The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 504 504. The truth hidden in history

"Oh! There are rewards!"

Rampo stretched his neck and looked at the golden treasure chest on the pillar.

"Go open it!"


Scott stretched out his hand and let the portrait of the Ravenclaw tutor float in the air, then walked forward alone, stretched out his hand and opened the box.

In an instant, the glittering treasure chest became dim, and the brilliant gold on the surface faded instantly, and the whole treasure chest turned into a plain bronze color.

"Gold" becomes "bronze"?

Is it so tricky?

Scott was stunned and looked at the things in the treasure chest.

"What is it?"

Rampo asked curiously.

Scott took out a necklace from the treasure chest.

The necklace is generally silver, and the pendant is in the shape of an eye, with a crystal clear golden gem inlaid in the pendant as an eyeball.

Scott carefully identified the runes engraved on the pendant and understood its meaning.

"Eye of Odin?"

He turned his head and looked at the Ravenclaw tutor in the painting.

"In Norse mythology, Odin traded his right eye to Mimir, the giant who guarded the spring, in order to obtain the Fountain of Wisdom..."

"But there seems to be no magical legend about his eyes?"

"Indeed." Ravenclaw said, "We can't judge the effectiveness of the [Eye of Odin] in your hand based on the legend."

"Let's take a look at this."

Scott took out another roll of ancient animal skin from the treasure chest.

He glanced at the empty treasure chest, turned around and walked to the portrait, unfolding the animal skin roll in his hand.

The text in the animal skin roll is undoubtedly rune.

Scott identified it for a long time, and communicated with Ravenclaw again, and roughly understood the meaning of these runes.

The entire [Tower Extending to the Center of the Earth] was built by wizards who believed in Norse mythology in the past, and it was later than the time when the Stenness Standing Stone was built.

When the Church swept across the entire European continent and people changed their beliefs, they secretly built this temple hidden deep underground under the Stenness Standing Stone.

The so-called "Tower that extends to the center of the earth" is actually called "Gungnir Tower".

The inverted giant tower is undoubtedly a tribute to the Spear of Eternity.

The temple where Scott and his friends are is also named after Odin's palace, the "Golden Palace".

Of course, the ancient wizards who created these did not believe in Odin like Muggles believe in God.

Compared to religion, they are more like a magic school, or a magic association.

This magic school that has disappeared in history is named "Asgard".

The wizards of "Asgard" firmly believe that the Aesir and Vanir in mythology are just a group of powerful ancient wizards.

And the so-called monsters such as frost giants and fire giants are just other magical races different from humans.

And their purpose is to restore the super magic called miracles in mythology by studying the myths and exploring the ruins.

"Incredible, they almost succeeded."

Scott said in an exclamatory tone.

"They restored or created two super magics, one is the space magic 'Yuktrasil' used to create the world, and the other is the attack magic 'Gungnir' that is absolutely inescapable."

"It's incredible."

At this time, the Ravenclaw in the painting was obviously also very surprised.

"They even tried to use the super magic called 'Yuktrasil' to create a world that is different from the Muggle world and belongs entirely to wizards and magic."

Rampaud asked, "In that case, why didn't they succeed?"

"Oh." Scott curled his lips, "It's an old-fashioned story with nothing new. There was a traitor among them."

The story is indeed very old-fashioned and bloody.

The one who betrayed was a witch among the members of [Asgard].

The reason for the betrayal was so-called love.

She fell in love with a bishop in the church and accidentally leaked the secret of [Asgard], causing the entire school to suffer a fatal blow from the church.

Although the secret was leaked unintentionally, the witch seemed to be bewitched by the bishop and finally changed her position.

Of course, her own ending was also very tragic.

Scott sighed.

So, love-brained people are really bad.

When you meet a brainless person who puts love above everything else, the best way is to stay as far away as possible.

Ravenclaw also sighed, "I didn't expect that there was such a truth hidden in the history of wizards."

"Wait." Rimbaud blinked, "The Church? Aren't they Muggles? How could they have the power to compete with wizards who mastered super magic?"

"In the past, there were wizards in the Church."

Ravenclaw explained.

"Before the establishment of Hogwarts, most of the little wizards from Muggle families were taken in by the Church and cultivated into their own extraordinary powers."

"These wizards trained by the Church have firm beliefs and never think that they are the same as wizards."

"Their power will not be called magic, but divine arts."

"They believe that the power they possess comes from God and from devout faith."

