive countless shouting letters.

"...I am very sorry and very sad."

Dumbledore seemed to sigh.

"But I still had to make the decision."

"Finally, we're going to tell you the results." Eddie was a little excited.

Dumbledore raised his voice.

"For four students who have chosen different paths—"

"Draco Malfoy."

"Gregory Gower."

"Vincent Crabbe."

"Pansy Parkinson."

"Be dismissed..."

"Very good!"

Before Dumbledore could finish his words, Ron from Gryffindor couldn't help shouting.

He didn't seem to feel everyone's eyes focused on him for a moment, and smiled to himself, as if he had won the jackpot of a million gold galleons.

Harry, who was sitting next to him, was also pumping his fists and opening and closing his mouth, seeming to be saying, "YES! YES!! YES!!!"

"...Finally, I have one more thing to announce."

Dumbledore continued speaking nonchalantly.

"From now on, Hogsmeade weekend events are cancelled!"

"No students are allowed to leave the scope of Hogwarts' protective magic!"


After hearing Dumbledore's words, a chorus of voices filled the auditorium.

But Eddie said happily: "Ha, this is a good thing, it can be foreseen that our smuggling business will get better."

But the next second, Dumbledore ruthlessly shattered his illusions.

"...In addition, we will also seal all secret passages in the school leading to Hogsmeade."

Dumbledore said this and smiled at George.

"Thank you Mr. Weasley for proactively providing the secret passage entrance and exit..."

"No!god!please no! nooooooooooo!"

George let out a twisted wail of agony.

Dumbledore smiled and ignored him, announcing that dinner was about to begin.

Scott looked at Eddie, who had also lost his dream, and patted him on the shoulder.

"I said, man, you should have made enough this semester. Isn't it easy to sell the Triwizard Tournament peripherals?"

"No, it's selling well," Eddie said, "but I never feel like I'm making enough."

"There's nothing we can do about it."

Milton came over and said.

"I think Professor Dumbledore's decision is correct. It is for our safety."

"I know," Eddie said. "If Death Eaters attack students going to Hogsmeade and then take Polyjuice Potion to impersonate them, they might be able to sneak into Hogwarts."

As he spoke, he sighed.

"War will indeed lead to economic depression. After all, we are not in the arms business..."

After dinner, everyone gathered at the school gate.

Hagrid walked forward with the keys and opened the two doors.

Under the illumination of the moonlight and magic lamp, the scene outside the gate was clearly presented to everyone's eyes——

Nothing unusual.

The bodies and blood were gone, and all traces of the battle had disappeared.

The hard-working house elves have restored everything to its original state, and even the grass on the roadside is so vibrant.

Scott walked to the door.

Not long after, Golzan emerged from the ground in front of him, causing a commotion.

At this moment, two huge shadows were cast in the sky, and Horus and Edgar also fell from the sky.

With the sound of water flowing, a huge water ball floated over from the woods, and Siraine swam happily in the water ball.

"Oh! God!"

Hagrid stepped forward and looked at the four huge "summoned beasts".

"Look at these cuties."

He looked at Golzan with bright eyes, obviously having a soft spot for it.

"Oh, how are you, pretty little one!"

As he spoke, he reached out his big hand and touched Golzan's hideous head.

Scott turned around and saw the unexplainable expressions on other people's faces.

"Oh, Scott."

Hagrid looked at Scott with bright eyes and rubbed his hands.

"Where did you find these little cuties?"

"Sorry, Professor Hagrid, they are all products of Transfiguration."

Scott ruthlessly exposed the truth.

As he spoke, he turned around, waved his wand to restore the "summoned beasts" to their original size, and put them into his pocket.

At this moment, Hagrid's round black eyes became dull, and he also lost his dream.

Scott held Golzan, who was only as big as his index finger, in his hand.

"Of course, it's a real animal."

he told Hagrid.

"The Komodo dragon, also known as the Komodo dragon, can reach 10 feet in length and is mainly distributed in the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia..."

As he spoke, Hagrid's eyes lit up again.

"Of course, they are not magical animals." Scott emphasized again.

But Hagrid obviously didn't care so much. He was already attracted by the appearance of the Komodo dragon, and he was talking about how to get one.

Scott ignored him and turned back to the crowd.

"Oh, they're coming," said George, who was standing on tiptoes.

The gathered crowd parted to make way.

Professor Slughorn led the four expelled students over.

Little Malfoy still looked arrogant, with his thin chin raised high.

But his excessively pale face and twinkling eyes betrayed his inner uneasiness.

Pansy Parkinson lowered her head and followed closely beside him.

She tried to hug little Malfoy's arm several times, but he shook her away.

Goyle and Crabbe each carried two large boxes and stumbled behind Malfoy and Parkinson.

Their chubby faces were full of fear.

