The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 62 062. A terrifying moment after midnight

Scott turned the chairs in the classroom into three sleeping bags, and then took a nap.

When he was woken up, it was already past midnight, past 3 a.m.

"Is there anything going on?" He sat up to check the time and asked George who woke him up softly.

George was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes. He just shook his head at Scott and quickly got into the sleeping bag and fell asleep in a second.

Scott got up, took out his wand and turned the sleeping bag back into a chair.

He yawned, walked to the old desk and sat down.

There was only a short candle left on the table. Scott supported his head with his hands and looked at the Marauder's Map on the table.

On the Marauder's Map at this time, everyone's name was still.

Scott looked for the location of Gryffindor Tower and confirmed that Ginny's name was also in the dormitory.

At this time, he couldn't help but doubt his plan.

Maybe Tom Riddle could think that the message was someone who wanted to deliberately irritate him, so he kept his temper?

Or maybe Ginny didn't mention this in her conversation with the diary?

In short, there seemed to be too many reasons that could lead to the failure of this plan.

Scott silently noted it in his heart and began to examine himself.

Seriously speaking, he thought he was only cautious, but he was not good at any conspiracy.

His life in his previous life was as plain as water, and there was no need to use conspiracy at all.

After this plan, he has fully realized his shortcomings in this regard.

In just two days, the plan that was once full of confidence has been adjusted several times, and there are some elements of assumptions and gambling in the plan.

Now self-examination, he suddenly felt that this plan was just some small cleverness that was not up to the table.

And it was based on the premise of knowing some of the content of the "original book".

If such a plan can succeed, it can only mean that he is lucky.

Sure enough, practice makes perfect.

Scott sighed secretly and decided to practice more times in the future.

Now, I can only hope that my luck is really good this time.

Scott stared at the Marauder's Map on the table, but his mind had already flown away.

He began to think about what he would do if this plan failed.

If he just wanted to ensure his own safety in the "Chamber of Secrets", it would not be too difficult.

But he still had three roommates.

Roger and Milton from the same class had been with him for more than three years, and Eddie, who was in the third grade this year, had been with him for more than two years.

Although the four people in their dormitory had different personalities, they had always had a harmonious relationship with each other.

Scott didn't want to see anything happen to them.

Because none of the four of them were pure-blood wizards.

Roger and Milton were mixed-blood, and Scott and Eddie were pure Muggle-born.

In other words, they were all likely to be in danger.

But if the "original plot" remained unchanged, Scott could only ensure his own safety at most.

So he decided.

Even if this plan did not yield any results, he must talk to Professor Flitwick about the strange voice heard by the "savior" Harry Potter.

At this time, the candle on the table burned out, and the candlelight suddenly went out, pulling Scott back to his thoughts.

He simply stood up, picked up the Marauder's Map on the table, walked to the window, opened the curtains a little, and took a look in the moonlight.

This one look gave him a shock.

On the map, Ginny's name began to move.

Scott turned his head and looked at George and Fred who were sleeping soundly on the ground, and did not choose to wake them up.

After all, she was their sister. If these two guys saw Ginny sneaking out of the dormitory at this time, they might not be able to help but run to her.

Thinking of this, Scott simply took out his wand and whispered a spell, and quickly gave George and Fred a Stunning Spell.

Then, he kept staring at Ginny's name on the Marauder's Map, watching her run all the way from the eighth floor where the Gryffindor common room was located to the third floor.


Scott gently pushed open the window, the wand passed through the air, and the black raven flew out silently.

Soon, he heard the rough cry from the night sky, three times in a row.

And when the three crows sounded, the puppet responsible for operating the camera would start the continuous shooting mode.

Scott stared at the Marauder's Map in his hand.

Ginny's name had already walked to the corridor where the "message" was located, and then stayed there for more than ten seconds.

Then, she walked into the women's bathroom and quickly disappeared from the map.

Scott's breathing became a little heavy.

Ginny entered the Chamber of Secrets!

It seems that he may get the film with the image of the basilisk this time!

He took several deep breaths and forced himself to calm down.

At this time, he guessed that the other party should be unable to destroy the message on the wall, so he sought the help of the basilisk.

After all, no matter how strong Tom Riddle was, the Ginny he controlled was just a little witch who had just entered Hogwarts not long ago, and the power she could exert should be limited.

But the poison of the basilisk can corrode the iron wire that constitutes those letters.

Not long after, Ginny's name appeared again.

Although the basilisk was not shown on the Marauder's Map, Scott guessed that the basilisk was next to her at this time.

Otherwise, she would not be able to climb up from under the Chamber of Secrets in such a short time.

At this time, something happened that surprised Scott.

On the map, Ginny's name did not return to the corridor where the message was left, but walked towards the empty classroom where he was.

Was he discovered?

Scott's mind was a little confused for a moment, but the next second, he forced himself to calm down.

He didn't even have time to think about what was going on, and he reacted as quickly as possible.

He quickly pushed open the largest window outside the classroom, and stuffed the Marauder's Map in his arms.

Then, he quickly chanted spells and swung his wand.

The magic formed a series of slightly lit beams of light that shuttled through the air.

The three old desks instantly turned into three giant eagles.

Two of the giant eagles took the lead, grabbed the twins' sleeping bags with their claws, and took the two out of the windowsill and flew high into the sky at a very fast speed.

At this time, Scott could already hear the footsteps outside the classroom, as well as the sound of reptiles' scales rubbing against the ground.

He quickly climbed onto the giant eagle's back, and finally waved his hand to cast a few disappearing spells.

All the films and developing tools in the classroom, as well as the still warm candle wax on the desks, disappeared.

At this time, he was extremely glad that he had cast several spells on the classroom door before, so that people outside the door could not hear the sounds in the classroom.

Knock knock knock...

Outside the classroom door, there was a gentle knock on the door.

Then, there was a strange voice outside the door.

Hiss hiss hiss... Hiss hiss hiss...

Scott waved his wand decisively again, and the last giant eagle jumped up and carried him out of the window.


There was a knock on the door.

The giant eagle carried Scott and flew high into the sky quickly, landing on the top floor of the Hogwarts Astronomy Tower.

Scott landed on his feet, waved his wand, and the three giant eagles turned into three old desks again.

He glanced at the twins, who were still sleeping soundly in their sleeping bags.

Scott breathed a sigh of relief and took out the Marauder's Map from his arms and started to read it.

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Thanks to several readers for their tips: Drunken Talk, Wake-up Flowers, Heath Iced Tea, Yu Lili, and those who read novels.

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