At this point, she looked at Scott.

"After the establishment of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, we took the initiative to recruit some little wizards from Muggle families to improve this situation."

"Of course, this is also the reason why Salazar doesn't trust those little wizards. Some of their families are devout believers in the Holy See."

"But the other three of us believe that these students cannot be excluded for this reason. That will only strengthen the power of the Holy See step by step."

"We must tell those little wizards that they are born with magical powers and are not given by the so-called gods."

"I have never heard of this, and there is no record of it in the history of magic."

Scott said in surprise.

"But after seeing this clichéd story, I had this suspicion."

Ravenclaw smiled.

She said: "There are many secrets hidden in the history of magic, some of which are not even recorded in books."

"What now?" Rimbaud asked curiously, "Is there anyone in the Holy See who can use 'divine magic' now?"

"That's exactly what I'm telling Scott."

Ravenclaw said.

"Before I die, the Holy See still has the power to fight the wizards."

"But this situation changed after the 17th century."

"Confidentiality Act?"

Scott remembered the "International Confederation of Wizards' Secrecy Law" that was signed at the end of the 17th century, to be precise, in 1689 and formally established in 1692.

Ravenclaw nodded.

"After waking up, I heard this inside story..."

It turned out that the goblin rebellion that occurred in 1612 was actually instigated by the Holy See.

In order to suppress the goblin rebellion, wizards became more active than ever, which also gave the Holy See the opportunity to persecute wizards.

After this, the relationship between wizards and Muggles reached its lowest point.

Since the early 15th century, the Holy See's persecution of witches and wizards has taken steps across Europe.

This makes people in the wizarding world rightly believe that using magic to help their Muggle neighbors is tantamount to actively adding fuel to their own fire.

Many witches and wizards were imprisoned and sentenced to death for their witchcraft practices.

Although some witches and wizards used magic to escape, others were not so lucky.

They were stripped of their wands and imprisoned in a dungeon, unable to use magic to escape execution.

For example, the ghost of Gryffindor House, Nick, who was almost headless, died like this.

In this context, wizarding families are particularly vulnerable to losing their children, because children cannot yet control their magic, often attracting the attention of the Holy See, and are unable to resist.

Under the leadership of the Holy See, Muggles are increasingly persecuting wizard children, and more and more Muggles are forcing wizards to use magic for them, and burning witches is also increasing day by day.

There are also increasing cases of Muggles being mistaken for witches and being burned.

These became the catalyst for the introduction of the "International Confederation of Wizards' Statute of Secrecy".

At that time, the newly established British Ministry of Magic sent a special delegation to contact the Muggle monarchs William III and Mary II, hoping that Muggle laws would recognize and protect wizards.

This attempt to gain official recognition and protection failed.

Wizards began to move in the opposite direction - going underground and keeping secrets.

After the "International Statute of Secrecy" was signed and came into effect, the wizards completely went into hiding.

Perhaps naturally, they formed their own little communities within the community.

Many small villages have attracted several wizard families, and these families unite to help and protect each other.

This took place over a long period of time, until wizards were socially isolated from Muggles.

But that's just the surface, not everything.

All wizards and wizards have not forgotten the persecution of wizards by the Holy See.

In the following 18th century, after a period of silence, wizards all over the world united secretly for the first time and began to take action.

In Britain, wizards took it upon themselves to orchestrate another goblin rebellion.

The silence they exchanged for the "Law of Secrecy" made the Holy See relax its vigilance, and used the goblin rebellion to divert the Holy See's attention.

Finally, the extraordinary power in the hands of the Holy See was completely eliminated in one fell swoop.

This completely eliminated the possibility of them continuing to recruit young wizards.

It wasn't just the UK, the Wizards were a huge success this time around.

"Magical magic" has completely disappeared all over the world, and not even a few words of record have survived.

"Since then, the Holy See, which has lost its extraordinary power, can only manage Muggles."

"Afterwards, the Muggle government also changed its attitude and began a tacit and limited cooperation with the wizarding government."

"After discussion, the International Federation of Wizards decided to continue to strictly enforce the law of secrecy to avoid another large-scale conflict between wizards and Muggles."

"This is the truth hidden in history, and it is also something that professors will not talk about in the History of Magic class."

"But this is the basis of modern magical history."

"It is also the reason why the political structure of the British wizarding world was formed."

"In the UK, why is the so-called 'twenty-eight holy families' so popular? Almost all wizards and witches acknowledge the special nature of these families?"

