The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 523 523. Give them a surprise

"Okay, let's go and come back tomorrow."

Malfoy didn't seem to want to say any more, so he took his three followers and apparated away.

"They actually learned how to apparate!"

Eddie exclaimed, clearly envious of this.

Roger smiled and said: "Oh, if you also drop out of school, you can also learn and use Apparition secretly, as long as you are not discovered by the Ministry of Magic."

Eddie ignored him and stared at the disappearing cabinet on the surveillance screen.

"They didn't take away the vanishing cabinet, probably because no one would go into this old house."

Roger, "It's an old Muggle house. Wizards obviously won't go there. They just need to cast a Muggle banishing spell to ensure that no one will break in."

Eddie, "But we know that now."

Scott, "Even if we knew, we wouldn't do anything. Professor Moody is still waiting to use the disappearing cabinet to locate the Death Eaters' stronghold."

Milton asked him, "Should I tell the professor about this new discovery?"

"Of course." Scott picked up the [Magic Mirror], "I just need to send this surveillance video to Dumbledore."

He operated as he spoke and quickly sent the video.

"I can guess Professor Moody's plan."

Eddie began to deliver his sermon.

"They'll help fix the vanishing cabinet here at Hogwarts."

"After Malfoy and the others verify it, they will take another vanishing cabinet to the Death Eaters' stronghold."

"When the time comes, either take the disappearing cabinet here away from Hogwarts and ambush it, or kill it through the disappearing cabinet."

"What do you think?"

Roger commented, "Both of the two methods you mentioned are difficult. You must know that the disappearing cabinet is not big and only one person can pass through it at a time."

"Same." Eddie reflected, "I wonder what they will do?"

Milton suddenly reminded loudly, "Don't care what they do, I just know that if we don't leave the dormitory, we will be late for class!"


The four of them hurriedly washed up, changed their clothes, and rushed to the classroom.

During class, Scott sent another message to Dumbledore, saying that he could try to use "Uggtra Hill" to widen the space channel connecting the two disappearing cabinets.

He knew that Dumbledore would most likely adopt option two mentioned by Eddie, and take the initiative to kill Voldemort's Death Eaters and the Dark Legion before they were ready.

If the space passage can be widened, those who pass through first will not have to worry about being attacked by Death Eaters.

Dumbledore quickly sent a reply, saying that he would let Scott try it when the time came.

At noon, Fred and George finally blocked Scott and saw the surveillance video from last night.

"It's really that Malfoy boy."

Fred looked completely unsurprised.

"Oh, poor Malfoy, it seems that his family is not doing well in the Dark Lord's team."

George pretended to be sympathetic.

Then the two started singing together.

"Look, he's trying to gain the favor of the Dark Lord."

"It's really hard work at such a young age."

"It's all because old Malfoy is so useless."

"Oh, look at Parkinson and Malfoy, what a touching love!"

Scott said: "Due to lack of intelligence, we don't know what happened. Now it seems that the Malfoy family and several families close to them have been marginalized in the ranks of Death Eaters."

Fred touched his chin, "But this does not rule out that it was Malfoy's deliberate operation."

"It's possible!" George nodded, "Dad said that the Malfoy family has always been cunning, and what they are best at is adapting to the wind."

Scott was a little surprised, "You mean Malfoy is not optimistic about the future of Death Eaters, so he deliberately marginalized himself?"

Fred, "It's also possible that you're just being vague and leaving yourself a way out."

George, "After Voldemort failed for the first time, old Malfoy relied on his cunning to escape."

Scott thought about it and felt that it was indeed possible.

Voldemort was not a normal person.

If it weren't for more benefits, those pure-blood families would not choose to follow such a leader.

But now Voldemort seems to be even more crazy, and most of the Death Eaters are frightened by his strength and forced to surrender.

Only true lunatics like Bellatrix Lestrange and Barty Crouch Jr. share his interests.

