The Wind and the Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 69 069. Principal's Office, sumptuous afternoon tea

Shortly before 4 p.m., Scott and the Weasley twins met on the third floor and came to the entrance of the principal's office.

Guarding here is a huge and extremely ugly stone statue of a gargoyle.

"Good afternoon, George, Fred." Scott greeted the two of them with a smile, "How are you, have you made up the story?"

George patted his chest very confidently, "Of course, we have more than ten years of mature experience in this area."

"As long as we are serious, no one will be able to see through our lies!" Fred also raised his head and said proudly.

"That's good." Scott smiled secretly and nodded to them.

He turned to the stone statue and spoke the password that Dumbledore had told them in the morning.

"Chilled lemon juice."

After hearing the password, the stone statue guarding outside the entrance immediately came to life and jumped to the side. The stone wall behind it slowly opened to both sides.

"Let's go."

Scott walked in first.

Behind the wall was a spiral staircase that was slowly moving upwards, like an escalator.

When the three of them stepped onto the stairs, they heard the wall behind them closing again with a roar.

Then they stood on the stairs, rising higher and higher as the stairs continued to rotate.


George and Fred were like little kids riding an amusement park ride for the first time, looking nervous and excited.

But their excitement didn't last long, as the stairs soon came to a halt.

Scott walked down the stairs and saw a shiny oak door in front of him, with a brass knocker in the shape of a griffon hanging on the door.

He raised his hand and knocked on the door. George and Fred stood aside fussily adjusting their robes.

The door opened.

"Welcome." Dumbledore's voice came from inside, "Mr. Trollope, the two Mr. Weasleys."

Scott and the others walked into this extremely spacious circular office and observed the furnishings inside.

The portraits of previous principals hanging on the wall, the spinning silverware that spewed smoke, the sorting hat on the shelf, and the phoenix standing on the branch, everything seemed novel and interesting.

Dumbledore was sitting behind a huge table with several three-tier snack racks, looking at them with a smile.

"I would rather call you by your Christian names more affectionately, Scott, George, and Fred." He pointed at the three thin footstools in front of the table, "Come and sit down."

He sniffed at the sweet snacks on the table, "Oh! I can't wait."

Scott and the twins walked to the table and sat down. He saw that the twins were rare and a little reserved.

"Of course, you can call us by our Christian names, Professor." Scott said with a smile.

"After all, there are five Weasleys in the school now!" George seemed to relax a little and made a joke.

"Oh, of course, I've been through more than five Weasleys." Dumbledore laughed too.

"And what would you like to drink, gentlemen?" he asked.

Scott chose black tea, and both George and Fred chose pumpkin juice.

Dumbledore tapped the table with his wand, and steaming drinks immediately appeared in the cups in front of them.

"You can add milk and sugar yourself, that's great. Let's enjoy afternoon tea together."

He couldn't wait to cut a piece of chocolate cake and put it in front of him, picked up the silver spoon and took a bite.

"Delicious." He said intoxicatedly, and motioned to Scott and the others to move too. "You should hurry up and choose what you like. Don't be polite."

Scott nodded and chose a sandwich.

This was the only thing on the table that wasn't dessert.

George chose jam muffins and Fred chose bread and butter.

"It seems you like the traditional way of eating." Dumbledore said to Scott.

Scott was stunned for a moment before he understood what he meant.

The three-tier snack rack of British afternoon tea is generally eaten from bottom to top, from salty to sweet.

He nodded and didn't say that he wasn't that particular, he just didn't have that much love for sweets.


Dumbledore waved his wand again.

The camera belonging to Scott, two small puppets, and the simple periscope appeared on the table.

“Very interesting little invention.”

He clicked with his magic wand, and the two little puppets immediately ran around the table and lifted the sugar cube bowl in front of him.

This is much more flexible than before when they could only execute Scott's orders and perform repetitive mechanical actions.

"Is it inspired by wizard chess?"

Dumbledore said as he watched the puppet add a sugar cube to his cup.

"Yes, Professor." Scott was also staring at the two little puppets.

Dumbledore looked up at him, smiled and asked, "You should be wondering, did I use magic to control the movements of these two puppet gentlemen?"

Scott nodded.

Dumbledore picked up a spoon and stirred the thick black tea in the cup.

At the same time, the two little puppets began to dance on the table.

"The answer is no manipulation." Dumbledore said, while looking at Scott expectantly.

"You know why, Scott."

The opportunity to ask for advice has been presented to him, and of course Scott will follow the stick.

"Sorry, Professor." He shook his head. "Although I have tried many ways to do this, the result is as you can see... Maybe you would like to give me a tutoring class?"

Dumbledore smiled and said: "Of course, I am willing to teach outstanding students. However, you need to tell your understanding of this transfiguration first."

"No problem at all."

Scott sorted out his thoughts and then said: "Leave aside the transformation of animals and human bodies. In my opinion, the 'works' obtained after transforming dead objects into 'living objects' can be roughly divided into two types." , or two stages.”

Dumbledore nodded slightly, indicating for him to continue.

"The first one is like this."

Scott took out his wand and turned a spoon on the table into a sparrow.

The sparrow chirped, jumped around on the table, and combed its feathers with its beak, making it look lifelike.

"Wonderful." Dumbledore praised softly.

Scott continued: "This level of transformation has limitations. Although the sparrow looks the same as a real sparrow from the outside, it can only perform a few simple movements that are programmed."

Although the sparrow on the table looks very vivid, if you look closely, you will find that its movements are repeated, like a looping video.

"If you want to make it truly feel like life..."

Scott stretched out his wand and clicked it again, and the sparrow immediately flew up, stopped in front of Fred and began to peck at the crumbs he dropped on the table.

"This requires me to use magic to control it all the time." Scott said, his eyes always staring at the sparrow.

"When it leaves my sight, it will be the same again."

At this point, he looked away.

The other three saw the sparrow start to repeat the same actions at the beginning.

"Of course this is just a demonstration." Scott said, "It doesn't have to be eye contact. As long as my magic power can sense it, I can control it."

This time he didn't look over there, but the sparrow suddenly flew up and pecked the bread in Fred's hand.

"That's it."

Scott turned a deaf ear to Fred's protests and began to conclude.

"In my imagination, if you want to use such a transformation technique to do something, although the wizard can control multiple 'works' at the same time after training, there is an upper limit."

He looked at the two little puppets dancing on the table.

"So I have been trying to transform into 'works' that can move on their own, and they are the immature results of this attempt."

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