A group of people walked through the crowd, and faced the unfriendly eyes of everyone, they walked faster and faster.

Like a frightened bird, he was afraid that he would be beaten up severely by everyone.

Finally, they reached the gate.

Professor Slughorn stopped.

This walrus-like professor usually always gets along with students in an approachable manner, but at this time he looked very serious.

"To be honest, I feel a little guilty."

He spoke in a deep voice to the four expelled students.

"Although it has been less than a year since I took over the current Slytherin House, I am your Head of House after all."

"When something like this happens, I will not deny that I am responsible."

"But I want you to remember that this is your choice."

"In addition, I also hope that you can learn to think independently in the days to come and not let the surrounding environment easily affect your judgment."

"I hope you can understand what true excellence is..."

His words were serious and thoughtful, but they didn't seem to have much effect.

Little Malfoy was still scratching his head, obviously indifferent.

Parkinson still lowered her head, no one knew what she was thinking.

As for Goyle and Crabbe, looking at their blank expressions, you can tell that they didn't understand at all.

"Let's go."

Professor Slughorn waved his hand in disinterest.

"I can only send you here."


Little Malfoy snorted, looked back at everyone, turned and walked out the door.

"Wait for me, Draco."

Parkinson quickly followed and tried to hold Malfoy's arm, but was violently thrown away by him.

Goyle and Crabbe also picked up the boxes and walked out of the door.


Suddenly, Harry burst out of the crowd and ran to the gate.

"You can't go out, Potter."

Professor Slughorn held out his hand to stop him.

"Wait, Malfoy!"

Harry shouted.

Little Malfoy stopped and turned around to glare at Harry fiercely.

"Why, are you laughing at me, Scarhead!"

He scoffed.

"I can tell you, I don't care! Hogwarts was never my only choice, my dad originally wanted me to go to Durmstrang!"

He said a series of words loudly, but he seemed a bit strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

"You never realized your mistake, did you, Malfoy?"

Harry said angrily.

"Think about it, have you done even one good thing since you came to Hogwarts?"

"I'm not you!"

Little Malfoy said slyly.

"The 'savior' of justice, the big star in the magical world, put away your disgusting sense of justice! Don't even think about preaching to me!"

"You're hopeless! Malfoy!"

Harry clenched his fists tightly.

"Go ahead and see if Durmstrang will take over your admission! I bet they won't!"

After saying that, he immediately turned around and walked back to the gate.

Little Malfoy looked at his back, his expression as ugly as if he had eaten a fly.

"Come on, Draco."

Parkinson tugged on his sleeve.

Little Malfoy jerked his hand away, turned around and strode forward.

Watching the four disappear into the night, Professor Slughorn sighed, turned and walked towards the castle.

"Let's all disperse and go back quickly."

Hagrid waved to everyone and closed the door again.

On the way back, Scott heard Ron complaining to Harry.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

He obviously didn't understand Harry's behavior.

"We all know that guy is an asshole, there's nothing to say to him."

"I have no idea."

Harry was also a little confused.

"He is really annoying. He is the guy I hate most in Hogwarts, oh, second only to Snape."

"What's the matter, can't you bear to leave your enemies, Harry?"

George interjected with a smile.

"I have to say that without a tit-for-tat enemy, it will be a lot less fun."

"That's not the case."

Harry denied George's statement, then thought again.

"Maybe it's because... he is the first little wizard of the same age that I met after entering the magic world. Although he gave me a very bad first impression, and he and I will never become friends, but..."

At this point, he was a little confused and didn't know how to express his complicated emotions.

"Oh! Harry! The first peer you met is not me!"

Ron yelled, his attention seemed a little off.

"I know what you're thinking, Harry."

Scott said with a smile.

"On the one hand, you don't understand. You don't understand Malfoy's choice or his thoughts. You think he is ridiculous."

"Maybe." Harry shrugged, "But I can't understand the behavior of many people."

"But Malfoy is special." Hermione interjected. "He is like your opposite, and he is included in your first impression of the wizarding world, so you care about him more."

"Oh, that's such a strange thing to say," Harry said, frowning.

"But it is what it is." Hermione raised her chin.

"Okay, okay, please stop analyzing this matter." Harry quickly begged, "I feel like vomiting..."

Seeing his reaction, several people laughed.

"Hi, Autumn."

At this moment, Harry suddenly changed his face and waved stupidly to Qiu Zhang who was passing by.

"Hi, Harry."

Cho smiled brightly at him, and Harry immediately blushed.

Qiu turned around and asked Scott.

"Scott, do those classmates who are still at Beauxbatons know that you have returned to Hogwarts?"

"Of course they don't know."

Scott suddenly remembered this, so he took out the magic mirror and tried to communicate with Fred.

The call was connected quickly.

"Good evening, Fred."

Scott waved at Fred in the mirror.