Under such a background, it is not impossible for Malfoy, who has always been cunning, to choose to hold back.

Thinking of this, he smiled and said: "If your guess is true, wouldn't little Malfoy have failed his father's hard work?"

Fred pretended to be mature, "Children who haven't grown up always want to do something big to prove that they are unique."

George nodded: "Little Malfoy is obviously spoiled and has not studied hard with his father. He has always been too childish and easy to understand."

Fred commented, "Although there is some cleverness, it is not really cunning at all."

Scott also felt, "This can be seen from his constant provocation to Harry in the past."

Fred brought up Snape again.

"However, Old Bat is obviously more appreciated by Voldemort than Malfoy and the others."

George showed a look of disgust, "This is what he expected all along."

"Yes." Fred agreed, "Death Eater is really suitable for him."

Scott knew Snape was a double agent, but he didn't say anything.

After all, the fewer people know about such a secret, the better.

It was him who sensed the awakening of the Dark Mark on Snape's hand in Potions class, and Dumbledore gave him a few hints.

Scott had no favorable or unfavorable impression of Snape himself.

Whether it was in his previous life or this life, he had never experienced any unforgettable feelings, and he could not understand such a complex infatuated person.

A calm day passed.

That night, as curfew approached, Scott was called to his office by Dumbledore.

When he arrived, he found the place a bit busy.

In addition to Dumbledore himself, Scott also saw Professor Moody, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Sirius, and Mr. Weasley.

They were all acquaintances, and Scott greeted them politely.

Sirius and Mr. Weasley both smiled warmly at him.

Sirius also patted him on the shoulder, "Scott, I heard that you helped a lot this time."

"It just happened," Scott laughed.

Dumbledore said: "You have indeed been of great help, Scott. I have explained the situation to them."

Then, he asked Scott to show the current real-time surveillance screen.

Scott nodded and took out the [Magic Mirror].

Dumbledore waved his hand and moved the decorations on one side of the wall away, and Scott then projected the surveillance screen onto the wall.

The surveillance screen is divided into two parts, one side is the Slytherin dormitory, and the other side is the old Muggle house.

Under the gaze of everyone, not long after, the owl flew into the dormitory again, used the bead with the repair spell sealed on the disappearing cabinet, and then left.

After the owl left, Professor Moody stood up.

"Let me help them next."

A house elf suddenly appeared and disappeared with him.

The next second, Professor Moody's figure appeared on the surveillance screen.

He pulled out the wand hidden in his crutch and waved it at the vanishing cabinet.

The light of the curse instantly illuminated the entire dormitory.

When the light went out, Professor Moody was taken back to the principal's office by the house elf.

"Is this fixed?" Sirius said, "You didn't even check."

"Don't doubt my judgment." Professor Moody sat down directly.

"Trust Alastor, he's probably the most cautious of us," Shakur said.

"You're right." Sirius stopped questioning.

He looked at another surveillance screen and said in a sarcastic tone: "Oh, my lovely nephew and his little friends have appeared."

Everyone saw four figures in black cloaks appearing in the room on the upper floor of the old roof.

"He really didn't learn anything from his father's shrewdness." Sirius added, "Of course, he didn't learn from his mother's caution."

Dumbledore said: "Don't worry, this child has been punished for the bad things he did, and he has not done anything really evil. We will try not to let those things affect him.

"I didn't care about him." Sirius said stiffly, "He is a Malfoy and has been taught bad things by Lucius."

Dumbledore kept smiling and did not refute his words.

In the surveillance footage, Malfoy began to check the disappearing cabinet again.

Then, he was surprised to find that the disappearing cabinet seemed to have been repaired.

He said excitedly: "We succeeded!"

His friends are also excited.

"That's great, Draco!"

"You're awesome!"

"This will be a big surprise." Little Malfoy couldn't restrain his joy, "We will definitely be rewarded!"

"Let's go back quickly."

