The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 578 Extra 003. Lily's Day

"I love you, Anna."

"I love you, Edward, too."

Lily held her hot face with both hands, staring at the handsome man and beautiful woman approaching slowly in the screen without blinking.

"Oh! Lily! You are watching this stupid TV series again on the first day of summer vacation!"

Just then, her brother Albus's mocking voice came from behind the sofa.

"They are so stupid, aren't they? Oh, I'm not talking about the stars you like, I'm talking about the roles they play in the TV series..."

"Shut up!"

The charming atmosphere brought by the TV series was instantly broken, and Lily shouted in a bit of collapse.

Albus was still talking non-stop, "Don't they have to study? They are obviously just students of the magic school! If they were students of Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall would be angry..."

"You are so annoying!"

Lily stood up and pounced on her brother with her teeth and claws, wanting to teach him a lesson.

Albus dodged flexibly.

While dodging, he waved his wand to switch the channel of the TV station, and the voice of the commentator immediately came from the magic TV, accompanied by a burst of cheers.

"Harry Potter has found the Golden Snitch! He has already caught up! Oh! His opponent is following too..."

"Look! It's Dad's game!"

On the TV screen, Harry's figure on a broomstick flexibly passed through the air.

Albus' eyes lit up, and he ignored Lily and sat on the sofa to watch attentively.

Lily, who was standing behind him, was obviously even angrier and silently raised her wand.

Albus didn't even turn his head and put the wand on his shoulder with his backhand.


A flash of red light passed, and the wand in Lily's hand flew up and fell into Albus's outstretched hand.


Lily shouted and clenched her fists.

Albus turned around and made a face.


At this time, a louder voice came from upstairs.

"Are you bullying your sister again!"

Ginny came down from upstairs with a "thump thump" and stared at her son.

"No, Mom." Albus shrank his head and said, "We are just stopping Lily from watching those stupid TV shows about love."

At this point, he became more and more confident and nodded in agreement.

"That kind of illogical TV show will make Lily a fool and fall in love with some stupid boy at school."

"I won't!" Lily retorted loudly with a guilty conscience.

Ginny came downstairs and whispered to Lily: "Oh, dear, you are only in the third grade, it may be too early to fall in love."

Lily muttered softly, "This is not fair. Uncle Ron said that you liked Dad before you were in the first grade..."


Ginny coughed awkwardly.

She glared at Albus fiercely, and said to Lily gently: "At that time, I just admired him. Your father is very famous. Children in the wizarding world admire him. We officially got together when I was in the fifth grade."

"Oh, Lily must have a boy she likes." Albus said loudly.

"I don't!" Lily stamped her feet angrily.

At this moment, the commentator's high-pitched voice came from the magic TV again.

"He caught it, Harry Potter caught the Golden Snitch, he dominated the game!"

"Oh! Dad won!"

Lily immediately forgot her anger and leaned in front of the TV to watch.

The screen was a close-up of Harry at this time. He held the Golden Snitch high in his hand with a bright smile on his face.

Although he was not young anymore and even had two deep wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, he was still an excellent seeker.

"Is Dad about to retire?" Lily asked softly.

Ginny said: "Yes, this is the last year of his career."

At this moment, the door opened and a tall figure walked in from outside.

"Oh, did Dad win again?"

The handsome young face of the visitor was wearing a bright smile, exactly the same as Harry on the TV screen.

"Oh! James!"

Lily cheered in surprise, rushed over to hug her eldest brother, and asked questions non-stop.

"You're back! How is it? Is Asgard University fun? How is it different from Hogwarts? By the way, have you found a girlfriend?"

"Too many questions. I remember I wrote you a letter." James raised his hand and tapped her head gently, "And we should use the magic phone to video chat more often."

Lily said coquettishly, "I want to hear you tell me about your university life in person! I'm so curious about everything there!"

James saw Ginny and Albus looking at him curiously, so he decided to sit down and talk to them.

"I'll ask first."

Albus asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

"First of all, congratulations on your admission to Mr. Trollope's 'Rambo Classroom'. Tell me, is Mr. Trollope's teaching interesting? What did he teach you? Can he make you as powerful as him?"

When he talked about Mr. Trollope, his eyes were shining, full of admiration.

"Here we go again." Lily couldn't help curling her lips, "I don't worship my favorite stars like this..."

Albus rolled his eyes fiercely, "Those stars are just actors, how can they compare with Mr. Trollope..."

Lily continued, "Mr. Trollope created an independent wizarding world, he is the greatest wizard of the 21st century..."

She shrugged, "I already know what you say."


Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, James quickly stopped them.

"Okay, okay." He said, "Do you still want to listen to me?"

Hearing what he said, Lily and Albus immediately became "obediently" quiet.

James began to talk about his college experience.

"Although Asgard has many outstanding professors, and they have all set up coveted classrooms, 'Rambo Classroom' still has the largest number of applicants..."

"Professor Trollope has set up levels to test us. We need to use various knowledge to pass his test, such as transformation, spells, alchemy..."

"The specific level content? Oh, this is something that needs to be kept secret. In short, what he is testing is the overall quality of a wizard..."

"...In the end, only ten students were recruited in total, and I was one of them..."

"Classes are very interesting. Unlike at Hogwarts, in college, there are relatively few theoretical classes and most of the time are practical classes..."

"...We also followed Professor Trollope to the Muggle world to help the wizards who originally lived in South America complete their relocation..."

"...Next school year we will go to a magic place in the Far East..."

James spoke with great enthusiasm, and both Lily and Albus listened with interest, their expressions full of envy.

Ginny sat aside, listening to the children's conversation, and couldn't help but think of her own school days at Hogwarts.

Who would have thought that the senior who was relatively familiar at the time would eventually become the most powerful wizard recognized in the entire magic world...

James' "story meeting" lasted all afternoon and didn't stop until Harry got home, but Lily felt that it was still unfinished.

After dinner, she began to pester her father about opening an elective classroom in Asgard.

Harry didn't want to say more.

"You will know when you graduate from Hogwarts and enter Asgard." He said to his youngest daughter with a smile.

"That's too long!"

Lily was very unhappy.

"Before I went to Hogwarts, you didn't tell me how you were sorted! You made me worry so much that I couldn't sleep before going to school!"

At this time, everyone in the room laughed.

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