"Good evening, Fred."

Everyone else came over to wave and say hello.


Fred opened his mouth.

"What the hell are you doing! Scott! Are you going back?"

"Yes, you must not know what happened today, Fred!" George said loudly with a smile.

"Damn, what happened?" Fred asked very dissatisfied.

"Oh, I'll tell you tomorrow." Scott said, "Tomorrow morning, I will go to France with Professor Dumbledore."

After saying that, he hung up the communication and blocked Fred's [Magic Phone].

Looking at his operation, George gloated and said, "I bet Fred won't be able to sleep tonight."

"But it's hard to explain from such a distance, and it can easily cause panic."

Scott said with a smile.

"Let's talk about it in person tomorrow. With Dumbledore here, I think they will be calmer after hearing it... Oh, by the way."

He looked at Qiu.

"If you need any help to bring to Cedric, give it to me tonight."

"Okay, then I'll trouble you."

Qiu happily agreed, and then ran away with several female students laughing.

Scott noticed that Harry was still looking at his back stupidly, so he patted his shoulder.


Harry was shocked.

"Don't look at it." Scott whispered, "Let's change the target."

After all, Cedric will not get into trouble like in the "original book".

With him around, how could Qiu abandon the tall and handsome Cedric and choose Harry who is younger than her.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Harry smiled panickedly, "What target?"

Scott patted his shoulder again and said nothing.

"Oh, poor Harry, it's okay." George said with a smile, "This is youth."

"I said, I don't know what you are talking about!"

Harry shouted with a red face and quickly slipped away.

Hermione was thoughtful.

Ron asked in confusion, "What are you talking about? What happened to him?"

"It's none of your business, little Luo Luo." George made a face.

He pulled Scott aside and wanted to ask more details about the war that happened today.

Scott did not hide anything and told the story in detail.

Eddie, Milton and Luna also listened to his story, and they took a walk by the Black Lake together.

They only then knew that the Ministry of Magic had also suffered a more fierce siege today.

"So it was all planned?" George understood the whole story, "Do you think Vol... the target of the mysterious man is Harry?"

Scott nodded, "Obviously, don't forget that he wanted to kidnap Harry during the Quidditch World Cup final."

Of course, Dumbledore said that the Ministry of Magic also had something Voldemort wanted.

Combined with the plot of the "original book", Scott guessed that it should be the prophecy ball in the Hall of Prophecy of the Department of Mysteries.

The prophecy that caused Harry to lose his parents was told to Voldemort by Snape after eavesdropping, and Snape only overheard half of it.

Voldemort was obviously very interested in the complete prophecy.

Thinking of this, Scott also remembered the prophecy about himself.

It is said that whenever a true prophecy appears in the magic world, it will be recorded by the prophecy ball in the prophecy hall of the Department of Mysteries.

And the prophecy ball that records the prophecy can only be picked up and interpreted by the person who made the prophecy.

If possible, Scott also wants to destroy the prophecy ball that records his own prophecy.

"What does he want?"

Luna suddenly said in an erratic tone.

"What do you mean?" Eddie asked.

"Voldemort." Luna said the name.

Eddie said: "Isn't it obvious that he wants to rule the magic world."

Luna shook her head.

"I don't think he seems to be doing this seriously."

"Huh?" Eddie didn't understand.

Scott said: "Maybe he did think about ruling the magic world when he was young. In order to win over the pure-blood family, he even proposed the idea of ​​'pure blood supremacy' and established the Death Eaters organization, but that's all in the past."

"What do you mean?" George asked curiously.

Scott organized his words and expressed his opinion.

"Voldemort is just a half-blood. Although he relied on his powerful talents to win over a group of people when he was a student, it is obvious that pure-bloods are unreliable."

"Later, he was no longer friendly to those pure-bloods, but adopted a cruel and high-pressure rule, which shows that he has realized this."

"I think his goal is just to survive, everything is for immortality, oh, and extremely powerful power."

"His goal is to eliminate all those who will threaten him."

"Even if he successfully rules the wizarding world, I think he won't care what the wizarding world will become."

"Maybe you are right, he is a lunatic." George said.

Luna said: "In this way, he is not really a lunatic. He is just extremely self-centered and doesn't care about anyone except himself."

"Isn't this crazy?" George widened his eyes.

"Professor Dumbledore said he doesn't understand love." Luna said, "Obviously that's what he meant."

"Well, this is his weakness, Dumbledore knows his weakness." Eddie said, "But no one knows the magic of love, and no one has ever heard of it, how to defeat him?"

"Who knows, maybe Dumbledore is inventing a magic that represents love."

George had a wild idea.

"When he successfully invents it and teaches us, we can defeat Vol... Voldemort."

Maybe this imagination gave him courage, this time, he bravely said Voldemort's name.

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