The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 564 564. It seems it’s not over yet

Scott watched coldly as Medea quickly set up the magic ritual with a bunch of disposable magic stones and other magic materials.

Finally, she took off the necklace on her neck.

It was a silver chain with a small crystal hourglass as a pendant.

She held the pendant in her hand and shook it. The originally calm blue sand in the crystal hourglass floated up quietly, revealing a brilliant and colorful brilliance.

Scott then remembered that this necklace appeared suddenly and had never been worn by Medea before.

Even when she entered the second floor of the white tower before, she didn't have this necklace on her chest.

Could it be that she got it from the tower?

She walked up to Scott and stretched out her hand to put the necklace on his head.

"What is this?"

Scott looked at the necklace and pendant curiously.

"The power of fate deflection."

Medea said with a smile.

Scott heard this and raised one eyebrow high.

"The power of fate deflection?"

He looked at Medea in surprise.

"I thought it was something illusory, invisible and intangible."

"You're right."

Medea nodded gently.

"But because the 'Clairvoyance' is here, my father made arrangements a thousand years ago and finally collected these materials that are enough to trigger the magic ceremony."

"I see." Scott said that he understood, "This is not the real power of fate deflection, but a unique magic material born with the help of fate deflection?"

"That's it."

Medea stretched out a finger and wiped it on Scott's bleeding neck, and then wiped the bloody finger on her red lips.

"It's true."

She licked her bloody lips.

"I thought it was the mercury-like alchemy doll pretending again."

"I was not careful enough this time." Scott said with some annoyance.

Medea said nothing more, just waved the wand in her hand.

Scott's body immediately flew up and landed in the magic ceremony that had been arranged.

At the same time, Slytherin also strode into the range of the magic ceremony.

He looked at Scott, who was trapped by the silver snake and stood opposite him, and smiled.

"The next step is up to you, Medea."

"Yes, father."


Savannah couldn't help but shout anxiously again.

But at this time, Aaron was already in front of her.

"Get out of the way!"

Savannah seemed to be completely anxious, and the long wooden stick in her hand slammed to the ground.

Before Aaron could react, countless thorny vines surrounded and bound him layer by layer.

Those thorns pierced his flesh mercilessly, and Aaron instantly became covered in blood.


Because of the pain, Aaron's face was a little distorted, but he was still trying to smile.

"My dear... sister... you are so cruel..."

As he said, feathers grew on his body.

However, before he completed his transformation, Savannah's spell hit him again, interrupting his transformation process.

Savannah didn't look at him again, and ran towards the magic ceremony with the long wooden stick.

But it was too late.

Medea started the magic ceremony.

In just a moment, Scott and Slytherin in the magic ceremony, including Medea who presided over the magic ceremony, were shrouded by a distorted and brilliant light.

The place where the entire magic ceremony was located seemed to have turned into a different space.

Scott looked at the dazzling light around him. He saw countless distorted figures flashing in the light, and felt that they were like ordinary people struggling to survive in a cruel fate.


Savannah was blocked outside the magic ceremony and shouted loudly.

Through the distorted light, Scott could no longer see her figure clearly.

He only saw bursts of green light flashing, as if she was attacking the magic ceremony, but it had no effect.

In addition to Savannah, the three "summoned beasts" that Scott had released also rushed over to attack, but it was always useless.

Even Golzan, who could easily change the terrain, could not destroy the magic ceremony that had been started by changing the terrain.

Scott retracted his sight and began to observe the magic reaction inside the magic ceremony.

First, the disposable magic stones that were bright red like blood began to melt, and seemed to have turned into extremely thick blood.

Although thick, the color is extremely bright, even shining like a gem.

Soon, other materials also began to melt.

Various colors and the bright red of the melted magic stone converged together, like a colorful splash painting.

But in the end, these colors were successfully assimilated by the blood-like red, and all turned into bright red.

These flowing red liquids became thicker and thicker, like flowing solids, and the luster became more and more shining, like a layer of perfectly cut diamonds.

The shining red soon became regular, forming a complex and difficult to distinguish huge pattern.

At this point, Medea retreated to the edge of the magic ceremony, outside the pattern on the ground.

Scott watched her use the sharp head of the bone wand to scratch her porcelain white wrist, and squeezed out a few drops of blood with difficulty.

In Scott's perception, it didn't look like human blood, but like a blood-colored potion full of magic.

The blood dripped and mixed into the red liquid on the ground.

The pattern on the ground began to glow.

Suddenly, the red liquid that formed the pattern began to roll and elongate like boiling water, and then formed countless long red snakes.

Like a group of snakes dancing around.

Those long snakes stood upright with their upper bodies and kept swimming within the scope of the pattern.

Soon, they surrounded Scott and Slytherin, entangled in them.

Medea stretched out her hand, and the silver snake originally wrapped around Scott shrank, turned into a silver snake-shaped necklace again, and flew back to her hand.

But Scott was entangled in layers of long bloody snakes, and like the Slytherin opposite, almost only two eyes were exposed.

Medea threw away the silver snake-shaped necklace in her hand and re-entered the magical ritual composed of countless bloody snakes.

She casually dropped a few more disposable magic stones, and then took out various materials to add to them.

Scott glanced at her movements and winked at Slytherin.

"You are indeed not without ambition, Medea."

Although Slytherin didn't show his mouth, he was still talking.

Scott felt that he seemed to be using magic power to vibrate the air, and immediately felt that this was a good skill, so he began to learn it secretly.

"My shrewd father, you should have expected this."

Medea said calmly, her hands still busy rearranging the magic ritual.

Slytherin said: "You are my daughter. Faced with such an opportunity and such a temptation, how could you do nothing?"

"But you did nothing and seemed to be acquiescing to me to do all this?"