"Not only because they have a long history and profound foundation, but also because they played an important role in the war against the Holy See."

After listening to Ravenclaw's story about this hidden history, Scott didn't come back to his senses for a while.

"I see……"

he murmured.

At this time, Rimbaud, who had many questions, asked another question.

"Why did the wizards hide this history?"

Ravenclaw looked at Scott.

"Scott, tell me."

"I think..."

Scott said.

"Of course, it's because hiding it is the best choice."

"Are you talking nonsense?"

Rampaud muttered dissatisfiedly.

Scott laughed.

It took him a while to figure it out.

"I guess that hidden war must have been very bloody and cruel, and some Muggle-born wizards were even eliminated because of their stance."

"Although the Church has lost its extraordinary power, its influence is still unparalleled."

"For the development of the magic world, wizards cannot give up accepting little wizards of Muggle origin."

"After all, wizards are a minority among the minority among humans."

"In short, in order to make the wizarding society more harmonious in the future, everyone decided to conceal this history."

"It's just that the pure-blood family will not forget this history. I'm afraid this is also part of the reason why most of them are always hostile to Muggle-borns."

"The Weasley family is called "pure-blood traitors" because of their closeness to Muggles. I'm afraid this is also the reason."

"I understand."

Rumple nodded seriously.

It tilted its head to look at Scott.

"Oh Scott, you were also born in a Muggle family. Now that you know this, what do you think?"

"What can I think?" Scott said unhappily, "I'm an atheist!"

As he said that, he shook the animal skin in his hand.

"Sure enough, my adventure is not over yet."

According to the records on the animal skin, when [Asgard] was facing life and death, the remaining wizards made a decisive decision.

Two wizards left with some research materials and hid them in the secret realms called "Niflheim" and "Jotunheim".

The remaining wizards cast a curse at the cost of their own lives.

The levels in [Gunganir Tower] and the curse they left behind are not only used to block the invasion of the Church, but also to select "heirs" for them.

They hope that powerful wizards in the future will pass all the tests and come here, accept all their heritage, and realize their ultimate ideals.

"What do you think?" Scott asked Ravenclaw, "About [Agast]'s ideal."

Ravenclaw looked at him, "Create a new world that belongs only to wizards and magic? Do you want to accept such an ideal?"

Scott scratched his head in distress.

"If it can be achieved, there is nothing wrong with this."

Transfer everything related to magic to the new world to isolate wizards and Muggles more thoroughly.

In this way, there should be no possibility of a major conflict between wizards and Muggles in the future.

"But this is not something I can accomplish alone."

He said very realistically.

"To create a new world that encompasses everything in the wizarding world, I am afraid that it will require the joint efforts of all wizards in the world to achieve it."

"Of course, if you want to do it, you have to find many like-minded partners."

Ravenclaw laughed.

"You have decided to continue the adventure and go to find 'Niflheim' and 'Jotunheim', right?"


Scott hesitated.

"I just want to find the super magic called 'Gungnir', and use this super magic that cannot be avoided to defeat Voldemort and Salazar Slytherin..."

Ravenclaw looked at him with an inclusive look and smiled without saying anything.


Scott said awkwardly.

"Since I learned about the prophecy, I have lost my plans for the future..."

"I mean, if I can safely get through what the prophecy says, I am willing to try this goal."

"After all, if this continues, I don't think wizards and Muggles can live in peace in the future."

"Especially when the technology of Muggles is developing faster and faster..."

"Thank you..."

The [Eye of Odin] hanging on Scott's finger suddenly flashed, and a "thank you" came out, and then it was completely quiet again.

Scott was stunned for a moment, and reached out to hold the pendant of the [Eye of Odin].

In an instant, surging magic power surged out of the pendant and blended with the magic power in Scott's body.

At the same time, a detailed message about the [Eye of Odin] was transmitted to him through magic.


He was surprised again.

The so-called [Eye of Odin] is the highest achievement of the [Asgard] school of alchemy.

They judged it to be an alchemy masterpiece that is no less than the Philosopher's Stone.

This gem is the most suitable carrier of the space magic "Yggdrasil".

The gem in Scott's hand, which was the size of his pinky knuckle, could be used to open up a space of about five kilometers in radius with "Yuktrasil".

In other words, this [Eye of Odin] had already successfully opened up a space of about five kilometers in radius.


Scott explained the situation and began to be eager to try.