"Tell the Dark Lord the good news."

With that said, the two fat men wanted to lift the disappearing cabinet.


Young Malfoy stopped them.

"What's wrong, Draco?"

"I just did an experiment with apples." Little Malfoy said, "We still need further experiments."

"You're right, Draco, we have to make sure it's really useful before telling the Dark Lord." Parkinson said adoringly.

"That's it."

Little Malfoy looked left and right.

"It's you, Gregory." He said to Goyle. "You are thinner than Vincent. You climb in first and try."


Gall was visibly hesitant.

He looked at Parkinson and said, "Pansy is the thinnest, let her be."

"Go if you are told. Do you want to disobey Draco?"

Parkinson kicked him angrily.


Gore obviously still didn't dare.

"Okay, let's try it with small animals first."

Little Malfoy said helplessly.

"Gregory will go in after confirming that the little animals are safe."

"Okay!" Gore agreed happily.

"I'm going to catch the little animals!"

Crabbe apparated away very consciously.

In the principal's office, everyone was staring at the surveillance screen, and no one spoke for the time being.

After more than ten minutes, Crabbe returned to the scene holding a rabbit.

"I caught it in a Muggle's yard." He said happily, "Those Muggles didn't notice me!"

"Well done, Vincent."

Malfoy praised him, reached out and took the rabbit and threw it into the disappearing cabinet.


Goyle and Crabbe shouted together.

Little Malfoy nodded and directed Goyle, "Now you crawl in and catch that rabbit."


Goyle reluctantly got down and climbed into the disappearing cabinet.

Next, Scott saw Goyle's upper body appearing in the Slytherin dormitory.

He crawled out from under the bed, his face full of excitement, and spent some effort to catch the rabbit clumsily.

Then, he hugged the rabbit and got into the disappearing cabinet under the bed.


In the old house, Goyle stuck his head out of the disappearing cabinet and shouted.

"I got to the dormitory and there was still no one living there."

"Very good." Little Malfoy couldn't hide his excitement, "Now, we can report this exact news to the Dark Lord!"

Parkinson screamed, "I knew it would work out!"

"Oh..." Gower cried bitterly, "I'm stuck, please pull me out!"

Parkinson shouted loudly, "Let go of the rabbit in your hand, idiot, it has been crushed to death by you!"

Crabbe helped pull Goyle out of the cupboard.

Goyle threw away the dead rabbit in his hand, and lifted the disappearing cabinet with Crabbe.

"Let's go, be careful and follow."

Little Malfoy said and apparated away, followed closely by Parkinson.

Goyle and Crabbe, who were carrying the disappearing cabinet, took a step slower and hurriedly and clumsily used Apparition to leave.

Perhaps due to carrying the disappearing cabinet, there was a slight error in their apparation.

A cry of pain and a pool of blood were left on the spot.

Mr. Weasley exclaimed, "Split?"

Professor Moody said: "They were lucky, they were just injured and didn't have any limbs left."

Sirius stood up and said impatiently: "Now, let's move the disappearing cabinet to another place."

"Don't worry." Dumbledore shook his head, "Voldemort will not easily believe the words of those children. He will have others verify it again."

Shacklebolt said: "But if an adult wizard comes over, those students in Slytherin House may be in danger."

"Don't worry." Sirius sat down again, "Death Eaters will not harm Slytherin students, they are all family."

Shacklebolt said disapprovingly: "Although the number is not large, there are also some mixed-race children in Slytherin House."

"They will not take action rashly, which will definitely arouse our vigilance." Professor Moody said.

Dumbledore said: "Don't worry, I will keep an eye on it."

Sirius was a little excited, "It seems that after Voldemort sends someone to verify it again, it's time for us to take action."

"Not that fast." Dumbledore added. "To ensure success, Voldemort will be prepared. Our time is not urgent."

Sirius laughed, "Anyway, we'll give them a surprise before they're ready."

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