Medea quickly finished the arrangement, straightened up again, and looked at Slytherin.

"Or are you absolutely confident that you won't let my plan succeed?"

Slytherin laughed twice.

"Do you think this is enough to trap me, Medea?"

As he spoke, the magic power around him suddenly erupted, his arms shook, and the long bloody snake wrapped around him shattered inch by inch.

"of course not."

Medea said, reciting a spell.

The spell was very short, it seemed to only have two syllables, and Scott couldn't hear what she said clearly.

But in just a moment, a familiar blood color surrounded Slytherin's body.


Along with a shrill and piercing cry, bloody light shot into the sky.

When the bloody light dissipated again, Mordred appeared wearing shabby armor.

He held Slytherin's right hand holding the knight's spear with one hand, and the other hand had penetrated his left chest, holding a beating black heart in his hand.

"Arthur! Arthur! Ah ha ha ha ha..."

Mordred squeezed the heart tightly and raised his head and laughed wildly.


Slytherin coughed and pure black blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, the white skin on his face became more transparent, and the black blood vessels under the skin bulged, ferocious and terrifying.

"Well done...ahem...Medea..."

Medea did not look at Slytherin, she had already taken this opportunity to adjust the rearranged magic ritual into another appearance.

After she completed this step, Scott, who had learned to use magic to vibrate the air and speak, asked, "Wonderful, was it you who arranged the rebellious Mordred?"

He felt a little incredible.

He and Savannah met Mordred, and after Mordred arrived on the island, they only arrived at the white tower a few steps behind Medea.

How did Medea arrange it in such a short period of time?

It's impossible to think about it.

This doesn't seem to be in line with Medea's style of acting after planning.


"Did you arrange it in advance? Have you entered Avalon before?"

"Who knows?"

Medea just smiled mysteriously and did not give a straightforward answer like before.

Then she restarted a new magical ritual.

Shrouded in red light.

All the long red snakes were further elongated and turned into extremely slender threads.

Countless red threads were tangled together, forming a mess.

These threads are like silkworms weaving cocoons, wrapping everyone in the magic ritual.

Scott lost his vision, and everything he saw was a red scene.

Soon, he felt that the magic power and physical strength in his body were draining away rapidly, being absorbed by the silk thread wrapped around his body.

He closed his eyes.

A touch of silver spread from his collar and quickly enveloped his entire body.

Scott felt light all over.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already outside the magic ritual and in front of the "summoned beast" Golzan.

"Scott! You're okay!"

Savannah rushed over excitedly and hugged him hard.

At this time, a thin layer of mercury-like substance was fading away from Scott's face and hands, retracting into his collar and cuffs.

"Of course I'm fine."

Scott bared his teeth and took a breath.

This girl was so strong that she almost broke his arm.

Savanna quickly let go of her hand.

"How on earth did you do that?"

She looked Scott up and down.

"It's very simple, let Golzan summon me." Scott said with a smile, "The magic contract between us can summon each other."

He didn't explain much, but looked at the magic ritual that was still running.

Through the distorted and brilliant light, he saw three huge blood cocoons in the ceremony.

The three blood cocoons are of different sizes. Among them, the cocoon wrapping Slytherin and Mordred is the largest, while the cocoon Scott escaped from is the smallest.

"Want to destroy it?" Savannah asked.


Scott took the wand that Savannah handed him and waved it gently.

The last "summoned beast" Horus appears.

Its image is similar to Edgar, wearing golden feathers, wings on its back, and a sharp eagle-beak mask on its face.

"Wind, fire, water, earth!"

Scott ordered.

The four "summoned beasts" immediately took action and were arranged in all directions of the magic ceremony.

The magic bursting from them turns blue, black, red, and yellow.


Scott waved his wand slowly and hard.

The magic power erupted from the four summoned beasts was compressed and solidified, turning into four spears of different colors.

The blue wind attribute spear represents sharpness, the black water attribute spear represents melting, the red fire attribute spear represents explosion, and the yellow earth attribute spear represents heavy pressure.


Scott waved the wand in his hand sharply.

Four rays of light of different colors flashed past, converged together, and hit the running magic ritual at the same time.

Blue, black, red, yellow.

Lights of various colors converge and then explode.

But the intertwined light did not spread too far. Instead, it quickly compressed after spreading and turned into a pure black sphere.

Click, click.

The black sphere shattered, and dazzling white light emerged from the cracks.

"Armor protection."

Scott waved his wand again, and an invisible magic barrier rose, wrapping him and Savannah inside.

Click, click.

There are more and more cracks on the black sphere, and the white light shining through is becoming more and more dazzling.

Suddenly, the black sphere completely shattered.

There is no sound.

Just endless white light.

White light occupied the entire world, dyeing everything white.

Scott first raised his hands to cover his eyes, then took out his sunglasses and put them on.

Fortunately, the white light left just as quickly as it came. After a few seconds, he could see the scene ahead clearly again.

The magic ritual has been completely destroyed, wrapping the three blood cocoons in the ritual.

Medea and Slytherin were both kneeling on the ground, looking a little weak.

Medea looks better.

Although her mouth was bleeding, her skin became more realistic and rosy.

Slytherin held his chest and seemed to put the heart that Mordred had taken out back in again.

Only Mordred has disappeared.

The knight's spear also broke into two pieces and fell to the ground.

Scott took a few steps forward and looked at the Slytherin father and daughter.

"It seems like I won?"

He said in a flat tone.

Slytherin raised his head, looked at him, and then at his "summoned beast".

"Summoning magic?"

It seemed that he sensed Scott's actions at that time.

"Nice ingenuity."

He complimented calmly.

Scott sighed.

"Looks like it's not over yet."

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