The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 58 058. Night talk after returning and morning watching

Scott opened the door of the dormitory carefully, but unexpectedly heard the voices of his roommates talking.

So he stopped walking quietly and walked in normally.

"Scott, you're back!"

In the dark, Eddie's voice was inexplicably excited.

"Good evening, you haven't slept yet?"

Scott closed the door and walked to his bed.

He put his gloves on the table, took off his cloak and hung it on the coat rack.

"What did you do, Scott?" Milton asked worriedly.

Roger followed, "Eddie pretended to know everything, but deliberately didn't say it."

"Me, you will know it tomorrow morning."

Scott quickly changed into pajamas and climbed into bed.

"Tell me about you guys, is there anything that I don't know about? You are still discussing it?"

"Oh! That's right!" Roger said excitedly, "Of course you don't know, a strange incident happened in the Classical Music Club."

Scott asked in surprise: "Classical Music Club? Milton?"

Roger said again: "No, not just Milton, in fact I was there when it happened!"

"You?" Scott was even more surprised.

He always thought that Roger and the Classical Music Club should be two parallel lines that do not intersect each other.

Fortunately, Eddie immediately sent him information, "Roger's new girlfriend Caccini Strozzi is also a member of the Classical Music Club. Today... oh, he accompanied Miss Strozzi there after the dinner yesterday."

"Okay." Scott understood.

He asked again: "So what happened in the Classical Music Club?"

"Organ sound." Milton said in a dreamy tone, "We heard the organ sound coming from somewhere."

"So?" Scott was a little confused.

Milton explained: "You should know, Scott. The organ is a very large instrument. Moreover, we have never seen such an instrument in Hogwarts."

Scott understood their thoughts: "So you suspect that there is a secret room with an organ hidden near the classroom of the Classical Music Club?"

"That's right."

Milton's tone was full of longing.

"You didn't hear it. The song that sounded tonight was so beautiful! I wonder who was playing it? It might be a ghost musician who never appeared in front of us."

Roger said helplessly at this time: "Many people were scared at the time, and only Milton stayed there to appreciate the sound of the organ."

Scott first endured it, but finally couldn't help saying to them: "Have you ever thought that it might just be someone using a clockwork phonograph."

But he didn't expect that Milton was not disappointed after hearing his words, but became more excited, "Is it the kind of Muggle technology that can save music and play it? Oh! I really want to try it!"

At this time, Roger said with great annoyance: "Oh! Why didn't I think of it! No one thought of this at the time!"

Scott felt that this was inertial thinking.

Because this is Hogwarts, no matter what happens, people will always subconsciously have some mysterious associations.

Early the next morning, Scott dragged Eddie out of bed.

"Wake up." He patted Eddie's shoulders twice, "Eddie! It's your turn!"

Eddie rubbed his eyes and barely cheered up.

"Okay, watch me."

He quickly got dressed and quietly slipped out the door.

Scott couldn't help yawning. He slept too late at night and was a little depressed.

Eddie was professional in grasping rumors, not to mention that the "shocking style" content concocted by Scott was really explosive. By breakfast time that day, the newly appeared "message" had spread among all the students.

Although the students who knew something about Dementors just regarded this rumor as a joke, some students who had no idea what Dementors were chose to believe it.

In short, although the so-called content that Gaunt and Dementors gave birth to an heir sounded fake, the students with boring lives were happy to discuss such a curious topic.

Scott, who was sitting at the long table of Ravenclaw, was eating breakfast. After hearing the students' enthusiastic discussion around him, he raised his cup of milk and clinked it with Eddie's cup, then turned his head and gestured to the Weasley twins.

George and Fred, who were still a little dazed, also smiled and raised their cups.

Before the first class, a large number of students began to gather in the corridor on the third floor. They all came to see the new messages with their own eyes.

Scott followed the students of Ravenclaw here.

He walked inadvertently to the window where the lens was installed, and implicitly activated the two puppets hidden under the vines on the outer wall.

Just like he said to the twins, these two puppets were made by him after disassembling many sets of wizard chess and using transfiguration.

He could give them some simple and repetitive instructions to complete some mechanical labor.

Just like now, he asked a puppet to press the shutter every 3 minutes, and a roll of film can shoot 36 negatives, so the other puppet will be responsible for changing the film every 108 minutes.

Although there will be some errors, it is enough.

"Scott, you?"

Roger came over, quietly pointed at the wall, and looked at Scott with an inquiring look.

Scott just smiled and didn't answer him.

Roger seemed to understand something, and didn't ask again.

At this time, more and more students gathered around.

The attitude of students in each college was different.

The expressions of Slytherin students were very strange. The content of the message seemed to be just a rumor against the Gaunt family, and it seemed to have nothing to do with them.

But the fact that it involved "the heir of Slytherin" made them particularly uncomfortable.

Most of the Gryffindors were watching the joke openly, and many people even pointed at the Slytherin students and laughed from time to time.

The Hufflepuff students were more low-key. They basically gathered together and whispered, and no one deliberately provoked Slytherin.

Ravenclaws generally stood farther away, and many people were watching all this with a scrutinizing eye.

Of course, there was no lack of discussion.

At least Scott heard some Ravenclaw students nearby discussing the permanent sticking spell, while others were guessing who did it and why.

What's even more ridiculous is that he even heard someone seriously discussing the possibility of wizards and Dementors combining.

This topic almost made Scott slip his back.

People think that Ravenclaw is a bunch of lunatics, and there is a reason for that, he thought.

"Although I don't know who did it! But he will definitely pay a heavy price!"

Malfoy's voice came from the other side, and he was speaking angrily in a voice close to screaming.

"The heir of Slytherin does not allow any insults!"


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