He waved his magic wand to shrink Rimbaud and the four "summoned beasts", took back the small wooden box, and then held the small picture frame with one hand and activated the space with the [Eye of Odin] in his hand.

A white light door appeared in front of him.

Scott walked in.

Sunshine, blue sky, white clouds, forests, streams.

He came to a new world.

"There is an ecosystem here!"

He stared at the scene in amazement.

Ravenclaw also said: "It seems that their research is more in-depth than we thought."

At this moment, Scott thought that he had an absolutely safe "safe house" and could let all the "summoned beasts" live in it.

For time considerations, Scott did not walk around in the space for a long time.

A forest that looked quite primitive was nothing to see.

Soon, he withdrew and returned to the [Golden Palace] Temple.

"I should go back."

He glanced at his watch.

"There is still time to get some sleep and then go to the last round of the Triwizard Tournament."

Just as he was about to activate the portkey, the pillar in front of him where the treasure chest was placed suddenly began to sink.

Scott stopped.

When the pillar completely sank into the ground, a lonely metal door rose again.

Scott walked to the door, reached out and grasped the huge key on the door and turned it.

The door opened.

He took a few steps back, turned the inflatable boat on the ground back into a robe and put it on his shoulders.

Walking back to the door, he pulled out the bronze key that was almost as long as the wand and walked into the door.

The next second, Scott saw the sea, the cape, the stone circle, and the sunset.

"This is..."

He identified it and found that he was at Brodgar Stone Circle, 1.2 kilometers northwest of Stenness Standing Stone.

Fortunately, the sun was about to sink into the sea at this time, and no one noticed his sudden appearance.

Scott found the [Magic Mirror] and started to contact Dumbledore.

The communication was quickly connected.

"Oh, Scott, you finally came out."

In the mirror, Dumbledore was still at Stenness Standing Stone.

"Professor? I didn't expect you to be waiting for me there... Yes, I'm at Brodgar Stone Circle."


As soon as the voice fell, Dumbledore appeared in front of Scott.


He immediately noticed the difference in Scott.

"It seems that you have gained a lot from this adventure."

"Yes, professor, I..."

Scott was about to share his experience and gains in detail, but Dumbledore raised his hand to stop him.

"Don't worry, Scott." He smiled and said, "You need to rest. I have to say that you look very tired."

"Oh yes."

After receiving the reminder, the excitement passed, and Scott immediately felt the fatigue coming like a tide.

"Yes, sorry, I need a good sleep."

"Of course."

Dumbledore nodded.

"Oh, by the way, Miss Doherty has been taken away by her grandfather."

He told Scott.

"She left a message. If you need a purification ritual, go to the Oak Sea to find her as soon as possible."

"No, it's not necessary." Scott said, "The curse has been purified. You can talk to Mr. Ravenk for details."

As he said, he handed the small picture frame in his hand to Dumbledore, and took the backpack he handed over.

After sorting out his things, Scott and Dumbledore were taken away by Phoenix Fox together.

He returned to the Hogwarts tower on the lawn outside the Beauxbatons School of Magic in France.

After suddenly disappearing for two days, Scott suddenly appeared the night before the third round of the game. Of course, his return triggered inquiries from other students.

Especially Roger and Fred, who shared the same dormitory, expressed strong dissatisfaction with Scott's actions without telling them.

But Scott, who was exhausted physically and mentally, had no time to deal with them. He didn't even have time to eat dinner. He just took a quick shower and fell asleep on the bed.

The next morning, Scott was awakened by hunger.

"Oh, look, our Mr. Warrior has gotten up. I'll go prepare breakfast for you!"

Watching him sit up, Fred deliberately said in a sarcastic tone.

"Hurry up, Roger, why don't you go and prepare water for our Mr. Warrior to wash his face!"

But Roger just watched him act weird and didn't cooperate with him.

Scott rubbed his eyes, "What are you acting, you guy?"

"Of course I'm trying to curry favor with Mr. Warrior!"

Fred continued to be sarcastic.

"After all, the noble warrior no longer considers us friends."


Scott got out of bed and put on his slippers.

"Sorry, it's a little complicated, but I'll tell you."

"Okay, I'm listening."

Fred stretched out his hand and exaggeratedly gestured to his ear.

"Not now."

Scott changed out of his pajamas.

"Let's talk about it after the Triwizard Tournament is over."

Fred said: "Ha! You know, I decided to cheer for Krum and Fleur today."

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